"Of course I know, but I can't help it. I don't want that bastard to continue to cheat around in sheep's clothing." Zheng Lingyan clenched her teeth, subconsciously pinched her fist.

"As for the future work, I will naturally be cautious, and will not directly conflict with his company, there is no direct conflict of interest, I am afraid it is not so easy for him to find trouble." Zheng Lingyan continued.

In this regard, Zhao Chengfeng noncommittal smile, obviously do not think so.

If Zhao Chengfeng didn't ask the kid to check Li Wenfeng's bank account by special means, Zhao Chengfeng would not be too sure even if he suspected Li Wenfeng.

Now I can only say one thing - Nangong Ming is right. Li Wenfeng is Yin enough. He is a typical cannibal.

"Is there anything you want to say?" Zheng Lingyan looks at Zhao Chengfeng and frowns slightly.

"How can he be an ordinary person if he can plot against your finance minister? What's more, you should not forget that the leader of Hong Kong Island now is Li's group, not Zheng's group. " Zhao Chengfeng naturally lit up a cigarette, took a puff, and said: "this breath is beautiful, but you have to think clearly, and then you have to bear more pressure."

"As you said, even if you do business in the future and do not have an interest relationship with the Li group, he can also use his influence to suppress you. It's a pleasant tone, but it also means that you will face greater pressure. You should be prepared."


Zheng Lingyan nodded and said: "since I've done this, I've naturally thought about it. Although I'm a little impulsive, I'm not stupid. Li Wenfeng should be very nervous now. After all, the finance minister didn't find him. If I found the finance minister first, he would be miserable. Moreover, I have already reported the case. When the police collect evidence in the future, they will lean towards Li Wenfeng. The most important thing is that his partners may not trust him so much. How long can he go without his partners? "

"Your heart is like a mirror, and you can see it clearly." Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng smiles and sips his glass. Seeing that Zheng Lingyan is so confident, he is too lazy to say anything more.

People are dangerous. Zheng Lingyan is still a little younger after all. At least, in Zhao Chengfeng's opinion, it's unrealistic for Zheng Lingyan to compete with Li Wenfeng now. It's hard to say, or even stupid, even if Zheng Lingyan now has two billion yuan to use.

Because Zheng Lingyan, after all, is a decent person. He doesn't know how to play tricks, what's more, he doesn't know what is evil and despicable. Li Wenfeng is totally different. He has no psychological pressure because he is used to being a jerk.

"Forget it, don't talk about that bastard. Today we have wine, today we are drunk, tomorrow we are worried, tomorrow we are worried. Anyway, we must have a good drink today." Zheng Lingyan picked up her glass again.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't want to say anything else, so he drank with the woman.

Facts have proved that Zheng Lingyan's drinking and eating are very common. She ordered a barbecue table, but she didn't really like to eat much.

"Oh, it's a waste." Looking at the food on the table, Zhao Chengfeng sighs. He touches his belly and finds that he can't eat any more. After all, he has eaten a lot in Wangtian restaurant, and now he has drunk a lot of beer. He can't eat any more.

Who knows, Zheng Lingyan is a little smile, said: "it doesn't matter, we can pack it."

Said, Zheng Lingyan waved to the boss, not only the rest of the meal packed, and even some rice packed up.

"I'll go. The girl won't get up in the middle of the night and have some supper, will she?" Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Just now, the relationship with Zheng Lingyan has eased. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to ask too much, and says he can't bear to eat.

"Come on, let's go back."

After packing, Zheng Lingyan waves to Zhao Chengfeng, and the two get on the bus and leave. What makes Zhao Chengfeng most curious is that after Zheng Lingyan got on the bus, he didn't let Zhao Chengfeng drive faster, but walked slowly, and rushed to the center of shenshuipu.

"Why do we have to go here? Isn't it faster to go back the same way?" Zhao Chengfeng's face is full of color.

Zheng Lingyan did not answer, just said: "you can go according to what I said. Don't worry, you won't be sold."

"..." the corner of Zhao Chengfeng's mouth moved, and he was too lazy to say anything.

Zhao Chengfeng always feels that this girl is very mysterious and has no idea what she wants to do.

"That's right, that's the alley ahead. Stop there. That's right." The car gas dizzy eight around, around a dilapidated alley, Zheng Lingyan suddenly cried.

Zhao Chengfeng stopped the car and frowned, "what are you doing? You... "

"You wait for me here. I'll be back soon."

Zheng Lingyan did not answer, just ordered a word, then carrying the packed barbecue and rice to get off, although the alley is very dark, but Zheng Lingyan is not afraid, stride into.

"What's this girl going to do?"

Zhao Chengfeng is very puzzled, put down the window, head out a look, that moment, Zhao Chengfeng was suppressed.

The alley is not big, dark and dark. There are several tramps lying scattered inside. Zheng Lingyan takes the food and gives it to the tramp gently.

"Eat, you're welcome. Eat."

After putting it down, Zheng Lingyan waves at the tramp and turns to leave.

Zhao Chengfeng is still looking at the woman and is shocked by the woman's behavior. If he just gives the leftovers to the tramp, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't feel much moved. You know, Zheng Lingyan orders a few more dishes and some more rice before paying. Before Zhao Chengfeng thought that women are to take advantage of it, but she is to do good.

Save and do good at the same time.

"You, you, you really surprised me." Looking at the woman on the bus, Zhao Chengfeng sighs with emotion that he has more admiration in his heart.

Zheng Lingyan blushed a little, stroked the bangs in front of her forehead and said, "this is what I should do. I'm not good enough. I hope I can help more people in the future."

"It's a great goal, I want to praise you!" Zhao Chengfeng gives the woman a thumbs up.

"Actually, it's really nothing." However, Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "I know them and I understand them. Maybe many people think that they are disgusting and affect the appearance of the city, but I think that life is equal, there is no distinction between the noble and the humble, they should be respected, but they are the unfortunate people in life. "

"Yes, life is lucky and unfortunate at the same time." Zhao Chengfeng also said with emotion that he didn't know what to say.

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