Zheng's group set sail again, and Zheng Lingyan also restored the temperament of a strong woman once again. She plunged into her work, discussed with her secretary Xiao He for a long time, and finally had a preliminary concept!

Taking the original industry of the former Zheng's group as the core, at the same time, developing didi take out and didi express industry is a new industry with unlimited potential.

Whether it is the core industry of Zheng group or the emerging industry, a certain proportion of every profit is injected into the charity fund. In order to ensure that every sum of money is truly implemented, Zheng group will set up "Zheng group foundation", with Zheng Lingyan as its president.

Zhao Chengfeng turns around in Zheng's group and finds that Zheng Lingyan, who is as busy as a madman, has no time to talk to himself. He simply looks back to the north building to have a rest. He doesn't want to interfere in the development of the company. In other words, he believes in Zheng Lingyan's ability.

Before Zheng Lingyan too young, but this time paid enough tuition, presumably it will not be what the situation. Of course, even if something goes wrong, Zhao Chengfeng has the ability to solve it.

"Hey, crazy, I want to ask you something?" Zhao Chengfeng went to the lookout North building. They were smoking on the railing on the second floor of the casino, and they asked with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng took a sip of his cigarette and said, "what's the matter, please ask."

"What does a dog feel like?" Nangong Ming said with a bad smile.


"What do you mean?"

"Go away!"

Zhao Chengfeng almost used his strength to roar at Nangong Ming. Dog day, which pot does not open which pot, seeks to die, is not it?

"Ha ha ha."

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's angry roar, Nangong Ming is much happier.

"Son of a bitch."

Zhao Chengfeng turns his eyes around and suddenly has an impulse to strangle Nangong Ming.

"Forget it. I'm not kidding you. Let's get serious." After laughing for a while, Nangong Ming put away his smile and said: "Li group, you will not let it go. What do you think of Li group?"

"If you want to say something, please don't be such a motherfucker." Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyelids and said, "you won't share the big cake of Li's group, will you?"

"I really have that idea."

Nangong Ming did not hide his true thoughts, and continued: "Li's group is bound to collapse, but some industries of Li's group are still developing very well."

"How did you know that the Lee Group would collapse?"

"Isn't that bullshit?"

Nangong understood that he turned his eyes up and didn't have a good way: "who the hell has offended you on the territory of Huaxia country? Do you have good fruit to eat?"

"Are you scolding me?"

"I'm praising you. Can't you hear that?"

"Don't pull the calf!"

Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of his cigarette and said, "what's special about Li's group? Let's hear it. Or do you want to accept that part of the industry of Li's group?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Chengfeng is too lazy to beat around the bush. Nangong Ming knows his background, and of course he knows more about Zhao Chengfeng's strength and character.

Can the woman who bullied Zhao Chengfeng come to a good end?

"Usury and trade." Nangong Ming didn't beat around the Bush, but lit up a cigarette and said: "these two pieces are profiteering industries, especially usury. For example, our casinos also have usury. But after all, they are only limited to gamblers. The profit channels are too limited. But if we open the usury business in all aspects, it will be very difficult. The principal of ten thousand yuan will be lent out for one year, Its income can at least double. "

"Trade may be a little bit worse, but it's better than quantity. Mosquito thighs are also meat." Nangong Ming laughs and looks at Zhao Chengfeng.

"You're a real jerk."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng wry smile shake his head, in fact, a little tangled in the heart, all the Li group, Zhao Chengfeng is actually intended to let Zheng Lingyan to take care of you. But Nangong Ming took the initiative to speak, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't say much about it. Brother, you can share happiness and difficulties. As long as money can solve the problem, in Zhao Chengfeng's view, it's not a problem at all.

"Mingzi, I don't agree with you. I think trade is profitable, but usury is not." Zhao Chengfeng said: "it may seem that there are many usury profits, but actually the profits are not so good. Besides, it's not cost-effective to take risks."

It seems that he is afraid that Nangong Ming doesn't understand it very well, and then he says, "there are several problems that need to be paid attention to. First of all, usury is not protected by law. In recent years, there are people who have borrowed usury jumping off buildings in various places. One or two of them are not afraid, but there are many people who can die. How can you make money if you check them out? Although you have a relationship

"But I didn't find that trade makes money." On hearing this, Nangong Ming hesitated a little.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money these days. For example, if you want to set up a usury company, you must have a good relationship with the local people. For example, if Nangong Ming comes to Hong Kong Island to open a casino, you have to get involved with the local gamblers. Otherwise, who will take care of your business?

In addition, we have to support a group of thugs. Otherwise, if we have no money, who will charge you? A thug is a gangster like Liu Wenlong. He eats, drinks, whores and gambles all day long. He has all kinds of poisons. Why would he follow you if he had no money? Don't even think about it. The most important thing is that when something goes wrong, the boss behind the scenes has to spend money to help.

After careful calculation, there is really no money left.

"You don't understand that."

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, "today's people are too hypocritical, too good face. It's not too much to say that they worship foreign countries and flatter foreigners. For a very simple example, they don't like Huaxia manufacturing, but in fact many things are made in Huaxia. The most obvious example is apple mobile phone, which is sought after by people all over the world, but they don't know that this mobile phone is made in Huaxia, Although it's just for processing. "

"The manufacturing cost of an apple mobile phone is only a few hundred yuan or a thousand yuan. If you send these phones to the United States for a walk, they will be worth twice as much. Second hand Apple mobile phones will cost two or three thousand yuan. New Apple mobile phones are too expensive to be sold. But many people go to buy them. Do you know why?"

Nangong Ming frowned and asked, "isn't it because the system of Apple's mobile phone is easy to use?"

"It's just one side." Zhao Chengfeng said: "the key is to export to domestic sales, export to foreign countries around, come back to the value of the up, this is the strategy."

"I seem to understand something." Nangong Ming suddenly realized.

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