"Is our offer not good?" Zheng Lingyan frowned and was puzzled.

Normally, it can't be because of the salary. Zheng Lingyan doesn't have much money on hand. She also knows that if she wants to run, she must give the horse good grass. Her salary is many times higher than that of other companies.

"Mr. Zheng, maybe, maybe our company just announced the bankruptcy before, but unexpectedly it recovered in a short time, and then everyone thought we were joking, so..." Secretary Xiao He was a little embarrassed.

"For fun? I... "

Zheng Lingyan couldn't laugh or cry when she heard that. However, when she looked back and thought about it carefully, she also felt that it was reasonable for everyone to have such concerns. After all, the bankruptcy of Zheng's group was too sudden before, but now the company's reopening is also very sudden.

It's kind of like playing around.

"Recruitment can't be stopped, and the salary can be improved. We don't need people with high education, but we must be loyal and honest employees." Zheng Lingyan thought for a moment and said, "of course, quality is greater than quantity. Oh, by the way, security guards should be recruited first. We need people who are responsible to protect our employees and property. This is very important. "

"OK, Mr. Zheng, I'll do it right away." Secretary Xiao he wrote it down in his notebook.

Zheng Lingyan looked at the watch on her wrist and said, "after you post the recruitment, deal with what you are doing. At 3 pm, you go to the 4S shop and buy a batch of new cars. It's better to buy new energy electric vehicles."

"Buy a car? Why should we buy a car? " Secretary Xiao He is puzzled.

Zheng Lingyan said with a mysterious smile, "you'll know later. Go to the 4S shop and I'll go with you."

"All right." Secretary Xiao He answered and turned out of the office.

As soon as Xiao He left, the smile on Zheng Lingyan's face disappeared. She quickly turned on the computer and turned on the local news. All the news on the screen was about Li Wenfeng and Li's group.

In addition to the video of Li Wenfeng's murder, there are also the scandals of Li Wenfeng's past, including the fact that Li Wenfeng made Japanese women's stomachs big when he was studying abroad.

Li Wenfeng and Li's group are facing unprecedented pressure. At present, police and prosecutors are investigating and collecting evidence from Li's group, and even the villas of Li's group have been sealed up.

"Li's group can't escape the law this time, but is it really a common practice? He... "Thinking of a man, Zheng Lingyan's eyes were covered with mist.

Once upon a time, Zheng Lingyan never had a good face when she saw Zhao Chengfeng. She even wanted Zhao Chengfeng to die immediately. However, after the bankruptcy of Zheng's group, Zheng Lingyan found that she needed a man's shoulder.

Zhao Chengfeng, who looks extremely annoying, always looks like a rogue. But men also give you warmth and a sense of security unconsciously.

It's just like the Li group, a big mountain in front of Zheng Lingyan. Zheng Lingyan is full of enthusiasm and passion. Although she has billions to spend freely, Zheng Lingyan knows Li group and Li Wenfeng's meanness. It's absolutely a lie to say that she doesn't worry about Li Wenfeng's revenge. But now, all the trouble has been solved.

The murder video has revealed that even if Li's group is rich and influential, Li Wenfeng will die. Undoubtedly, Li's group will be suppressed by the Hong Kong Island government and the joint attack of Hong Kong Island business colleagues.

Not only Li Wenfeng, but also Li group. All the potential threats are annihilated.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

Just when Zheng Lingyan was daydreaming, the door of the office rang. Zheng Lingyan drew back her thoughts and said, "please come in."

"How was your first day at work?" As soon as the door opened, it was not others who came in. It was Zhao Chengfeng, the man who occupied Zheng Lingyan's brain. The man's face came in with a faint charming smile.

As always, the loser is dressed up as a world show with a bag of several yuan in his mouth. He is wearing a pale white shirt, and his lower body is a pair of washed white jeans. He puts his hands into his trouser pocket to make a fresh loser.

However, in Zheng Lingyan's eyes, at this moment Zhao Chengfeng is so tall, or in other words, men in Zheng Lingyan's eyes, he is a fan.

"Here you are. Sit down." Zheng Lingyan slightly stupefied, got up to pour a cup of hot tea for the man, and prepared an ashtray for the man. They sat on the sofa.

"Can I not come if you call?" Zhao Chengfeng shakes his ashes and looks around.

Although Zheng's group went bankrupt, it was only a few days before and after. The office was basically unchanged. It seems that Zheng Lingyan doesn't intend to change.

"I want to ask you, did you do Li Wenfeng's work?" Zheng Lingyan stares at the man's eyes and asks in a low voice.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Chengfeng did not answer directly, but gave the woman a honey like smile.

"I think it has something to do with you."

Zheng Lingyan was stunned for three seconds, nodded and said: "Li Wenfeng hates you to the bone. How can he hand over the Zheng group so easily? What's more, how could Li Wenfeng be willing to be humiliated by you and me, but dare not even fart? "

"And then?" Zhao Chengfeng still smiles faintly.

"I just want to ask you, are you playing with him secretly, or do you have something on him?" Zheng Lingyan took a deep breath, said: "if you are doing him, you should be careful, the police will certainly investigate carefully, I am afraid it will involve you, if he has something in your hands, I suggest you give it to the police immediately."

Feeling a woman's concern, Zhao Chengfeng felt warm. This time, his efforts were not in vain.

"Don't worry, I've got a sense of propriety." Zhao Chengfeng took a puff of smoke and said, "what you have to do now is to build the company well and do your duty well."

"But..." Zheng Lingyan heard Yan Xiu frown, not satisfied with the man's answer.

It's ambiguous, and Zheng Lingyan faintly feels that it has something to do with Zhao Chengfeng. If found by the police, the consequences are unimaginable. In China, don't underestimate the people's police!

"I know what you're worried about. Now that I've done it, I'm sure I'll be able to keep water from dripping." Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, "besides, I'm also doing harm for the people. The eyes of police comrades are bright. They will forgive me if they come to me."

Zheng Lingyan opened her mouth, but she had nothing to say.

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