"Friend, it's against the law to kill. You, don't mess with me..." Liu Wenlong subconsciously retreats and stares at Zhao Chengfeng in horror.

Until now, Liu Wenlong didn't know how he was brought down by Zhao Chengfeng and how his brothers were brought down. All this is like magic, illusory and unreal.

"Of course, I know that it's against the law to kill people, and I have to go to jail, or even be shot!" Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke, "however, I don't kill people, I just ask you who is not afraid of death."

"I, I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of death!" Liu Wenlong is busy. As long as he doesn't die, he can say anything.

Li Wenfeng frowned on one side. At first, Li Wenfeng thought that Zhao Chengfeng would take him to a club or a teahouse. He didn't know it was such a dark place. Zhao Chengfeng's words were even more strange.

What does he want to do? Do you really want to kill?

"Well, you're right to be afraid of death. Come on."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng smiles, reaches out his hand and hands Liu Wenlong a knife, points to Li Wenfeng and says: "Mr. Li is so calm and silent. He must not be afraid of death. Go and kill Mr. Li."



Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, and they exclaimed in unison, one was killed, the other was killed. Is this game too exciting?

"Don't make a fuss. No one can leave the world alive when they come here alive. Anyway, they all have to die. Why don't they just die earlier, right?" Zhao Chengfeng is showing a smile of indifference, dead friends do not die poor road, no matter who they die, has anything to do with themselves?

"But, I..." Liu Wenlong subconsciously stepped back two steps, a burst of fear in his heart.

It's no problem to let Liu Wenlong beat and bully people on weekdays. Even if he plays a little kidnapping, it's no big deal. But if he really wants to let Liu Wenlong kill people, Liu Wenlong really dares not.

It's easy to say anything about an undead person. Even if the police find out, it's OK to pay at most, but if they want to kill someone, it's better to save their life, but they can only spend their next life in prison; If you don't, you'll be shot. The laws of China are not for fun.

"Anyway, I'll tell you that you two can only live one life tonight. Let's talk it over." Zhao Chengfeng is also too lazy to say anything, while smoking, while playing with the mobile phone.

"Friend, can we discuss it? This matter has nothing to do with me. It's Mr. Li who wants to deal with you. It's nothing to do with me. I..." Liu Wenlong was worried.

However, at this moment, Li Wenfeng suddenly jumped on Liu Wenlong and stabbed him in the back.

"Ah... Mr. Li, you..."

Liu Wenlong only felt that his vitality was losing rapidly. Before he finished his sentence, he fell to the ground. At the same time, with a click, Zhao Chengfeng pressed the shutter key, and the flash continued to flash, reflecting Li Wenfeng's gloomy and sinister face.

"Mr. Li is really a son of a bitch who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. His own people will kill him if they say it's cruel enough!" Zhao Chengfeng was slightly surprised and put away his mobile phone.

This Li Wenfeng is absolutely a cruel character. He is very polite to say that he eats people without spitting bones. This is a beast. When he arrives at the seaside, he kills people without saying a word. It's really cruel!

"Now that he's dead, should I live? I think you're a man of your word. " Li Wenfeng's face remained unchanged, but he held the dagger tightly in his hand.

When he went to school in the United States, Li Wenfeng understood a truth: his heart is not hard, and his stand is not stable! In fact, after returning home, Li Wenfeng did just that, not only to his opponents, but also to his relatives. Otherwise, how could Li Wenfeng be in charge of the Li group?

"I mean what I say. I won't kill you, but you have to know that you have something to do with me. Do you think we should have a good talk?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at Li Wenfeng and figures out how to take Li Wenfeng and even the whole Li group down. If such a cruel man leaves him alive, it will definitely be a great disaster to Zheng Lingyan in the future.

"Zheng's group, I'll pay you back. I don't understand what Zhang Feng took away. At the same time, I'll pay you another 30 million yuan in compensation. How about that?" Li Wenfeng knows that he can't do without bleeding today.

Without bleeding, we can't get back the evidence in Zhao Chengfeng's hand! Originally, Li Wenfeng just didn't want to kill Liu Wenlong, but unfortunately, Liu Wenlong, a fool, didn't pay attention to his eyes at all. If they go together, maybe they can kill Zhao Chengfeng. How do you know that this guy will admit his advice so soon?

What kind of underworld are you, a complete fool, with his mother's intelligence? idiot!

"The compensation is 100 million."

Zhao Chengfeng stretched out a finger and said, "after all the procedures are complete and the money arrives, I'll give you all this video and related photos. How about that?"

"Deal!" Li Wenfeng clenched his teeth and said that his face was full of pain.

"Well, Mr. Li is really happy!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly laughed and said: "let's deal with the body by yourself, young master Li. I'll go home first. You can take a taxi to go home later. Goodbye."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and turned to get on the bus.

Li Wenfeng stares at Zhao Chengfeng's back as he leaves. His pupils shoot out a sharp killing intention. When he says it's late and it's fast, Li Wenfeng suddenly pours on Zhao Chengfeng like lightning and stabs him with a knife!


However, Li Wenfeng rushes out faster and returns faster. At the moment when Zhao Chengfeng is about to be stabbed, Zhao Chengfeng looks like a long eye behind his head. When he turns back, he kicks out, impartial and facing Li Wenfeng's belly.


Li Wenfeng's body glided in the air, and finally fell on the ground. He knelt down, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. The blue veins on his forehead also came out. His face, which was like a white face, suddenly became twisted.

Pain, viscera seems to shift in general, extremely painful!

"Mr. Li, it seems that you have no sincerity. Why do you want to kill me?" Zhao Chengfeng looked back, not particularly angry, because Zhao Chengfeng had long expected Li Wenfeng would not be so happy to hand over the Zheng group and his money.

Li Wenfeng is cruel enough, but also stubborn enough. Many times, money is not as important as life. At least, no one can save Li Wenfeng now.

"No, no, it's just a misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding." Li Wenfeng is exhausted and can't care to shock Zhao Chengfeng's reaction speed. He just wants to save his life.

"Misunderstanding? Hehe, do you want me to misunderstand you? " Zhao Chengfeng narrowed his eyes with a smile and squatted down playing with the dagger.

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