Where do orphans come from? Besides, there is no one in the Zheng family. Where are the relatives from?

"Ling Yan, who are you? Why haven't I heard of you in the past? " Li Wenfeng asked curiously.

Zheng Lingyan smile, "I'll tell you later, don't worry."

Seeing Zheng Lingyan's charming smile, Li Wenfeng was immediately intoxicated. As the saying goes, "I'm the only one you have, but I'm as drunk as a dog.".

When you meet someone you really like, every smile and every twinkle will make you feel great.

"You may wonder why I have relatives." After Zhao Chengfeng came to the stage, Zheng Lingyan pulled Zhao Chengfeng, took the microphone from the master of ceremonies, and said: "in fact, he is not my family member in the strict sense, because I am an orphan, and my favorite grandfather has died. Although I took over the banner of Zheng's group, the company went bankrupt for some reasons."

"I was once frustrated, and even went to my grandfather's grave to cry, say goodbye, or even commit suicide. But it was the man in front of me who saved me. His name was Zhao Chengfeng. He gave me a lot of help and encouraged me to face life again."

When they heard the words, they nodded.

"Fortunately, the boy appeared, otherwise such a beautiful girl would have died."


"It's common sense that saving lives is equal to relatives."

"Mr. Zheng is a man of love and righteousness."

Zheng Lingyan light smile, pressure hand, wait for the following quiet some, suddenly loud way: "now I announce a thing to you, please listen to me."

The people at the scene were very proud. They were quiet all of a sudden and looked up to the stage one after another.

"He is my man, I am Zheng Lingyan, life is his man, death is his ghost!"

Zheng Lingyan took Zhao Chengfeng's arm, word by word. Her voice was not big, but she was resolute.

However, the scene suddenly burst open, this, this is not Oolong?

It's clearly Zheng Lingyan's engagement party with Li Wenfeng, but when it comes to the front foot, in front of Li Wenfeng, Zheng Lingyan solemnly announces that her man is what kind of wind, isn't that beating Li Wenfeng's face?

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is Zheng Lingyan crazy?"

There was a lot of confusion at the scene. The emcee came forward in embarrassment and said in a low voice: "Ms. Zheng, are you mistaken? Aren't you going to be engaged to President Li? You... "

"I made it very clear that he is my man, my man's name is Zhao Chengfeng!" Zheng Lingyan once again affirmed that, with that, surprisingly, Zheng Lingyan actually took the initiative to kiss Zhao Chengfeng's mouth.

"Damn it

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng finally understands Zheng Lingyan's mind. This NIMA is not here to get engaged to Li Wenfeng, but to humiliate Li Wenfeng. Li Wenfeng set up the banquet in a big way, but in the end, he completed Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan.

For example, Li Wenfeng spent his whole life searching and saving enough money to buy a house. After the house was decorated, he bought furniture, and finally bought a car. He asked the matchmaker to tell him a daughter-in-law. The bride price was also given, and the banquet was arranged. When he was about to enter the bridal chamber, the bridegroom was not Li Wenfeng, but Zhao Chengfeng.

It's not about the green hat, it's about the face!

"Zheng Lingyan, what do you want to do? You are... "

Li Wenfeng couldn't help it any more. The first time Li Wenfeng could be Zheng Lingyan, he said something wrong. But the second time, Li Wenfeng couldn't bear it, because Zheng Lingyan not only called out her man's name, but also took the initiative to kiss Zhao Chengfeng's lips!

It's humiliation, it's beating yourself in the face in front of everyone. After today, it must be said that Li Wenfeng was about to marry his daughter-in-law, but he ran away with other men.

How can Li Wenfeng endure such humiliation? Immediately a face was black enough to drip water. If there were not many people present, Li Wenfeng really wanted to slap Zheng Lingyan!


However, Zheng Lingyan slapped Li Wenfeng and said, "Li Wenfeng, don't you think I don't know what you've done?"

"You... You beat me..." Li Wenfeng felt his hot face and was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Zheng Lingyan dared to beat herself. This is something Li Wenfeng couldn't understand even after she died.

The scene was as silent as death, completely shocked by what happened on the stage. What happened to NIMA? The original bride to be suddenly abandoned the original groom, but how can she beat the original groom?

The most important thing is that Li Wenfeng is not an ordinary person now. Zheng Lingyan, a penniless woman, has the courage to fight a wealthy tycoon?

Where did she come from?

"It's unusual today."

Soon someone came back to the scene and began to talk in a low voice.

"Yes, the bridegroom just changed people, and he did it in public. There must be something hidden in it."

"Nonsense, there is no secret. Is it necessary to hit people?"

"I hit you!"

Zheng Lingyan pointed to Li Wenfeng's nose and said, "Li Wenfeng, you are a gentle scum. Do you think I don't know what you did behind your back? How dare you say that the collapse of Zheng's group has nothing to do with you, and how dare you say that Zhang Feng, who fled with fear of crime, has nothing to do with you? "

"Crazy woman, what are you talking about?" When Li Wenfeng heard this, he heard a "bang" in his head, and almost died of fright.

No way. How does she know it's about her?

"I'm talking nonsense? Ha ha. "

Instead of being angry, Zheng Lingyan laughed and ignored Li Wenfeng. On the contrary, she said to the public, "Dear bosses, my Zheng group is bankrupt for some reasons, and some of the reasons here are Li Wenfeng! I... "

"Zheng Lingyan, shut up

Li Wenfeng is furious. He is about to grab Zheng Lingyan's microphone, but Zhao Chengfeng stops him.

"But I don't have any evidence. Today I came to the scene only for three things. First, I want to tell you that my man is Zhao Chengfeng. My life is his man and death is his ghost; Second, I, Zheng Lingyan, will make a comeback. I hope you can take care of your business in the future; Third, believe it or not, Li Wenfeng is a son of a bitch. If you want to do business with him in the future, you must be careful not to be cheated by him. "

"Zheng Lingyan, you stinking whore, talk nonsense again, believe me or not..." Li Wenfeng was so angry that he was furious.


Zheng Lingyan slapped her back and said, "scum, I'll take back everything that belongs to me. You wait for me!"

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