Zheng Lingyan's worries were soon answered.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jiangling landed at the Hong Kong Island Airport on time, dressed in a red windbreaker, just like a flamingo, stepping on a pair of 10 cm high-heeled shoes, with elegant temperament and a sense of Queen.

Yes, when we met Jiangling with Zhao Chengfeng, "Queen" was Zheng Lingyan's label for Jiangling.

"Hello, sister Lingyan." Jiangling has obviously investigated Jiangling. She comes to Zheng Lingyan and reaches out her slim hand with a sweet and soft smile.

At least, Zheng Lingyan can't see any hostility.

"Hello, President Jiang." Zheng Lingyan also stretched out her hand, but compared with Jiangling, Zheng Lingyan was a little nervous.

"We'll be a family in the future. The whole family won't say a word." With a wave of his hand, Jiangling said, "I'll call you sister, and you can call me sister."

Zheng Lingyan's face was slightly stunned, but she soon recovered and said in a low voice, "sister Jiang."

"Well, that's right." Jiang Ling laughs and takes Zheng Lingyan's arm. They leave first, but they leave Zhao Chengfeng at the end.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng scolded, but still followed.

"Sister, is Chengfeng good for you? When he gets on the bus, Jiangling takes Zheng Lingyan to the back seat, while Zhao Chengfeng becomes a driver.

"What's the matter?"

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was immediately upset, and had no good way: "Jiangling, do you dare to teach me?"

"I can't teach you that." Jiangling said with a smile: "however, I have a good relationship with all the sisters. Do you think they will help you or tie me up with Ling Yan?"


Zhao Chengfeng's nose is crooked. It's a good Jiangling. He has learned how to unite with other women so quickly. It's really cruel.

Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of women, but if all women unite to fight against themselves, it's really not a common trouble. Think about it, Zhao Chengfeng has some scalp numbness.

"Ling Yan sister, see, man, you can give him face outside, but we still have to hold the right to speak in our own hands, don't give him face too much, understand?" Jiangling turns around and rushes to Zheng Lingyan road.

Zheng Lingyan looks embarrassed, and Zhao Chengfeng looks black.

"Smelly girl, how can I deal with you at night?" Zhao Chengfeng secretly asked, and decided to give Jiangling some color to see, his grandmother's, if it goes on like this, it's easy to spoil them all.

Along the way, Jiangling was imparting experience to Zheng Lingyan and shaking off some of Zhao Chengfeng's embarrassments. At first, Zheng Lingyan was still a little nervous, but later, Zheng Lingyan also slowly let go of the embarrassment and shame of being a junior.

Love a person is not wrong, since met, then good to love. And if you love more people to love, it proves that you have a good eye and don't see the wrong person.

Just like our dear grandfather Mao, it is estimated that no one does not love grandfather Mao, and no one has ever said that grandfather Mao is playful.

By the time we arrived at Wangjiang Hotel, nangongming had already been waiting here. He asked for a large private room, filled with table full of delicacies and delicacies, and placed several bottles for Maotai.

"I've met two sisters in law, my younger brother nangongming. Please take care of them." Nangong Ming smiles at Jiangling and Zheng Lingyan, and winks at Zhao Chengfeng by the way. Obviously, he admires Zhao Chengfeng's persuasion.

Nangong Ming didn't even admire his own Laozi in his life. He admired Zhao Chengfeng for nothing else, just for Zhao Chengfeng's ability to deal with the relationship between the harem. You know, this was something that ancient emperors could not solve.

"Mingzi, you are doing well on Hong Kong Island. Listen to Chengfeng, your casinos are making money every day." Jiangling see is Nangong Ming, said with a smile.

As for Zheng Lingyan, she just nodded to nangongming and didn't say anything else. After all, it was Zhao Chengfeng's help to Nangong Ming that made Zheng's group fall from the altar.

Of course, Zheng Lingyan didn't hate Nangong Ming, but felt uncomfortable.

"Ling Yan, let me introduce you. This is Nangong Ming. You've met him. He has a good relationship with me. He grew up together as a child." Zhao Chengfeng's saying this is tantamount to letting Zheng Lingyan down. Anyway, Nangong Ming is Zhao Chengfeng's brother, and Zheng Lingyan is Zhao Chengfeng's woman. Zhao Chengfeng hopes Zheng Lingyan to let go of her unhappiness.

"Well, hello."

Zheng Lingyan just began to speak, but her attitude was not as enthusiastic as Jiangling. After chatting all the way, Zheng Lingyan actually regarded Jiangling as her sister in her heart.

"Sit down. You're welcome." Zhao Chengfeng beckons and everyone sits down together.

Jiangling is next to Zheng Lingyan, while Zhao Chengfeng is next to Nangong Ming. The two girls bow their heads and say something. Zhao Chengfeng is smoking with Nangong Ming.

"It's all my family today, so I won't say more about it." Zhao Chengfeng watched the food on the table, took up the glass and said, "come on, let's finish this cup together, and then we'll discuss the big plan of making money!"



Three people should and one after another, take up the wine cup and drink, especially Nangong Ming, not excited.

"Madman, what's the plan to make money? Let's hear it." Nangong Ming can't sit still. As long as he mentions money, Nangong Ming will work hard.

Different from nangongming's excitement, Zheng Lingyan's face was full of doubts. She didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's meal. Didn't she say that she would take care of Jiangling? How did it become a big money making plan again?

"I'm talking about the big cake of Hong Kong Island."

Zhao Chengfeng naturally continued his cigarette and explained: "before, I was going to let Lingyan and Jiangling eat this big cake on Hong Kong Island. Are you short of money? I'm going to leave the trade to you, and the rest to Ling Yan and Jiangling. Don't you mind? "

"Of course I don't mind." Nangong Ming is as happy as a son of a bitch.

Although Hong Kong Island is only a small part of China, it is directly connected with the international community. It has more opportunities to make money and contact the upper class.

It's not about how capable you are these days, it's about how many contacts you have!

"I don't mind. Anyway, it's all about making money. Who's making money?"

Jiangling is very open-minded, "his brother's money, it is also their own money, nothing reluctant."

"Haha, thank you first, sister-in-law Jiangling." On hearing this, Nangong Ming was even more happy.

However, Zheng Lingyan's face is not particularly good-looking. She looks at Zhao Chengfeng in doubt.

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