"Smelly watch, Laozi..."

Angry Li Wenfeng can no longer control, rushed up to fight Zheng Lingyan. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng was stopped, Zheng Lingyan a pair of hate Tiangao kicked in the past.


Zheng Lingyan also angrily kicked in the past, with a lot of strength, the heel just hit Li Wenfeng's abdomen, like a needle in general pain.

"You are not a watch, can you give birth to such a son of a bitch? Are you a watch? Your whole family is a watch. Hum Zheng Lingyan roared like a crazy woman, so that Li Wenfeng could not speak.

As a matter of fact, Li Wenfeng is too painful to speak at the moment. This foot is too cruel. Although Zheng Lingyan is a woman, she has a lot of strength. The key is to wear thin heels, and the pressure is small, so the pain is more obvious.

"Honey, let's go, hum!"

Zheng Lingyan let out her anger and put her arms around Zhao Chengfeng. Under the gaze of the crowd, they left with high spirits. Although there were a lot of Li Wenfeng's people at the scene, Li Wenfeng didn't speak, and no one dared to stop him.

Most importantly, many people at the scene began to savor Zheng Lingyan's words.

As the saying goes, there is no unprovoked love, there is no unprovoked hate. Why does Zheng Lingyan want to give Li Wenfeng a big mouth on such a big occasion and tear down Li Wenfeng's platform? There must be a big grudge.

Combined with the relationship between Li's group and Zheng's group, many people actually understand it. Although Zheng Lingyan curses and fights like a crazy woman, it doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with her.

As soon as Zheng's group went bankrupt, Li's group bought Zheng's group at the lowest price. Far from that, the ready-made office buildings are worth several hundred million, and other industries of Zheng's group, such as automobiles, are not a small sum.

If Li Wenfeng really likes Zheng Lingyan, can he wait until Zheng's group goes bankrupt to propose again? Why not borrow some money when Zheng's group is about to go bankrupt? But after the bankruptcy of Zheng's group, his money will be released immediately, and then he will buy the bankrupt Zheng's group? Isn't that bullshit?

"It seems that when dealing with Li Wenfeng in the future, you really need to be more careful. Don't be eaten so much by this boy that you don't have any bones left." This is what many people think at this moment.

Obviously, there was no way to hold the reception, because Li Wenfeng had already "fainted in pain". Of course, he was not really dizzy, but pretended to be dizzy. Li Wenfeng really has no face to talk to you. How do you say that the woman you like has run away with others? Said he did not embezzle Zheng group? Can't explain, explain is cover up.

Cover up is the fact!


"You are so cruel!"

Out of Wangjiang restaurant, Zhao Chengfeng gives a thumbs up to the woman who nestles beside him and praises: "I finally know why you want to eat a bowl of noodles before you come here. This kick must be very cool. It took you a lot of strength."

"That's it!"

Zheng Lingyan shook her feet and said, "this is a pair of shoes I specially changed today. I don't want to kick him to death!"

"Well, tough enough. But if only I could play more accurately Zhao Chengfeng nodded and suddenly thought of Jiangling. Just two days ago, because Zhu Dawang's men said he was worthless, Jiangling kicked him.

It's very similar to Zheng Lingyan's, but Jiangling's footwork is more accurate and more ruthless, which directly turns Zhu Dawang's men into eunuchs. Zheng Lingyan's footwork is also good, but it's just a simple injury.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Lingyan does not understand to ask a way.

"Let him be a eunuch."

"Oh, why didn't you say that earlier?" Zheng Lingyan smell speech, not only no sense of shyness, but blame Zhao Chengfeng, "this method is good, unfortunately, I know too late, all blame you, don't tell me earlier, ah, so irritating."

"I'll go. Is it my fault? I don't know at all whether your decision is good or not? " Zhao Chengfeng feels wronged.

Frankly speaking, Zhao Chengfeng didn't know Zheng Lingyan's plan until the end. When Zheng Lingyan announced that she was her man, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised and had to admire Zheng Lingyan.

Too smart, too calm, too cruel!

The smart thing is to use Li Wenfeng's influence to invite all the dignitaries in the business community of Hong Kong Island, and then hit Li Wenfeng in the face in public;

Calmness lies in knowing that Li Wenfeng is a son of a bitch, but Zheng Lingyan can hold back her anger, which is very rare;

The ruthlessness lies in that exposing Li Wenfeng on the spot may not make him a public enemy in business, but at least it will make Li Wenfeng lose many potential customers and shopping friends.

Finally, Zheng Lingyan said, "I have no evidence." it sounds like telling you that what I know may not be true. In fact, it's telling you that Li Wenfeng is cruel and ruthless and will not let you know if he kills you.

Closely linked, let Li Wenfeng become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes, Zheng Lingyan himself also out of a bad breath. Count with one stone!

"Oh, yes, I didn't tell you, but you did a good job today." Zheng Lingyan suddenly laughs. She looks good when she laughs. She looks like a girl. She is innocent and lively.

Zhao Chengfeng asked: "you said you were born to me, death is my ghost, is also the performance?"

"It's true..." Zheng Lingyan's face was slightly red, her head was low, and her voice was much smaller.

"Then kiss another one!"

Zhao Chengfeng poked himself in the face, feeling a little upset. Brother Feng's charm is really infinite. Isn't it true that all the beauties have taken the initiative?

"Oh, there are so many people here." Zheng Lingyan is very shy.

Zhao Chengfeng did not have a good way: "just in Wangjiang Hotel people are not more?"



Zheng Lingyan had no choice but to stand on tiptoe and kiss Zhao Chengfeng on the cheek. Her face turned red instantly. Although Zheng Lingyan had lost her virginity for a long time, today is Zheng Lingyan's first kiss in a strict sense.

First kiss to the most worthy person, Zheng Lingyan think it is worth it.

"Let's go. I've wasted a lot of energy today. I'll invite you to dinner to replenish your strength." Zhao Chengfeng put his arms around the woman, and they got on the bus and left.

Zheng Lingyan was also very excited. As soon as she got on the bus, she said, "I want to eat lobster, I want to eat abalone. By the way, I want to eat..."

Less than three minutes after getting on the bus, Zheng Lingyan recited a long list of menus. At last, she put her hands on her waist and waved a little pink fist. She said, "today, I'll have a good meal. I'll start work tomorrow. I want Zheng's group to stand on the top of Hong Kong Island again. Oh no, the top of the world!"

"Come on." Zhao Chengfeng gave the woman a look of approval, showing a happy smile.

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