
Zheng Lingyan was stunned for a moment. After a while, she came back to her senses and called to Zhao Chengfeng: "then, don't go down..."

But Zhao Chengfeng had already gone down. He showed a row of white teeth at the corner of his mouth. He put the cigarette to the corner of his mouth and glanced at the people. There were a lot of people coming. There were more than 20 people. They were fierce and evil. Obviously, they were not good people.

"Why didn't you see Li Wenfeng's son of a bitch? Are you embarrassed to come out? " Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth with a sneer on his face.

"Oh, smelly boy, my heart is like a mirror."

A little horse came out and hummed coldly: "boy, since you know it's Mr. Li who asked you something, you should take the initiative to follow us."

"Li Wenfeng is also a bastard. Do you have someone like this?"

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng also didn't get angry, on the contrary way: "go can, however, let my woman go home to rest first, I go with you, how?"

"Son of a bitch, you're not sick, are you?" The leader snorted coldly: "do you really think Mr. Li is looking for you? Mr. Li is looking for her. It has nothing to do with you. Of course, since you say she is your woman, I believe Mr. Li will be very happy to take you back. "


When Zhao Chengfeng heard that Yan's eyebrows were raised, the smile on his face became more and more brilliant. "So my eyes are pretty good, and my woman, Mr. Li, also has a crush on her."

"Boy, you'd better understand this. Now that you know Mr. Li's background, you'd better know better. You don't have to worry about our brothers. I'm very kind and don't like to do it. It's best if we can reason, but if you don't reason, don't blame my ruthlessness?" The gangster leader played with the steel stick in his hand and began to laugh.

Looking at Zhao Chengfeng is like looking at a fool. On Hong Kong Island, if you offend Mr. Li, is there a good way out?

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng gently laughed and asked: "Mr. Li has a crush on my woman, so I will offer it with both hands. If Mr. Li has a crush on you, you can't force your father to give him a green hat?"

"Damn it, you want to die!"

When the gangster leader heard this, he was not happy. His face was black enough to drip water. He swore, "son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Come on, brothers, let's get rid of him

At the command of the gangster leader, more than 20 people rushed up, and the sound became louder in the middle of the night.

"Be careful, Chengfeng..." Zheng Lingyan yelled in the car. At this time, she wanted to call the police and dialed the phone.

"Bang bang!"

However, when Zheng Lingyan raised her head again, more than 20 people fell to the ground. There was a lot of blood flowing on the ground, scarlet. It was shocking to see.

The gangster leader was more miserable. He was slapped by Zhao Chengfeng and fell to the ground. He was trampled by Zhao Chengfeng.

"This, so fierce?" Zheng Lingyan was completely shocked.

"Hello, do you need to call the police?" And at this time, Zheng Lingyan just dial the phone that end spread voice.

Zheng Lingyan thought about it carefully and said quickly: "sorry, police comrade, it was just a child playing with the wrong number on the mobile phone. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"..." the police officer opposite was obviously in a mess.

"Sorry, wrong number. Bye." Zheng Lingyan quickly put down the phone.

If Zhao Chengfeng suffers a loss, it's no problem to call the police. Now the police are going to be called, but it's not clear. Even in self-defense, people can't be beaten so badly.


The gangster's head is muddled and has been on the road for many years. For the first time, he is so looking forward to the appearance of the police uncle. This guy is so abnormal that he brought twenty-six people with him. He was stunned that all of them were put down by him.

"Chengfeng, what should we do?" Zheng Lingyan gets out of the car, and the whole person is confused. Subconsciously, she rushes towards Zhao Chengfeng. Subconsciously, she feels that Zhao Chengfeng is the most secure man.

"Of course, it's to visit our old friends. You can see more than 20 people coming to meet us. We'll lose face if we don't meet our old friends." Zhao Chengfeng smiles very charmingly. It looks as if he is really going to meet his old friends for many years. In fact, Zhao Chengfeng's heart has moved to kill him.

Not to mention that Li Wenfeng is the richest man on Hong Kong Island, even if he is the richest man in the world, Zhao Chengfeng does not pay attention to him. In fact, after Zheng Lingyan slapped Li Wenfeng in public at Wangtian restaurant, Zhao Chengfeng expected that Li Wenfeng would retaliate. He just didn't expect that Li Wenfeng would come so soon. What's more, he looked down on himself so much that he found a few gangsters and didn't take brother Feng seriously.

"What do you mean? Cheng Feng, are you going to find Li Wenfeng? " Zheng Lingyan is not stupid. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng said this, he understood something in his heart and said with a frown: "otherwise, I'd better call the police and arrest all these guys. With them as witnesses, Li Wenfeng can be convicted."

Hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed, "you are really a silly girl. Will Li Wenfeng be knocked down so easily? What's the use of calling the police? "

"This..." Zheng Lingyan did not speak.

"Boy, I advise you to let me go." The gangster stepped on by Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth at this time and sneered: "I admit you are very powerful, but Mr. Li is more powerful. You don't think it's good to offend him if you're not his opponent. How about this? If you two leave, I'll say I didn't find you, OK?"

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs at his words. The gangster leader has intelligence. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng won't be afraid.

"Hey, I'll send you a coordinate. You bring some people here. I have something to do." Zhao Chengfeng ignores the gangster leader, dials Nangong Ming's phone directly, and orders a few words.

Aware that Zhao Chengfeng's tone is not right, Nangong Ming brought people over in less than five minutes, not a few people, but dozens of people. You know, Nam Kung Ming may not be a big shot on Hong Kong Island, but he is definitely a river crossing Raptor, especially with casinos. There are not many others, just a lot of thugs.

"Damn, you've solved everything. Why do you call me back?" When he arrived at the scene, Nangong Ming couldn't help scolding him. He felt that he was played by Zhao Chengfeng.

The scene has been solved. Will you bring someone to collect the body? Pull the calf!

"Be quiet."

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at nangongming, then turned back and said to Zheng Lingyan, "follow nangongming to live in wangbeilou hotel. I'll do something and come to you after I finish it."

"You..." Zheng Lingyan's beautiful face was full of worry.

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