"You think so, but a lot of people don't think so."

Zheng Lingyan sighed: "when I was living on the street, I often couldn't find food or even a place to sleep. I stayed under the overpass, in the toilet, beside the ATM, in the park, and so on. It's often that people will be driven away when they go to a place. Sometimes they walk on the side of the road at night for fear that they will be killed by rich people who have drunk. At that time, I had no other idea, just wanted to live, to live. Of course, it would be great to have a little dignity. "

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng clenched the steering wheel, quietly listening to the story of Zheng Lingyan, did not interrupt, but the heart is like clothes wring water, mercilessly pulled up, pain.

"At that time, I hated the rich. I really hated them. They looked down on us and drove us away. They threw cold water on us in winter and threw glass fragments on the ground in summer. At that time, some vicious thoughts even sprouted in my heart, hoping that one day the world would be destroyed, and then everyone would die together." With that, Zheng Lingyan's tears came down.

Zhao Chengfeng handed a paper towel, but the woman didn't take it. She let her tears slide down and continued to tell her story.

"Until one night, I was banished to this alley. I still remember that it was a winter, cold and hungry, and I felt that I was dying. Just when I couldn't carry it, a beautiful woman came to me, took off her coat, covered me, and gave me a box of barbecue. I swear, it was the best barbecue I've ever had in my life, More delicious than any delicacies. "

"I said thank you to her, but she shook her head to me, she said, there is nothing to thank, just hope I can be strong to live, if possible, in the future to help others."

"So, I remember what she said. If possible, if within my ability, please help others. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. I hope there will never be suffering in this world. Unfortunately, suffering still exists, because there are good people and bad people in this world. "

"You've been great." Once again, Zhao Chengfeng gives a thumbs up to the woman with deep emotion.

Zheng Lingyan's words give Zhao Chengfeng great inspiration. Before, Zhao Chengfeng would not pity the beggars on the street, because now there are many professional beggars. Those beggars earn more money than ordinary white-collar workers. To put it mildly, they are begging. To put it mildly, this is fraud, a small amount of fraud, a kind of willing fraud.

But this way of winning sympathy, Zhao Chengfeng does not recognize.

However, Zhao Chengfeng overlooked that professional beggars don't squat in the dirty and smelly alley in the middle of the night. These people are really in need of help!

You know, professional beggars have houses and cars. They go to and from work on time, and their life is very casual. And the real beggars, in fact, are very difficult to pull down their face to beg, more people choose to pick up waste, also do not want to reach out to others.

"Great? No Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "what's great about this? My goal is to make the world free of tramps. Of course, professional beggars are not

"Then go and fulfill your dream. Don't go into business. Although you are gifted in business, I think dreams are more important." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said.

Zhao Chengfeng is not bad for money. As long as he does good deeds as Lei Feng, he will never be stingy. What's more, Zheng Lingyan is still her own woman?

"No way!"

However, Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "Zheng's group is gone. I want to take it back. This is my promise to my grandfather and I can't let you down. In fact, there is no conflict between doing business and doing good. I actually have a little idea in my mind. "

"Well? Let's hear it. " Zhao Chengfeng's speed is very slow, and he pays more attention to Zheng Lingyan.

"No matter how the company develops in the future, I will continue to do good deeds to help others." Zheng Lingyan gave an example: "for example, if I want to do activities like didi takeout, I can donate 50 cents for each order and leave a little profit. If the company's performance exceeds 10 million, I will sponsor a child. If the company's performance exceeds 100 million, it will build a library for children in poor mountainous areas free of charge, or even a new school, or even a chess room or chat room for the elderly in poor mountain villages. "

"Of course, it's also very important to take good care of the environment. For example, there will be certain subsidies for the sanitation workers on the roadside. I even arranged for my employees to have one day of public welfare work every month. You can have no education, poor working ability does not matter, but my future employees must have love. Frankly speaking, after the bankruptcy of the group, it's not a bad thing for me. At least I can choose every employee I recruit. I can see the character through small things. A kind-hearted person's character will never be bad. "

Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and pondered for a long time: "I'll add another three billion to you and do what you want to do. As for Li Wenfeng, you don't have to worry at all. I'll talk to him sometime. "

After listening to Zheng Lingyan's words, Zhao Chengfeng has a deep feeling. They all say that it's difficult for a girl to live in poverty. But when you look at Zheng Lingyan, you are very grateful and kind to the whole world. Such a girl is very rare.

Zhao Chengfeng now has more money than women and more responsibilities. Zheng Lingyan doesn't help spend money. Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't know how to spend it!

"Ah? Three billion more? You, what are you doing? Your money is coming from the wind? " This time, it's Zheng Lingyan's turn to be surprised. At first, she gave her two billion yuan, but she was already surprised. It can be said that Zhao Chengfeng's consolation and two billion yuan gave her hope. Without money, even if she has the ability, she can't guarantee her comeback.

Although money is not everything, but with money, people have confidence. Now she's giving herself another $3 billion. Zheng Lingyan feels like she's playing around. There's a kind of parents giving their children pocket money without blinking.

"You don't care how my money comes from. You just need to take the money to do what you think is right. Call me when you run out of money." Zhao Chengfeng is very forthright.

Zheng Lingyan with looking at the monster like, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, asked: "you, what are you in the end?"

"I'm your man, your husband." Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and was serious. Zheng Lingyan, on the other side, blushed and lowered her head.

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