Regal mansion, one of the few luxury houses on Hong Kong Island, is located on the west side of Yueliang island. Although the scenery is not as fantastic as that on the island, it is also a fairyland of "facing the sea and blooming in spring".

The Regal mansion is a townhouse developed by the Li group. As the new leader of the Li group, Li Wenfeng naturally wants to live in it. However, although the environment of the Regal mansion is good, Li Wenfeng is not in a good mood or even angry at the moment.

"Bang Dang!"

In such a big living room, Li Wenfeng smashed a large vase and glass residue, which made the two nannies stand by, and they dare not take a breath.

It's too violent. You know, such a vase can even sell for 10000 or 20000 yuan. Rich people are too headstrong. It's too extravagant to smash such valuable things.

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, how dare you hit me in the face in public? I'm paralyzing you Li Wenfeng is smoking. The living room is full of smoke.

"Oh, Mr. Li, don't be angry? Come and play with me. "

On the sofa, a woman in exposed clothes and extremely scratched by the wind leaned on Li Wenfeng's shoulder like a snake. With her head slightly lowered, she could see that her chest was white and tender. It was really beautiful, but Li Wenfeng was not in the mood to appreciate it.


Who knows, Li Wenfeng back is a big mouth to throw in the past, curse: "you get out of labor, you little scratch goods, Lao Tzu's business when it's your turn to interrupt?"

"Mr. Li, do they just want to help you out? You... "The dust woman felt her hot face, and she was so wronged that she didn't want it,

"Shut up, get out of here, get out of here!" Li Wenfeng was impatient and raised his hand to fight again, but this time he still held back, "get out of here now and provoke me again. Do you believe that I will not want you tomorrow? I can tell you that there are many goods like you in your school. "

"..." as soon as the woman heard this, she left with her tail between her legs. Li Wenfeng and two nannies were left in the big living room, and the atmosphere suddenly became quite cold.

"No, I have to call Liu Wenlong and ask him. I don't know how things are going." Depressed return depressed, but Li Wenfeng still dialed Liu Wenlong's phone.

After coming out of Wangjiang Hotel, Li Wenfeng wanted to put his head in his crotch. He was too shy and shameless. You know, Li Wenfeng hasn't been beaten since he was a child. His mother and father are reluctant to be beaten. What's more, he was beaten by a woman. Where can he save face? It's clearly a wedding banquet, but it becomes Zheng Lingyan's confession meeting. Isn't it a disguised gift of a green hat?

It's a great shame that the son of the first family on Hong Kong Island has been hooded!

What makes Li Wenfeng even more surprised is the bankruptcy of Zheng's group and Zhang Feng's escape. Although Zheng Lingyan said that she had no evidence, what if she released the smoke bomb? If Zheng Lingyan has enough evidence in her hand, then

"Hello, Mr. Li." When the phone is connected, Liu Wenlong's voice comes from the other side of the phone.

Li Wenfeng didn't care what was wrong with Liu Wenlong's tone. He just said, "what's the matter? Have people brought it?"

"Yes, I have." Liu Wenlong said: "Mr. Li, are you not at ease with me? You wait. We're at the door of your villa. We'll be right in

"All right, all right, then you can bring people in as soon as possible." Li Wenfeng was overjoyed when he heard that Liu Wenlong was really a fierce man. It took only a long time for the matter to be completed.

However, before Li Wenfeng was too happy, a man who Li Wenfeng didn't want to see the most came into the door. Zhao Fenghe gave himself a green hat son of a bitch! And Liu Wenlong also came in, but Liu Wenlong's complexion was not very good. He even had a bloody color on his face and was obviously beaten.

"Liu Wenlong, you..." where does Li Wenfeng not understand? Liu Wenlong didn't accomplish anything at all. The so-called "coming" came with the enemy, or he was brought by the enemy.

"Mr. Li, I..." Liu Wenlong also has a bitter smile and is paralyzed. Do you think I feel better? It didn't work out. On the contrary, he was beaten by others. His dozens of brothers didn't know what to do. Anyway, before he left, he lay on the ground and didn't get up.

"Li Wenfeng, we meet again. Don't be hurt." Zhao Chengfeng kicks the gangster's head to the ground, finds out a piece of tianxiaxiu in 1982 and lights it. He takes a mouthful of it. In the smoke, Zhao Chengfeng's smile is even worse.

Sitting on the sofa at will, Zhao Chengfeng glanced around and said, "Mr. Li, do you think we should let our friends step down first when we meet? I have some secret things to tell you

"You go out first. No one is allowed to come out without my permission." Li Wenfeng's face was uncertain. At last, he waved his hand and sent two nannies away.

Li Wenfeng can lead Li group to become a leading enterprise on Hong Kong Island in just a few months. He is absolutely not a fool. He easily analyzes the form in front of him thoroughly. Even Liu Wenlong has no way to take Zhao Chengfeng. At least he is not his opponent.

What's more, the "secret" in Zhao chengtui has attracted Li Wenfeng's attention. Is it the inside story about the bankruptcy of Zheng's group that he wants to talk about?

"Tell me, what are you doing here? I didn't invite you Li Wenfeng bravely sat down and looked directly at Zhao Chengfeng.

If Zhao Chengfeng has no evidence, even if he can fight again, Li Wenfeng is not particularly afraid. At most, he will be beaten. If he screams, the nanny outside will call the police. No matter how skillful you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives. If you bring in the police, it's not as simple as kitchen knives.

"You didn't invite me, but someone wanted to take me to you for credit. You see you are so polite, I can't help giving face, so I came." Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, knocking his legs and carefully examining Li Wenfeng in front of him.

Li Wenfeng is not only average, but also thin. He has a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looks gentle, but Li Wenfeng has a pair of shadowy triangular eyes, which are fierce and vicious.

If you have to make an evaluation of Li Wenfeng, it's an insidious villain.

"Boy, this is Li's group, not your wild place. Don't be too arrogant. I'll show you a good look!" Li Wenfeng raised his eyebrows and burst into anger. Ignoring Liu Wenlong's eyes, he continued: "don't think you can be arrogant and domineering if you have some ability. Here, hum..."

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