Company transfer is not complicated, just need Li Wenfeng to pay a fee. After all, no matter Zheng Lingyan or Li Wenfeng, they are all celebrities on Hong Kong Island. When they go through the formalities, the staff have opened some back doors for convenience.

"Is it true? I, how can I still feel like a dream? " Zheng Lingyan looked at the information in her hands and was in a trance.


Suddenly, the slap started. Li Wenfeng covered his face and stared at Zhao Chengfeng in horror. He was wronged and said, "Mr. Zhao, how can you beat me?"


But Zhao Chengfeng explained: "isn't it that Ling Yan feels that all this is like a dream? So I'll give it a slap. Do you feel the pain? If it hurts, it's not a dream. If it doesn't hurt, it's a dream. "


On hearing this, Li Wenfeng really wants to break Zhao Chengfeng's bones, son of a bitch. He's such a bully. How about not bullying people like this?

Zheng Lingyan feels that everything is unreal like a dream. Why do you slap yourself? Do you think it's real? It's not a damn thing. It's too bullying.

"Don't you hurt?" Zhao Chengfeng raised his hand.

"Pain, don't fight."

Li Wenfeng quickly stops, and his hatred for Zhao Chengfeng is a little stronger. Son of a bitch!

"See, really, everything is true. Mr. Li feels very painful." Zhao Chengfeng didn't care what Li Wenfeng thought. He beat him first. Anyway, he didn't feel his hand hurt.

"This, you..." Zheng Lingyan was also surprised. Zhao Chengfeng gave Li Wenfeng a big mouth. What surprised Zheng Lingyan was that Li Wenfeng, who had always been arrogant and domineering, did not dare to resist.

You know, Li Wenfeng is also Zhao Chengfeng from Hong Kong Island. He said with a smile, "don't be nervous, Mr. Li. I haven't started yet."

Li Wenfeng's mouth twitched two times without answering.

"OK, let's go to the company first. Now Zheng's group is back in our hands again. It's time for the employees to come back." Zhao Chengfeng patted Zheng Lingyan on the shoulder.

Zheng Lingyan looked at the information in her hand, tears rolled out, almost crying.

Even if Zhao Chengfeng gives Zheng Lingyan enough money to make a comeback, and even if Zhao Chengfeng gives Zheng Lingyan enough sense of security, we can see that "Zheng group" returns to our own hands, but we can't control our tears.

Grandfather's years of hard work is finally saved!

"Well, back to the company first." Zheng Lingyan cried for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"Mr. Zhao, that..."

Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng and Zheng Lingyan are going to leave, Li Wenfeng is in a hurry. He is paralyzed. He has spent his money and Zheng's group has returned it to Zheng Lingyan, but the photos and videos haven't been given to him yet.

"Then what? I'll wait for you. I'll talk to you after I finish my business. " Zhao Chengfeng stares back at Li Wenfeng's next words.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want Zheng Lingyan to know that he has used a special way to get it back. Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want women to worry about themselves, and even doesn't want Zheng Lingyan to know her true identity.

Not deliberately hide, but do not want to let Zheng Lingyan too much worry.

"Well, well." Li Wenfeng was unwilling, but he didn't dare say anything.

However, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng got on the bus, he sent the video and photos to the kid, and then sent them to the police station through the kid's hand, or even directly released them on the Internet, causing certain social pressure.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng intentionally stirred up the chaos, but just to draw everyone's attention, completely overthrow the Li group and send Li Wenfeng to justice.

"Chengfeng, how can I feel that all this is not true? Did Li Wenfeng take the wrong medicine?" After getting on the bus, Zheng Lingyan was still confused. She always felt that everything was too incredible. She felt that God had made a big joke on her.

It's too dramatic to take everything that belongs to you and give it back to you overnight.

"What is true or not? I can tell you responsibly now that this is reality!" Zhao Chengfeng said: "don't think so much. You'd better call your secretary to come back first. Now, the first thing you need to consider is how to rebuild the company. If you want to make the company strong, you can not only live up to the expectations of Mr. Zheng, but also do a good job in charity."

"This time, I won't let my grandfather be restless again. I won't!" Zheng Lingyan suddenly feels that the whole person is full of strength and dials Secretary Xiao He's phone.

When Zheng Lingyan and Zhao Chengfeng arrive at Zheng's group building, Secretary Xiao He has been waiting at the gate, and the bank's people have withdrawn the seal.

"Mr. Zheng, does this mean that our company has not closed down? We can continue to work here, right? " Secretary Xiao He is also a face of muddled force, also have a sense of dreaming.

The company collapsed a few days ago, and everyone left. Zheng Lingyan was even more heartbroken. She not only sold all the things that the company could sell, but also gave Xiaohe her handbag as compensation.

"Yes, the company hasn't closed down. We're going to set sail again."

Zheng Lingyan showed a happy smile and patted Xiao He's shoulder heavily. What is friendship? Maybe Zheng Lingyan didn't understand in the past, but now she does.

It's not compliment and applause, it's true love in need!

You know, it was only a few months before Xiao He became Zheng Lingyan's secretary. When the company announced its bankruptcy, countless employees were angry with Zheng Lingyan on the spot. What's more, some employees who Zheng Lingyan had punished in the past were even more sarcastic. That's an ugly thing to hear. Only the Secretary Xiao He didn't say anything, quietly accompanied Zheng Lingyan through all the procedures.

This friendship, Zheng Lingyan always remember in mind, this life will not forget.

"Great, great, I don't have to go out to look for a job. Er, Mr. Zheng, do you want mine?" Xiaohe found that he was a little complacent and put out his tongue.

Zheng Lingyan chuckled and said, "it's natural. Who don't you use? From now on, you will be my right arm. You can do without anyone, but you can't do without me! "

With this sentence, it is equivalent to giving a reassurance to Secretary Xiao He.

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