"Can, but I also can't take your money not to be money, I..." Zheng Lingyan red face muttered in a low voice, the red cloud on the cheek has been extended to the ear.

Zheng Lingyan is not a person who loves money, but a man's willingness to spend so much money for you does not necessarily mean that he loves you, but it certainly means that he has a sense of responsibility. A man with a sense of responsibility is absolutely no worse.

"What's more, it's a long time to do charity. Maybe I won't pay back the money after I start a company. Don't..." Zheng Lingyan reminds me.

"Money to me is just a series of meaningless Arabic numerals. Don't think too much about it."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care. He seems to have a feeling: "in life, as long as you feel that what you do is meaningful, money, fame and wealth are just outside of you. If it's gone, you'd better do something real. At least what you do now is meaningful."

"Can again meaningful, that money..." Zheng Lingyan still some hesitation, of course, the heart is more moved.

When Zhao Chengfeng forced Zheng's group to make compensation, or even to take away the whole Zheng's group, Zheng Lingyan felt that Zhao Chengfeng was ruthless and a bastard who got into the eye of money. Now, Zheng Lingyan knew that Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about money so much, he was kind-hearted.

Now I think about it, Zhao Chengfeng's way of doing it at that time was right. This is the real man. What's more, if Zheng Sanjiang didn't want to bully others and bet with others, how could he have lost so much money? After all, it's Zheng Sanjiang's fault. It has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng. They just take the winning bet, that's all.

"Don't mention the money. It hurts."

Zhao Chengfeng straight frown, suddenly stopped the car at the side of the road, looked back at Zheng Lingyan, rare serious up, "there is something I have to tell you, I don't want to hide from you, I hope you can have a psychological preparation."

"What's the matter?"

Rarely see Zhao Chengfeng so dignified, Zheng Lingyan heart is also a Gudong, some afraid way: "you, you won't tell me, you are robbing the bank to rob it?"

"Ah, cough..."

Zhao Chengfeng had just inhaled a cigarette into his lung. When he heard Zheng Lingyan's words, he almost didn't choke to death.


Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed. "Have you ever seen anyone deposit money in the bank after robbery? You haven't seen a police movie, have you? "

"Er..." Zheng Lingyan blushed and was embarrassed. She really didn't think about it.

"Forget it, I'll just say it."

Zhao Chengfeng lit up a cigarette, put away his idle expression, and filled with smoke. His face, which was like a knife cut, seemed a little hazy and half covered. He didn't see it very clearly. However, the man's eyes were full of vicissitudes, a fascinating sense of vicissitudes.

There are vicissitudes, it means there is a story, and there is a story of a man with experience, is the real man. For a time, Zheng Lingyan was a little crazy.

"In fact, I'm a married man with two children and a dry daughter." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, and the corner of his eyes was obviously aware of Zheng Lingyan's delicate body.

A married man!

Zheng Lingyan's mind suddenly came up with such a few words, and her heart suddenly became heavy. She didn't hate her, but felt that nature made people angry.

"Besides, I'm a very romantic man. Of course, in a woman's words, I'm a big turnip and an asshole, which I don't deny." Zhao Chengfeng puffed his cigarette and said: "I also admit that you are a beautiful woman. Men have no resistance to beautiful women, and I am no exception. At that time, Mr. Zheng asked me to help you. I didn't dare to delay. I didn't even ask your opinion. But I don't deny that it's my fault. I'm sorry, i... "

"Stop it." Zheng Lingyan interrupted Zhao Chengfeng, with a trace of hoarseness and helplessness in her voice, "I don't blame you, you have nothing to do with me. I said that you are a kind-hearted person, that's enough."


Zheng Lingyan's words make Zhao Chengfeng very moved, moved at the same time full of guilt.

"Nothing, but at least I'm happy for the moment, that's enough." Zheng Lingyan smiles slightly, and tears fall from the corner of her eyes.

But at the same time, Zheng Lingyan felt happy.

For any girl, if her innocence is gone for no reason, she will not be able to think of it. She will even sink down and commit suicide. But Zheng Lingyan is also thinking about a problem. If it wasn't for Zhao Chengfeng, Zheng Sanjiang would have defiled himself. Instead of letting Zheng Sanjiang and other animals insult himself, it's better to take advantage of Zhao Chengfeng.

At least, Zhao Chengfeng has a sense of responsibility. After his grandfather died, when Zheng's group was facing crisis, he appeared, and his appearance eliminated all problems; At least, Zhao Chengfeng is loving, understands these tramps, and even gives money to help himself to do charity.

"I'll try my best to be nice to you. My promise is a little weak. I'm sorry." Zhao Chengfeng felt even more pain in his heart. He reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of the woman's eyes, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

On the one hand is happy, on the other hand is distressed, more is guilt!

If Zheng Lingyan is a kind of money worshiper, Zhao Chengfeng will not have any ideological burden in the future. However, Zheng Lingyan is a kind-hearted girl with ideals, a girl worthy of love. This time, Zhao Chengfeng wants to play a one night stand and walk away.

"Well, is brother Feng too good?" Zhao Chengfeng thought shamelessly.

"Come on, let's go back to the hotel. It's late. We have to open a company tomorrow." Zheng Lingyan is said, the mood is also a little complex.

Once upon a time, Zheng Lingyan also dreamed of her own man, driving colorful auspicious clouds to marry her, but the man in front of her was no longer her own. However, Zheng Lingyan didn't have much loss in her heart. After the death of her grandfather and the bankruptcy of Zheng's group, Zheng Lingyan had seen through a lot. Fame or fortune, life or death.

"Well, let's go home..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't finish a word, but there were two more golden cup cars in front of and behind the car, which stopped them.

"Who are these people?" Zheng Lingyan was the first to notice that all the people who came down from the car were rascals on the road. They were full of rude words and even carried things in their hands. Zheng Lingyan's heart suddenly raised to her throat.

When did Zheng Lingyan see such scenes?

"Look, Li Wenfeng's revenge is coming." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, opened the door.

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