"You're back. You're so worried about me!"

The moment the door of the hotel opened, Zheng Lingyan suddenly ran over and hung on Zhao Chengfeng's neck. She hugged the man and couldn't tell what kind of tears she was crying.

It seems that only holding a man can Zheng Lingyan feel safe.

"Silly girl, how can I be in trouble? Stop crying, stop crying. " Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman on the shoulder, feeling a little.

No matter how strong a woman is, she is still a woman. This is true not only for Zheng Lingyan in front of us, but also for ye Zhuqing, who is working hard in Beihai city. They look very strong, but in their hearts, there is always a soft place.

Once a strong woman releases her heart completely, she will be good to others regardless of everything. This is a woman!

"No, I'm going to cry. Do you know how worried I am? Do you know how scared I am?" Zheng Lingyan not only cried, but also cried more and more loudly. Her tears, like free running water, all flowed on Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng originally wanted to push away women, but at the thought of Zheng Lingyan's recent experience, she let the women cry. A man's shoulder is for a woman, isn't it?

Women's tears, is not wet for men?

"Cry, I know you are wronged, cry..."

Zheng Lingyan really lived up to Zhao Chengfeng's painstaking efforts. She cried for more than ten minutes, from the beginning of her tears to the end of her sobs. She was as sad as a child.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Zhao Chengfeng finally coughed.

"You, what's the matter with you? Did you hurt yourself with someone before? " Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's cough, Zheng Lingyan suddenly became nervous and looked at the man.

Zhao Chengfeng touched his chest, shook his head and said: "no, I'm not hurt, just..."

"Just what? Are you not feeling well Zheng Lingyan is a little worried.

Zhao Chengfeng pointed to the proud part of the woman and sighed: "ah, you are too big and heavy. I can hardly breathe. I..."

"You... You hate to death, I ignore you..." Zheng Lingyan's face turned red instantly, just like a big red apple, very attractive.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhao Chengfeng laughs and holds the woman in his arms.

"Hate, you still laugh at me, you, you..." Zheng Lingyan's Pink fist hit two times on Zhao Chengfeng's chest, the whole person leaned up again, his hands also naturally around the man's waist.

As long as holding a man, Zheng Lingyan's heart will be a real mess, it seems that in Zheng Lingyan's view, there is no trouble that men can't solve, just like that group of smelly hooligans tonight, won't they still be dealt with?

"By the way, Chengfeng, did you go to find Li Wenfeng? He didn't do anything to you, did he? " It seems to think of something, Zheng Lingyan suddenly broke away from Zhao Chengfeng's arms, seriously asked.

His man is very mysterious, but Li Wenfeng is more shameless. Zheng Lingyan can't think of anything else that Li Wenfeng dares not do.

"What do you care?"

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "he's just a bastard. Do you need us to care so much? Forget it, we'd better go to bed early. It's getting late, and you'll have to start a new company tomorrow. "

"It's all right?" Zheng Lingyan is still worried.

Zhao Chengfeng said firmly, "it's all right. Don't worry. I can't guarantee you the happiness in your dream, but I can absolutely guarantee that you won't be a widow."

"Bah, what are you talking about?" Zheng Lingyan's eyes are turning around. She feels that men are out of tune more and more. How can she say that“ Ignore you, I took a bath, tossed for a day, I also nearly sleepy to death


Seeing that Zheng Lingyan was about to leave, Zhao Chengfeng pulled the woman back and sat down in her arms, saying, "don't go yet."

"What's the matter? Do you have anything else to do? " Zheng Lingyan looks puzzled.

"Hey, hey."

Zhao Chengfeng embraces the woman's waist and slightly lowers his head, then he can see a touch of white and tender color in the woman's neckline. Now he is a little excited and says with a bad smile: "just now you called me. I'm in such a hurry. Don't you want me to come back early, and then we can have a mandarin duck bath? Well, there's a bathtub in here. Let's wash it together. "

"Oh, you're bullshit. When did I say I'd take a bath with you? I didn't say that Zheng Lingyan's face was even more red, and she was ashamed.

Although Zheng Lingyan has accepted Zhao Chengfeng in her heart, and the two have had a relationship before, Zheng Lingyan is actually a girl who is not involved in the affairs of men and women. She is quite shy, and she is not bold enough to take a bath together.

"I don't care. Anyway, I'll take a bath with you at night. I'll rub your back. My skill is very good." Zhao Chengfeng said with a bad smile and put his head to the woman's ear and neck.

Zheng Lingyan's body softened as if she had been hit by an electric current. The whole person fell into the enemy's hands and was all in Zhao Chengfeng's arms, blushing and whispering.

"Chengfeng, don't, don't..."

"Don't worry, I'll hurt you..."

Zhao Chengfeng said softly and took the initiative to kiss the woman's red lips.

The picture became beautiful and exciting, and soon a melodious movement came from the room.

A new day is coming soon. After a night of running in and integration, the relationship between Zheng Lingyan and Zhao Chengfeng is closer, and they hold each other tightly like glue.

"Ah, another beautiful day!"

When Zhao Chengfeng opened his eyes, the sun was shining through the window on the two faces. Looking down, the woman was still around. Zhao Chengfeng's mouth lit up a happy and slightly proud smile.

All beauties belong to brother Feng, no problem!

"Didi... Didi..." when Zhao Chengfeng's hand was touching the woman, the damned phone suddenly rang, waking Zheng Lingyan in deep sleep, which also made Zhao Chengfeng have to stop the action on his hand.

After all, women didn't experience these things, and they couldn't bear Zhao Chengfeng's heavy shelling.

"Damn, Nangong Ming, you've eaten too much on dog day, don't you? What's your call in the morning?" When Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone, it is a burst of abuse.

"You're a dog, you're a dog, oh no, you're a dog!"

Nangong Ming didn't have a good face on the other end of the phone. He scolded: "are you special..."

"Woof, woof..."

However, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Zheng Lingyan, who has just woken up, hears the voice coming from the phone and subconsciously learns two barks of the dog, and the air suddenly quiets down.

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