"So you did it?"

Staring into Zhao Chengfeng's eyes for three seconds, Zheng Lingyan said that she was in a very complicated mood. She could not say whether she was happy or worried, or whether she had both emotions.

"Well, shouldn't I?"

Zhao Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, and his face, which had been fooling around, showed two sharp colors. He hummed coldly: "before he bullied my woman, Li Wenfeng should have the consciousness of being killed! I'm Zhao Chengfeng's woman. How can she be bullied by others? "

"..." the corners of Zheng Lingyan's mouth twitch slightly. When she reaches her mouth, she swallows it again. She is moved in her heart.

Is it not enough to be loved so much by a man in life?

"Anyway, you don't have to worry. I know what I'm doing. I don't care about one Li Wenfeng or ten li Wenfeng." Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng's resolute face burst out a strong self-confidence.

If it wasn't for the rule of law society, if it wasn't for fear of causing too much trouble, Zhao Chengfeng had a hundred extremely tragic ways to die waiting for Li Wenfeng.

"I believe you." Women look at men, eyes flow, gentle and emotional.

"It's good to believe me, but I want to ask you, do you like me?" Zhao Chengfeng raised her eyebrows, which reminded her of her delicate chin.


Zheng Lingyan's pretty face flushed, slightly nodded, "um..." the weak voice of mosquitoes and flies, sounds more exciting.

"Like me, don't you kiss my husband?" Zhao Chengfeng has the cheek to move forward.

Zheng Lingyan face more red, but still did not hesitate to kiss up.


However, when Zheng Lingyan went up, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly turned away from being a guest and put Zheng Lingyan under his body. Zhao Chengfeng's tongue stirred in Zheng Lingyan's mouth like a snake.

The intelligence quotient of women in love is not equal to zero, but they are more likely to be emotional. Slowly, Zheng Lingyan actually caters to it.

"Well, in front of the floor glass window, it should be very exciting..."

Zhao Chengfeng's mind turns suddenly and feels the change of a woman's body. Zhao Chengfeng's hand is like a loach. He goes deep into a woman's clothes and skirt. He is about to enter the most critical step

"Didi... Didi..."

Who knows, Zhao Chengfeng waist phone is suddenly ring up, Zhao Chengfeng hand directly to hang up, continue to move up.

"Didi... Didi..."

In less than a minute, the damn phone rang again.

"Chengfeng, or you'd better answer the phone first, let's..." Zheng Lingyan said in a low voice. She was also very uncomfortable.

To tell the truth, Zheng Lingyan also thinks that she is more and more daring now, and she is more and more shameless. She was almost succeeded by Zhao Chengfeng in the office.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded and was extremely depressed.

Pick up the mobile phone to see, in the heart more angry, NIMA, why do women embarrass women? Isn't it the damned girl in Jiangling who called?

"Hello, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng spoke with a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Oh, it seems that I'm not in a good mood. Did I disturb you?" Jiangling began to laugh. Through the phone, Zhao Chengfeng could imagine Jiangling's flattery at this time.

Perhaps, among Zhao Chengfeng's many women, Jiangling's face is not the most beautiful one, but it is definitely the most charming one, and her figure is also perfect to the extreme. Every twinkle and smile can easily arouse men's deepest and most primitive desire.

"Son of a bitch, talk about it!"

Zhao Chengfeng was so angry that he couldn't help taking Jiangling.

"It's nothing. Just ask you, can I come to Hong Kong island tomorrow to talk about cooperation with your little girl friend?" The voice of Jiangling rises again.

"How do you know the trouble here is over?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned.


Jiang Ling laughed and said, "do you think I'm stupid? The news of Hong Kong Island has come out. Li Wenfeng and Li's group are dead. How dare you say you didn't do all this? "

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth and tried to stop talking. Jiangling is so smart. You can see what happened after you read the news. It's not so smart.

"By the way, is your little girlfriend so moved that she threw herself in your arms?" Jiangling giggled again. It sounded like a joke, but there was more sorrow.

When Zhao Chengfeng hears this, he subconsciously glances at Zheng Lingyan beside him. He says that he is moved by this? Jiangling is really a human spirit. It has calculated people's heart and human nature.

"Don't pull the calf!"

Zhao Chengfeng rolled his eyes and said, "well, come here as soon as you can. Let's arrange the work there and talk about cooperation. Hong Kong Island is a big cake."

"Well, that's good. I can get to Hong Kong Island at 8 p.m., or I'll open a room in Wangtian hotel now, and you can come directly later?" Jiangling immediately followed.

"Damn it

When Zhao Chengfeng heard that Yan's face was black, he was almost angry.

"Nonsense, if I don't give it to you, it's settled." Hearing the speech, Jiangling laughed more happily.

"I am your sister..."

However, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish his scolding, Jiangling had already hung up and was in a hurry to come and go.

"Chengfeng, who, whose phone?" At this moment, Zheng Lingyan has already sorted out her clothes, but her face is still ruddy, which is obviously not very interesting.

I don't know why. Zheng Lingyan finds that she can't do without Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng sighed, "Lingyan, I don't want to hide you. She is one of my women. Her name is Jiangling. She is the founder of Jiangshi group. This time I come to Hong Kong Island to talk about cooperation with you. And she told me what happened to you. Therefore, I suggest that you join hands to swallow up the whole Hong Kong Island market. "

"Jiangling is your woman?" On hearing this, Zheng Lingyan was surprised.

It's so strong!

Zheng Lingyan, who is also a powerful woman, naturally knows the name of Jiangling. Compared with Jiangling, Zheng Lingyan thinks that it is not worth mentioning, because there are so many myths about Jiangling in the business world!

What surprised Zheng Lingyan most was that such a powerful woman was Zhao Chengfeng's woman. They seemed totally out of place. And please note that Jiangling is just one of Zhao Chengfeng's women.

"Yes, she's my woman, and she gave me a baby." Zhao Chengfeng didn't deny it, but he was frank with him. Since we have chosen to be together, we should tell each other the truth.

"You are developing really fast. Can we cooperate well?" Zheng Lingyan's face was a bit embarrassed, and she had a feeling of being found cheating.

Yes, it's the feeling when Xiao San is found!

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