
Li Wenfeng's face turned black. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Well, how about 30 million? The 30 million is enough for you two to eat and drink for a lifetime, you... "After thinking about it, Li Wenfeng still thinks that it is more realistic to use money to solve problems.

Li Wenfeng thinks that there is nothing money can't solve after he has lived a long time in the world. Just like the crazy president of the United States, isn't it the same? What appeal is very loud, he Ya son's want to have no money to buy people to vote for him, can he become president?

In a word, as long as you have money, nothing can't be done.


However, before Li Wenfeng finished speaking, a strong wind blew in front of him, and his face was burning with pain. When he reached for it, a touch of red blood came out of the corner of his mouth. With a slap, nose blood and teeth all fell down.

The face, which was as white as a small white face, became red and swollen quickly.

"You, you hit me?" Li Wenfeng touched his face and looked at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. His mouth twitched.

"What? I can't hit you? " Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth. "You scurried through Zhang Feng, finance minister of Zheng group, and swept away all the money of Zheng group. As a result, Zheng group was forced to go bankrupt. Now he pretended to be a good man and bought Zheng group back to Lingyan. Li Wenfeng, you are shameless enough. Come to tell me, are you born or the day after tomorrow?"

"You, you're bullshit, I'm not! I didn't, I didn't Li Wenfeng's face changed several times, but his heart was shocked.

Zheng Lingyan told the story, and Zhao Chengfeng also told it. How did Zheng Lingyan know? You know, the operation is very complicated and secret. Except for a few related people, no one knows who leaked the news?

"You, get out of here and get out now. If you don't leave, don't blame me for calling the police and accusing you of breaking into the house." Li Wenfeng made a direct order to travel, but in his heart he set off a storm.

Yes, contact Zhang Feng immediately. Li Wenfeng won't be at ease if he doesn't send this guy abroad. What can they do without certification?

"OK, call the police. Please, call the police quickly." On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng not only was not angry, but applauded, "hurry up, call the police. When the police come, I just hand the evidence to him. Oh, yes, and this evening you find someone to attack me. Let's settle the old accounts and new accounts together. Are you right?"


Zhao Chengfeng has "evidence". All of a sudden, Li Wenfeng was not sure what to eat and his momentum weakened.

"Mr. Li, you mustn't call the police. If you want to call the police, I can go in. Mr. Li, we are working for you. You..." Liu Wenlong yelled, but he was very depressed.

Where are you going to argue?

Yes, he took people to encircle Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan, but he didn't do anything. On the contrary, his own people were beaten, OK? Now I have to call the police and say that I attacked people. Isn't that a pitfall?

What a fuckin 'bad luck! Liu wenlongxin said, "I've been in Hong Kong for quite a long time, and I've never been so subdued."?

"Shut up

Li Wenfeng drank violently, but he could not keep childe Li's gentlemanly demeanor any longer. It seemed that there were ten thousand grass mud horses galloping by, and he was extremely depressed. This guy in front of me is so weird. Who is he? What do you do?

"I..." Liu Wenlong was embarrassed. He opened his mouth and swallowed what he said.

"Let's not talk in secret. Let's talk about your conditions. As long as it's not too much, I can satisfy you!" Li Wenfeng stared at Zhao Chengfeng for a long time. Seeing that the latter kept a calm and confident smile, he was more and more uncertain.

In this way, Li Wenfeng is also equivalent to admitting that he cheated Zheng Lingyan and seized Zheng's group by illegal means!

It's not that Li Wenfeng is stupid, but that Li Wenfeng has to stabilize Zhao Chengfeng first. As long as he stabilizes Zhao Chengfeng and gets through the current difficulties, Li Wenfeng has many ways to kill him, such as car accidents and killers.

"Mr. Li is really happy. I admire him Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng smile squint eyes, to Li Wenfeng thumbs up, "really generous ah, what can satisfy ah, to your dog's life, you also give it?"


Li Wenfeng's face was as blue as paper. There was a gush of anger between his chest. However, he finally pressed it down.

"Stop talking nonsense. Seriously, what do you want to do? Make your own terms. " Li Wenfeng is too lazy to say much. As long as Zhao Chengfeng puts forward the conditions, he can promise for the time being. He can stabilize this guy first. As long as he gives himself time, he can make Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan disappear completely in the world.

"Well, since Mr. Li is so sincere, I'm not polite."

After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and said, "let's go to the seaside. I'm afraid it's not good to talk about this kind of thing at home. Walls have ears."

"Go out and talk?" Li Wenfeng suddenly became alert.

"Of course, this is your territory. What if you kill me after the negotiation? I'm not stupid. " Zhao Chengfeng is right.


Li Wenfeng changed his mind and finally agreed. Li Wenfeng is not an idiot either. Zhao Chengfeng has gone through so much trouble to get money or to get back the Zheng group. But now the Zheng group is in his own name, so he has to go through his own business to get back the Zheng group; Even if he wants money, he has to give the code himself.

"Hum, I don't believe it. You dare to kill me!" Li Wenfeng thought so in his heart, and he suddenly became more courageous.

In Hong Kong Island, Li Wenfeng is also a famous person. If he wants to do something, he is bound to set off an uproar.

"Well, you can go with us. If you go, you will be relieved." Zhao Chengfeng took two steps, then turned back and took Liu Wenlong with him.

The three got on Liu Wenlong's golden cup car together, and drove by Zhao Chengfeng all the way to the seaside.

Under the night sky, Hong Kong Island is more beautiful, with neon twinkling, enchanting and beautiful. However, for Li Wenfeng and Liu Wenlong, this is not a wonderful night.

In the lonely seaside, there is only the sound of the waves. Under the light of the car lights, Zhao Chengfeng, who used to be a loser, looks terrible.

"Which of you is not afraid of death?"

After getting off the bus, Zhao Chengfeng directly lit a cigarette and asked them.

"You, what do you mean?" Liu Wenlong timid, more experienced Zhao Chengfeng's fierce, heart also followed to mention the throat.

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