"You, you are..." Zhao Chengfeng was confused.

Not only Zhao Chengfeng was stunned, but Nangong Ming on the other end of the phone was stunned for more than ten seconds.

"I'm crazy, you, you're really a dog in the sun. You're so damn powerful. You deserve to be a crazy man. I admire you so much. I..." Nangong Ming said sarcastically after he recovered.

"Son of a bitch, shut up

Zhao Chengfeng did not have a good way: "say, what's the matter?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. I just want to ask you, what's the feeling of rigou? Is it cool for you..." Nangong Ming said with a bad smile on the other end of the phone.

"If you don't say it again, I'll go to hell with you!" Zhao Chengfeng scolds a way, in the heart depressed don't want.

"Well, I said, can't I?"

Nangong Ming said: "well, Li Wenfeng, the boss of Li's group, has been waiting for you downstairs for half an hour. Do you see you or not?"

"Keep him waiting, fuck him!" Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have a good way. He says that Li Wenfeng is really stupid if he doesn't come here. If he doesn't come here, he has to go to the police station to report.


Nangong Ming said: "you can do whatever you say. Let's reveal the experience of Japanese dog. Another day, brothers..."

"Nangong Ming, I wish your daughter-in-law to come here every day. Mother, you are a dog's Day!" Zhao Chengfeng roared and hung up the phone.

"I, did I do something wrong?"

See Zhao Chengfeng angrily hung up the phone, lying in Zhao Chengfeng arms Zheng Lingyan weak asked.

"No, I don't understand. Why do you suddenly want to learn how to bark?" Zhao Chengfeng is also very puzzled, good, how to sleep a night up pronunciation is not normal?


Zheng Lingyan was embarrassed and said, "isn't that what I heard on the phone? I said that you've been a dog for a long time, and then I called subconsciously to cooperate with your conversation... "

"Damn it

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng patted his forehead, he felt that there were 10000 alpacas galloping by in his heart. He was so depressed that he didn't want to.

"What's the matter? Did I do something wrong? "

"You're right. Since you want to learn to bark, I'll try my best to make a dog bark every day..." with that, Zhao Chengfeng turned over and held down the woman.


In the room, the beautiful movement once again sounded. An hour later, it was almost noon when Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan just got up from the bed.

When they went downstairs, they saw Li Wenfeng sitting with Nangong Ming chatting and drinking tea. It was obvious that Li Wenfeng was absent-minded and seemed to be worried.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I went to bed late last night. I got up a little late." Zhao Chengfeng didn't arrive. He yelled first.

On hearing Zhao Chengfeng's voice, Li Wenfeng stands up and sees Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan standing together. Li Wenfeng's mouth twitches slightly, but he has to bow 90 degrees.

Good morning, Mr. Zhao Li Wenfeng said, but he was very upset.

It's too much!


Zhao Chengfeng nodded slightly, walked over and sat down with Zheng Lingyan, and said, "ah, I'm sleeping too much. I hope Mr. Li doesn't mind."

"No, I don't mind." Li Wenfeng said with a smile.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you mind. Anyway, even if you don't like me, you can't help me. I just like to see you look resentful, but you can't help me." Zhao Chengfeng grinned suddenly.


When Nangong Ming heard this, he vomited out all the morning tea he had just drunk. He said, "cough, cough, you talk. I'll go to the toilet first."

The smile on Li Wenfeng's face became more embarrassed.

"Li Wenfeng, what are you doing here? I don't want to see you! " Zheng Lingyan didn't expect that Zhao Chengfeng said that someone was waiting for him downstairs, but it was Li Wenfeng whom she hated so much.

Although I'm curious about Li Wenfeng's respectful attitude towards Zhao Chengfeng, I really don't like Li Wenfeng at all. Some of them just hate him!

"Yes, Mr. Zhao asked me to come here, I..." Li Wenfeng shrugged helplessly, but scolded: "do you think I'm willing to come? When I see you two courting each other, I just feel the green hair growing on my head. "

"Chengfeng, you..." Zheng Lingyan did not understand.

Zhao Chengfeng patted the woman's hand and said with a faint smile: "it's OK. Mr. Li suddenly realized that he had done something wrong? Last night, he admitted to me that he is a son of a bitch, and he is not a good thing, so I came to apologize to you today, and then return it to Zheng group, and compensate you for your loss, you know? "

"Well?" Zheng Lingyan feels that she has heard wrong. Will Li Wenfeng admit it?

Li Wenfeng also felt that he had heard wrong. This is a shame to himself. When did he say he was a son of a bitch?

"Yes, yes."

Li Wenfeng was angry in his heart, but he still admitted his mistake and said, "Lingyan, oh no, Mr. Zheng, it was all my fault. I was obsessed with money and I'm not a thing. But you can rest assured that I will return the Zheng group to you and compensate you for your losses. "

"Oh, really wake up?" This time, it's Zheng Lingyan's turn to be surprised. She looks at Li Wenfeng, then looks back at Zhao Chengfeng, and shakes her head. She feels that it's like a dream, too unreal.

Zheng's group went bankrupt overnight, but it came back overnight. Is this a joke?

"That's it!"

Zhao Chengfeng said: "although Mr. Li is a son of a bitch, the main reason is that his father's genes are not so good. Mr. Li is kind-hearted. Last night I had a candlelight talk with Mr. Li and had a heart to heart exchange. Mr. Li readily admitted his mistake." Zhao Chengfeng turns around and scolds Li Wenfeng again. This time, even Li Wenfeng's parents have been taken along.

Li Wenfeng was angry, but he could only knock off his teeth and swallow them in his stomach. Who let him mistakenly estimate the strength of both sides before he started? That's the price!

It's just that the price is too high.

"You..." Zheng Lingyan still didn't believe it. After looking at Zhao Chengfeng and Li Wenfeng, she suddenly found that Li Wenfeng's left ear seemed to be missing. It was covered with thick gauze and there was blood oozing.

"Did Chengfeng teach him a lesson last night?" Zheng Lingyan thinks so in her heart. The more she thinks about it, the more likely it is. After all, Zhao Chengfeng's strength is there.

"Not here or there."

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "time is pressing. Let's go directly to the government affairs center and transfer the ownership of Zheng's group earlier. This is the king's way."

"All right." Zheng Lingyan thought that as long as the company came back, anything would do.

But Li Wenfeng's heart was more painful.

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