"Ling Yan, do you have any opinions?" Zhao Chengfeng saw Zheng Lingyan's doubts, even unhappy.

Zheng Lingyan took a deep breath and said, "I don't have any opinions. It's just about trade. Does it include express delivery?"

Zheng Lingyan stares at Zhao Chengfeng and is not happy. Before that, Zhao Chengfeng has made an agreement with him to start from the service industry. Because society is developing too fast, only the service industry may be eliminated a little slower.

But now he has given the trade to his brother. Is he playing with himself as a monkey? Most importantly, why didn't Zhao communicate with himself in advance before he made this decision?

"Of course."

Zhao Chengfeng knew what women were thinking and why they were unhappy. However, he said, "Ling Yan, it's my fault. I didn't communicate with you in advance, but I hope you can understand that it's not that you can't do a good job in trade, but that you have too many things to do, and you may not have so much energy to do too many things."

"The real estate industry on Hong Kong Island is enough for you. Don't forget that there are other big enterprises in Hong Kong Island even without Li's group. It's not so easy to swallow them one by one."

Zheng Lingyan was a little stunned, and immediately did not say a word. At present, Zheng Lingyan has a lot to do. To put it mildly, the company hasn't recruited enough staff.

"What's more, you have to talk about cooperation with Jiangling next. Aren't you interested in Jiangling's cooperative industry?" Zhao Chengfeng was afraid that women would not be happy, so he let out a little bit of saying, "don't worry, you can definitely earn more than trade."

Jiangling also said: "yes, big sister, we can make a lot of money. Believe me."

Nangong Ming is also a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, he robbed his sister-in-law's work. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Do you think I just want to make money?"

However, Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "I just want to earn more money to do charity. No matter how much money I have, can I use it up? I've already figured out the Countermeasures before. I donate 50 cents for each express delivery. It's a huge amount at the end of the day, but now... "

"I don't think it's a big deal."

Hearing this, Jiangling waved his hand and said, "in the future, we'll make a luxury. Let alone fifty-five yuan for a luxury, even if we donate one hundred yuan, we'll make a lot of profits!"

"Sister, don't worry. Charity is a good thing. Let's do it together. It's more than your previous budget." Jiangling's face is full of confidence.

Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. You know, Jiangling was a ruthless character in those days. No one in the south-east was her opponent. That's a woman of Wu Zetian's type. She was cruel but very capable!

Unexpectedly, she even wanted to do charity. This is big news.

"You, you also do charity?" Zheng Lingyan is very curious.

"What? Don't I? " Asked Jiang Ling.

Zheng Lingyan did not speak with a dry smile.

Jiangling sipped a mouthful of red wine, showed a bitter smile, and then said: "I also had a painful experience in those years. Although I was not an orphan, I had a worse life than an orphan. If my family had money, I could study well. Oh, no, come on, drink..."

It seems that thinking of the grief of the past, Jiangling was in a low mood and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Everyone has a past."

Zhao Chengfeng said it secretly, and suddenly remembered the tragic experience of Jiangling. Because there was an incompetent Laozi in his family, Jiangling ate, drank, prostituted and gambled all kinds of drugs, and finally owed usury. He had no choice but to sell Jiangling, who had just entered high school, to the underworld boss. Jiangling was also a ruthless character. On the day of his marriage, he killed the underworld boss and became the new boss, Step by step, he took control of the gang.

But no matter how good Jiangling is now, being sold by his father is a lifelong pain in his heart. And Zhao Chengfeng also felt that he was not enough concerned about women.

"Since both sisters in law have spoken, I can't hold back." Nangong Ming said with a smile: "I decided that in the future, no matter how my income is, I will donate 10% of my annual profit to make our society more and more beautiful!"


After hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was very happy and said, "here, let's drink a toast. First, for everyone to make a lot of money together. Second, for everyone to contribute to charity. Cheers!"


Put down my heart, this meal is more happy.

Jiangling and Zheng Lingyan had a good chat. At the end of the chat, the two girls saw that the time was almost up. They left first and said that there were still many whispers to talk about. Zheng Lingyan said that she would take Jiangling to see the night scene of Hong Kong Island.

"Shit, we're left." Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed.

Before coming here, Zhao Chengfeng had planned to "clean up" Jiangling well in the evening. This girl is more and more daring. If she can't make women submit, how shameless is Zhao Chengfeng?

But now there's a slip from Jiangling, which is more embarrassing.


Nangong Ming didn't know what Zhao Chengfeng thought. He poured wine for Zhao Chengfeng and said, "women have their own ways of playing. We men have men's ways of living. Why do we care so much? Come on, drink, drink. Today, let's not get drunk or come back... "

"When did you drink with you, you didn't get drunk?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned around, and he felt like he was on his own.

How lonely is invincible, why can't I get drunk?

"Well, you're good!"

Nangong Ming finished his drink, smoked a cigarette, and said, "madman, seriously, don't be unhappy with women for my brother's sake. I can see just now that my sister-in-law is a little unhappy."

"You think too much. She doesn't value money. She just wants to do charity. She's an orphan. So I'm very concerned about charity. " Zhao Chengfeng explained that he patted Nangong Ming on the shoulder, indicating that the latter didn't think much.

Zhao Chengfeng also saw that Zheng Lingyan was not happy, but he didn't take it to heart. There is nothing that can't be solved in one shot for the contradiction between the couple. If there is, it's easy and pleasant.

"Oh, yes!"

Nangong Ming suddenly thought of something and said, "you've been on Hong Kong Island for so many days. Don't you plan to visit anbai?"

"Yes, how can I forget that amber is also on Hong Kong Island?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng pats his head, he really forgets anbai.

"Damn it, it's not a thing!"

Nangong Ming gnashes his teeth with hatred, "if you get it, you don't cherish it, do you? I don't understand. How can anbai take a fancy to you? "

"No, I'm going to anbai!"

However, before Nangong Ming finished scolding, Zhao Chengfeng disappeared first.

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