It's difficult to reach the top of the world, but to stand on the top of Hong Kong Island, Zhao Chengfeng believes that Zheng Lingyan still has this ability.

"Where do you want to eat? I'll take you Zhao Chengfeng asked with a smile.


Zheng Lingyan thought about it carefully and said, "you'd better go to shenshuipu. There's a gourmet street over there. Although the consumption level is not high and the environment is not good, it's better because it tastes good and it's lively. Let's hold a bunch of beer and drink it slowly to celebrate. "

"OK, then go to the deep water shop." Zhao Chengfeng light smile way, also didn't refuse.

Seeing that Zheng Lingyan's face is smiling again, Zhao Chengfeng thinks it's a happy thing. As long as a woman is happy, go. Anyway, he's so busy recently that he just takes the opportunity to have a good rest.


Zheng Lingyan seemed to think of something and said, "but we are ahead of us. I'll treat you tonight. Don't argue with me."

"All right, whatever you say, I'll listen to you." Zhaochengfeng smell speech is wry smile and shake his head, heart said who give money important?

To put it bluntly, didn't Zhao Chengfeng give Zheng Lingyan the money? In the end, no matter who pays, it's Zhao Cheng.

"Women's minds are really strange." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said nothing.

Sham Shui Po is the same as the shantytown on Hong Kong Island. It's full of good and bad things, but it's also very busy. Around 9 pm, it's the prime time for Sham Shui Po. There's no neon flash, only the sound of peddling.

"Barbecue, barbecue!"

"Spicy hot!"

"Handsome guy, have something to eat. Come in and sit down. We have fried rice, barbecue and..."

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan entered the deep water shop, they were drowned by the sound. Although it was autumn, the temperature of the deep water shop was relatively high. Many people drank and rowed with their bare arms under the influence of alcohol. It was very busy.

"Isn't this a big stall?" Zhao Chengfeng finally understood what deep water shop meant. To put it bluntly, it was downtown, or night market. It's just that the deep water shop on Hong Kong Island is very big and there are a lot of people.

"Yes, big stall."

Zheng Lingyan said: "before I was adopted by my grandfather, I was living in deep water shop. You don't know how envious I was when I watched others eat meat and drink. Tut Tut, I'll go to eat if I don't say anything."

Said, Zheng Lingyan regardless of the image of wipe saliva, looking for a big stall to sit in.

"Boss, there are ten kebabs of mutton. By the way, there are beef. I also want goose feet. By the way, I want both leeks and potato chips. I have to have a roast eggplant first, and then a bottle of wine. It's iced."

Zheng Lingyan exclaimed, this moment without the temperament of a strong woman, like a man, even rolled up the sleeves.

"Beauty, how much?" The boss asked with a smile.

"Ten strings of each one first. If it's not enough, I'll order more. Oh, yes, a plate of fried peanuts. Hurry up, I'm starving." Zheng Lingyan urges a way, throw the handbag to the side, the Damascus sat down.

Zhao Chengfeng walked over with a smile and said, "can you eat so much? What's more, if you don't eat so much food at the party just now, you have to pay for it now. We are losing a lot. "

"That's not the same."

Zheng Lingyan explained: "in Wangjiang restaurant, when I saw Li Wenfeng's son of a bitch, I wanted to vomit. How could I eat it? Now I'm in a good mood. I must eat and drink happily. "

"Well, it's up to you. You can eat it if you like. Anyway, it's your treat, and I don't pay for it." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, two fingers on the bottle put a lift, "bang" sound, the bottle will open.

"What a freak!"

Zheng Lingyan was a little shocked, but her face soon returned to calm. At the beginning, there was a bull named Hua Xiaobao in the Zheng family, but he became a grandson in the hands of Zhao Chengfeng. It is enough to see that Zhao Chengfeng is not an ordinary person.

"The big stall is really comfortable. Come on, let's go first!"

As soon as the beer opened, Zhao Chengfeng really had some feelings. Food stalls are not as high-end as hotels, nor do they pay attention to hotel hygiene. They are better than two words: comfortable and lively.

Although the hotel seems to be high-end and high-grade, it can be said that it is stifling and depressing, just like Zheng Lingyan's previous words. When she saw Li Wenfeng, she vomited blood, and was still in the mood to eat?

It's the same with a cocktail party on weekdays. Three or five people in suits and shoes, holding red wine glasses, chatting and farting together. All night long, half of the glass of red wine hasn't been finished, and they still smack their mouths, just like drinking a knife. And some people have to drink and chat with others for business. Is it comfortable?

It's not the same when we get to the food stall. We are all the same people. We should eat and drink with bare arms. We should laugh and make noise. How comfortable we are.

"Here, cheers!"

Zheng Lingyan is also arrogant, holding a glass with Zhao Chengfeng touched, such a big battle cup, filled with temper, Gulu Gulu drink up. Soon a glass of beer came down.

"Beauty, here comes your barbecue."

Coincidentally, after drinking a glass of wine, the barbecue stall owner brought several dishes.

"Thank you, boss. Let's go. I'll take it if it's not enough." Zheng Lingyan looks back and smiles at the barbecue stall owners. In fact, she is very grateful to the barbecue stall owners.

At that time, Zheng Lingyan was living in the street and had no food at all. These barbecue stall owners and some steamed bun shop owners gave some food to them, and then she survived. Later, she met Mr. Zheng. For these peddlers, Zheng Lingyan is very grateful. Even when she went to school, Zheng Lingyan would often come to take care of everyone's business because he gave a lot of money.

It's just that Zheng Lingyan's move seems a bit stingy in other people's eyes. After all, at that time, Zheng's group had a lot of assets, but she invited guests to a big stall for dinner, which really made people gossip. But Zheng Lingyan didn't care at all. No one knew Zheng Lingyan's mood at that time.

"Your performance tonight is beyond my expectation." Zhao Chengfeng peeled the peanuts and said, "what do you think? Why do you want to make Li Wenfeng ugly in public?"

"Why? For revenge, of course

At the mention of Li Wenfeng, Zheng Lingyan's face was a bit ugly. She snorted: "this damned son of a bitch is not a thing. On the one hand, he pretends to be a good man, on the other hand, he traps people behind his back. It's disgusting."

"But you seem to forget that you can't give him a fatal blow like this. Although it makes him look ugly, he is also on guard against you, and even suppresses you everywhere." Zhao Chengfeng had to remind.

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