The dragon scale dagger sent out a cold light, which reflected on Li Wenfeng's pale face.

"No, no, we have something to say, something to say." Li Wenfeng's heart mentioned his throat, and his body began to tremble. Heaven knows where Zhao Chengfeng's knife is going.

When people come to this world alive, they don't want to leave this world alive, but no one wants to die, and no one wants to die, especially Li Wenfeng!

"What do you want to say?" Zhao Chengfeng's blade rubbed against Li Wenfeng's neck and said with a faint smile: "I don't want to give me a little promise and send me away, and then try to kill me?"

"No, no, no, absolutely not." Li Wenfeng shook his head repeatedly, but he was shocked and paralyzed. How could he know what he was thinking?

"Ha ha."

Zhao Chengfeng light smile, "I don't care what you think, now immediately transfer to me, transfer with your mobile phone, I watch you turn."

"Turn, how much?" Li Wenfeng asked.


Zhao Cheng tuyere spit out a long string of smoke rings, light way.

"What? All of them, why don't you grab... Ah... My ears, my ears, they hurt, they kill me... "

Before Li Wenfeng finished his protest, he felt a chill in his left ear. After that, he felt a sharp pain. Looking down, he saw a bloody fresh ear coming out of the oven. The blood was like tap water. The smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

"Don't howl. No matter how loud your voice is, no one will hear you. If you let the blood flow, you will die of excessive blood loss. Transfer money quickly. If you move faster, maybe you can save a dog's life. If you move slower, you can't be sure." Zhao Chengfeng is still indifferent.

But I just lost an ear. I haven't been castrated. What's the hurry?

"I, I turn, I turn." Li Wenfeng is furious in his heart, but the pain of his body makes him have to listen to Zhao Chengfeng.

"That's right. If I had been so obedient, would I still have lost my ears? Are you stupid? Here, this is the card number. Hurry up. " With that, Zhao Chengfeng took out a bank card and handed it to Li Wenfeng.

Because of severe pain, Li Wenfeng shivered all over. He felt his mobile phone trembling and transferred money to Zhao Chengfeng. It turns out that Li Wenfeng has made a lot of money these days, with more than 30 billion yuan on his card. Maybe this guy has other bank cards.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone rings. He takes a look at the phone, and the SMS has been sent.

"Now, can you let me go now? If I don't go, I'll really faint. " Li Wenfeng's heart is aching. It seems that he was stabbed by a needle. He was paralyzed. He tried his best to be a villain and made some money. Now he handed it all to Zhao Chengfeng. Do you think he was depressed?


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and put away his dagger. Just as he was about to get on the bus, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned back and said, "well, I'll come to wangbeilou tomorrow morning and wait for me. Let's go and return the Zheng group to its original owner together. Well, I only wait until nine in the morning. In more than a minute, the photos and videos in my mobile phone will appear in the police station. You can wait for the prison dinner."

"I see." Li Wenfeng almost did not live to death, however, can only be led by Zhao Chengfeng nose, dare not refute.

Now, all the evidence and all the private money fell into Zhao Chengfeng's pocket. Li Wenfeng didn't drop anything. Instead, he lost an ear. I don't know how much blood he lost.

It's a big loss!

"Son of a bitch, I will kill you one day, kill you!" Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's car ass, Li Wenfeng almost roared.

However, when I grin, I find that my ear hurts badly. I cover my ear and run away. If I don't pay close attention to treatment, I may lose too much blood and die. I don't have any money. If I don't live a strong life, I'll be a fart?

"Didi... Didi..."

On the other side, just as Zhao Chengfeng got on the bus, he received a call from Zheng Lingyan.

"Hey, Chengfeng, are you ok? Are you back?" As soon as the phone was connected, Zheng Lingyan's anxious voice came out.

Back in the wangbeilou hotel room, Zheng Lingyan couldn't sit still. She was staring at her mobile phone and almost left. If Nangong Ming hadn't stopped her, Zheng Lingyan would have called the police.

Although men are powerful, this is Hong Kong Island after all. Li Wenfeng is a local leader. He is cruel and has a large number of people. What's wrong with men? Zheng Lingyan is sad again.

"What can I do for you? Haven't I come back? Well, I'll be there in ten minutes at most. Don't worry about it. Wash and rest early. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but he was as happy as honey.

It's not Zhao Chengfeng's affectation, but now Zheng Lingyan really has no resistance to Zhao Chengfeng, and her concern is also from the heart. Although it is not long for them to communicate with each other, as long as they are together, it is enough.

"That's good. That's good. I'm worried to death."

On hearing this, Zheng Lingyan's heart finally fell into her stomach, spitting out a long breath of turbid air.

"Silly girl, don't worry. Take a rest. I'll be back soon." Zhao Chengfeng said with a faint smile.

"No, I'll wait for you to come back and have a rest. If you don't come back, my heart will never be stable." Zheng Lingyan is stubborn.

"You're going to sleep when I get back? Do you want to wash up when I get back? " Zhao Chengfeng did not insist, just asked in reverse.

"Yes Zheng Lingyan nodded solemnly, with a resolute face.

"Do you mean to have a bath with me tonight and sleep with me?" Zhao Chengfeng then asked.

"Oh, you, you are necrotic, I ignore you..."

Zheng Lingyan on the other end of the phone was a little stunned. She was so embarrassed and angry that she gave up the phone directly.

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng is very big and small. Although Zheng Lingyan has had a relationship with herself, in Zhao Chengfeng's mind, Zheng Lingyan is still the same girl who has never been human, clean, pure and without any impurities.

"Little boy, I can't cure you." Zhao Chengfeng murmured, one foot throttle down, speed up again, at the same time, Zhao Chengfeng mobile phone photos and videos have been forwarded to the kid.

With these things, Li Wenfeng's 10000 deaths are enough. However, even if Li Wenfeng died or was in prison, he would have to return to the Zheng group before he could die!

Otherwise, Zhao Chengfeng will not give him a chance to die.

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