"The moon is round in foreign countries."

This is definitely not a formula, but a fact.

When shopping in the supermarket, the salesperson says, "this is rice made in China", "this is honey from Europe", "this is wine from Great Britain", which will surely attract people's attention. No matter whether it's good to drink or good to use, put it on the table and shout at people where it's imported. I have all my face.

Even many children in kindergartens and primary schools are saying, "I went to play in such and such a country", "what I bought in such and such a country", which is a kind of morbid idolatry.

However, businessmen are willing to seize this point to make money. At present, the more popular is "purchasing on behalf of others". International purchasing on behalf of others is extremely expensive, and there is no after-sales service.

For what? In a word, for the sake of the so-called face, easy to understand is to pretend.

"The quality of our country's products is absolutely not bad. To put it bluntly, there are only a few foreign packaging that others can't understand. You can think about it. Let's engage in trade. If you can keep away from usury, don't even touch casinos. It's not that you can't find a place to make money. Don't mess about it." Seeing that Nangong Ming understood something, Zhao Chengfeng beat the drum again.

Nangong Ming himself may not feel it, but Zhao Chengfeng has heard more or less about it. The high-level officials will crack down on "pornography, gambling and drugs". Moreover, Nangong Ming's Laozi position is not low. If his Laozi political enemies learn about it, it will have a great influence on Nangong Ming's family.


Nangong Ming shrugged and sighed, "is that what I don't think about? But I don't make money. I'm not happy. I have to think of a way to get married. "

"You don't want to cry with me." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned around and he didn't have a good way: "I know what position you Laozi is. I'll give you a bite and make money every minute."

"Madman, you don't know something."

Nangong Ming shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "you don't know who my Lao Tzu is. He wants to leave a gap for me at the back door, so I won't run to Hong Kong Island to open a casino."

"What? How upright is your father? " Zhao Chengfeng was a bit surprised.

"It's more than just being upright. I almost didn't recognize my six relatives. I'll kill them." Nangong Ming banged the flue: "the old guy means that I should find a serious job, donate all the money I have earned these years, get married and have a good life, but it's too hard. If I don't have money in my pocket, I guess the beggars on the roadside won't look you in the eye."

"Your Lao Tzu is right. You are too easy." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "of course, if you want to do business, I will support you, but you have to go the right way. If you still insist on opening casinos in the future and it involves usury, don't blame the brothers for not reminding you that some minefields can't be touched. "


Nangong Ming frowned slightly, nodded heavily, and said: "after the trading company is set up, I'll close the casino business in Wangbei building to see if I can take down the whole building and open an entertainment city. I can't stop people from eating, drinking and having fun."

"I'm relieved that you think so." Zhao Chengfeng nodded and felt at ease.

Money is the root of all evils, and nangongming is also a typical money fan. In case of economic mistakes in the future, will Zhao Chengfeng help or not?

"Didi... Didi..."

As soon as Nangong Ming's voice fell, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket rang.

"What's the matter?" The phone call is Zheng Lingyan, for this call, Zhao Chengfeng is not surprised, "OK, I'll come right away, you wait for me in the company."

"What's the matter? The little lover is summoned to see me. I'm as happy as a son of a bitch. " Nangong Ming joked.

Zhao Chengfeng gave nangongming a white look and said, "please inform your secretary that you are going to auction the materials of Li's group trading company. It is estimated that the price will not be too high."

"Auction? Damn, you've closed down the Li group? " Nangong Ming smell speech, the smoke of the corner of the mouth a shake, a face surprised expression.

When Li Wenfeng meets Zhao Chengfeng, Nangong Ming knows that Li Wenfeng and even the whole Li group have no good end. It's just that Nangong Ming doesn't know that retribution comes so fast, and it's still this way.

"Seizure? I don't have so much leisure. Well, I'll take your car out. I'll get ready and go. " Zhao Chengfeng waves his hand and looks out at Beilou hotel.

Nangong Ming was confused. At last, he couldn't understand it. He took a look at his mobile phone, and a series of push news came out. The most dazzling sentence was the exposure of Hong Kong Island rich Li Wenfeng's killing video!

"I shit, this..." Nangong Ming's mind turned, and soon contacted Zhao Chengfeng. He shook his head and secretly asked, "this guy is really not ordinary. If he doesn't do it, he'll just do it. He'll do it to death, dog day."

Nangong Ming murmured, but he didn't talk nonsense. He took the time to have a meeting with his secretary and contacted some leaders from Hong Kong Island to make a contribution to the purchase of the Trade Department of Li's group.

With Zhao Chengfeng's suggestion, Nangong Ming's mind is also much more active. The trading company sounds like delivering goods to people. It's not so big, and the profit is not much, but it's better in a long stream, because there are too many people shopping online now.

Just when Nangong Ming was busy, the media on Hong Kong Island was like a hurricane. Videos about Li Wenfeng's murder were uploaded on the Internet, and even Li's group was blocked by the police.

"Mr. Zheng, Li Wenfeng can't see it. It's cruel to kill people without blinking an eye." Secretary Xiao He was shocked at the same time.

In order to pursue Zheng Lingyan, Li Wenfeng visited Zheng Lingyan many times in his company. He was dressed in suits and shoes, holding flowers, not to mention being a gentleman. But now, this book is a joke.

What is under the human skin, no one can say clearly!

"There are so many things you can't think of. OK, let's leave it alone. Have all the company's recruitment notices been posted?" Zheng Lingyan is silent, but she thinks of a person -- Zhao Chengfeng.

Before the "Li Wenfeng killing video" was exposed, Li Wenfeng was like a grandson in front of Zhao Chengfeng. Why was he afraid of Zhao Chengfeng? Why did he return Zheng group to himself?

Did Zhao Chengfeng do all this?

"Mr. Zheng, the recruitment notice has been posted out, but there are many people browsing the information, but few people can call to inquire..." Secretary Xiao He looks a little ugly.

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