"Don't worry, it's OK. I'm just chatting with my old friends. Believe me, give me half an hour. After half an hour, I will go to wangbeilou to find you!" Zhao Chengfeng caresses a woman's bangs with a faint smile.

"Well, well."

Zheng Lingyan wanted to refuse, but when her eyes touched Zhao Chengfeng's smile, she suddenly found that a man's smile was like a spring breeze and drizzle, which was very comfortable. It gave Zheng Lingyan a kind of inexplicable and even blind confidence, which made people can't help but believe him.

"Protect her. This is my woman. If she makes any mistakes, I'll take care of you." Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng hummed to Nangong Ming again.

"Damn, you asked me to come here just for this. I'll..."

Nangong Ming's face is so black that it can't be any more. She's paralyzed. Your woman is amazing, isn't she? How dare you lecture me? However, without waiting for Nangong Mingfa to finish scratching in prison, Zhao Chengfeng threw the gangster leader into the golden cup car. With a bang of gas, he quickly disappeared in the same place.

"His grandmother's, it's not a thing." Nangong Ming scolds awkwardly. No matter how dissatisfied he is, he can't help taking Zhao Chengfeng. Who doesn't know that he is an asshole?

Looking back, nangongming found that Zheng Lingyan was worried and banged on the flue: "don't worry, Miss Zheng. Don't worry. Your man can't die. He has great ability. Let's go. Let's get on the bus."

"He's going to be fine, isn't he?" After getting on the bus, Zheng Lingyan still couldn't help asking.

As soon as the man leaves, Zheng Lingyan's heart is as empty as duckweed. It's really strange to say that she has no deep feelings with the man. She has been with the man for more than 30 hours, but how can she rely on him so much?

"If he has something to do, I'll screw my head off and make it a chamber pot for you."

Nangong Ming took a puff of smoke, with confidence on his face! However, as soon as he finished, Nangong Ming felt that he was a little too vulgar. Keke, he gave his head to his sister-in-law to use as a night pot. Isn't that taking advantage of his sister-in-law?


Nangong Ming coughed two times, cleared his throat and said, "sister-in-law, don't worry. I know there is no word" suffer a loss "in his dictionary. Don't worry. This time Li Wenfeng's son of a bitch will die."


Nangong Ming didn't say it was OK. When Zheng Lingyan heard this, she raised her whole heart to her throat. She was worried and said, "well, isn't that Chengfeng also very dangerous. If you kill someone else, he will go to jail himself. This..."

"In prison?" Hearing the speech, Nangong Ming suddenly began to laugh, immediately shook his head with a smile, and scolded: "what a madman, this new sister-in-law doesn't know anything about her feelings, so she was put to sleep by him."

"What are you laughing at?" Zheng Lingyan was so anxious that she took out the phone and said to herself, "no, I have to call Chengfeng immediately. I can't do anything illegal. This is..."

"Sister-in-law, don't be busy. Don't worry. The madman won't go to jail. Even if he shoots the bastard Li Wenfeng, he won't go to jail." Zheng Lingyan is not clear. Is Nangong Ming not clear about Zhao Chengfeng's background?

Let's not talk about Zhao Chengfeng's own achievements. Just the gold lettered signboard of the "Zhao family", will not let Zhao Chengfeng go to jail? Don't even think about it. Just make a phone call and let it go!

"You can't go to jail for killing people. Are you kidding? Are you his brother or not?" Zheng Lingyan some anxious, "don't make a noise, I call Chengfeng, or you send me over, I go to find him."

"I..." Nangong Ming was so depressed that he didn't want to. He waved his hand at last and said, "well, I'll tell you the truth. The crazy guy was in the army when he was young. I don't know the specific level. But it's said that the leaders appreciate him very much. By the way, they are the leaders we often see on TV."

"Really? So, why didn't I see him on TV? " Zheng Lingyan just ready to dial out the phone number, and to delete.

Frankly speaking, Zheng Lingyan really doesn't know the origin of Zhao Chengfeng. It's really not an ordinary embarrassment to say that she was all asleep by him and said that she would follow him all her life. What's ridiculous is that she doesn't know anything about men.

"My sister-in-law, what can I say to make you believe it?"

Nangong Ming felt that he was about to collapse. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "let's just say that when Mr. Zheng was still here, your Zheng family was very powerful. In order to fight against the invasion of Japanese pirates, the Zheng family supported the country a lot of money and even secretly helped to destroy many Japanese people. In the eyes of many people, your Zheng family was the supreme existence on Hong Kong Island, But what I want to tell you is that the Zheng family is really not good enough in the eyes of the madman. Even if he destroyed the Zheng family in a rage, the leaders above would not embarrass him. Well, think about it. Does he care about the Lee Group on Hong Kong Island? "

"This..." Zheng Lingyan felt a little uncomfortable when she heard the speech, but after thinking about it, she realized a lot.

When Zheng's group was in crisis, Zhao Chengfeng invited an ox man, who was the Secretary of the leader. He stopped at the conference room, not to mention the general company staff. Even when the feudal officials came to him, they had to respectfully shout "brother".

Now think about it, this man is really unusual, although he is very shabby.

"Well, since you are his brother, you must know if he has many women?" Zheng Lingyan suddenly thought of something and asked with a red face.

There is no woman in this world who is not jealous. No matter how strange Zheng Lingyan is, she can't help being jealous. Because no woman is willing to share her favorite man with other women.

"Ah, this question, he, he didn't tell you?" Nangong Ming suddenly laughed awkwardly, touched his nose and hesitated for a long time without saying why. "I'm not sure how to answer this question. After all, we brothers can't intervene in his private life."

For fear of destroying Zhao Chengfeng's good deeds, nangongming did not say so.

"He told me that he had two children and a lot of women, and that he was married. I, I don't know about that, so I asked." Zheng Lingyan has confirmed in her heart that although Nangong Ming didn't say anything, "of course, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you."

"Then you'd better ask him later. I'm not involved in his affairs, and I don't care." Nangong Mingshan said, but he muttered in his heart. Brother, it's up to you.

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