For the king, we should achieve "rain and dew are accounted for.".

Zhao Chengfeng thinks so, the car drives faster a few minutes. I'm driving and I'm calling amber.

"Hello, amber..."

"Oh, my good brother, what day is it today? Is it the sun coming out in the West or the moon coming out in the west? It can't be the Japan earthquake with a magnitude of 10, and then it's all extinct. How can you be willing to call me?"

As soon as the phone is connected, before Zhao Chengfeng finishes his sentence, anbai makes fun of it. It sounds like a joke, but there is some sadness in his heart, as if he is blaming Zhao Chengfeng for not being accompanied.

"Stop, can you stop talking?"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said, "I'm on Hong Kong Island now. Where are you? I'll come and see you. "

"Oh, you come to see me. Shall I greet you?" On hearing this, anbai's interest increased a little.

"If you don't want to talk about the place, I'll come right away." Zhao Chengfeng has nothing to do with anbai. This girl plays with her mouth. Few people are her opponents.

"Moon Island."

"Yes, I'll be there in half an hour at most." With that, Zhao Chengfeng is ready to hang up.

"Wait a minute."

Anbai said, "my good brother, I have bad news for you. Do you want to hear it?"

"I haven't heard any good news from you. You can tell me anything." Zhao Chengfeng disagrees.

In fact, anbai is very reassuring. Basically, he won't find any trouble for himself. Even if there is any trouble, he is jealous and harmless. But on the whole, anbai is good.

In fact, Ambrose has also helped Zhao Chengfeng a lot. He has only been in charge of the entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island for a few months and has begun to return to his original business. Combined with anbaiqi's "music Queen" demeanor, he made a lot of money for Zhao Chengfeng, although Zhao didn't care much about money.

"That's what I said."

Amber's voice dropped a lot. "You're not here today."

"What's the matter? Is it difficult for me to go to see you and see an auspicious day? " Zhao Chengfeng is even more puzzled.


Anbai coughed softly and said, "my mother just came in the morning, maybe that in the evening..."

"Damn it, running the red light." On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was immediately depressed.

His grandmother's, originally this evening to find Jiangling diarrhea fire, even without Jiangling, not Zheng Lingyan? But before they finished their meal, they went shopping.

Go to anbai. The red light is on. It's embarrassing

"Ha ha ha, I'm kidding you."

Hearing Zhao Chengfeng's rude remarks, anbai burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.

"I am your sister!"

Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold. He's so depressed that he doesn't want it. His grandmother's is fooled by anbai.

"Hum!" Anbai snorted: "you men don't have a good thing, don't you think of me if you don't do that? Man, born big sex wolf. Hum

With that, amber hung up the phone with a bang.

"I wipe it!"

Looking at the phone being hung up, Zhao Chengfeng is even more depressed. Grandma's, accidentally, was tested by anbai. The woman's heart is like a needle. That's true.

"Hum, try brother Feng. I will make you unable to get down tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng threw the phone aside, suddenly increased the speed, straight to the moon island.

The moon island under the night sky is more charming. There are stars in the sky, neon lights on the island, a gentle breeze, and a circle of light spots like fish scales on the lake. It's very beautiful.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng got off at the dock, he saw anbai coming on a luxury cruise ship from a distance. Under the moonlight, anbai was wearing a white dress, which was very moving.

"I'll go. Is it too extravagant for us to come here in such a big boat?" Zhao Chengfeng jumped onto the cruise ship. Seeing that there was no one around him, he put his arms around anbai Yingying's waist and bowed his head slightly. The unique fragrance of the woman made him go to his nostrils and make him feel refreshing.

Anbai let the man hold him like this and said with a smile: "in fact, this cruise ship is not rented, but bought..."

"Damn, how much is that?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng felt a pain.

"Not much, that's all."

Amber held out a finger.

"Ten million?"

"100 million!"

"My God!"

Zhao Chengfeng, sweating, hugged the woman and said, "Damn it, I'm going to turn over the cruise ship tonight. Let's go in with me!"

With that, Zhao Chengfeng drags anbai into the cruise ship. He doesn't know what's going on inside. It seems that the cruise ship is shaking gently, accompanied by the chorus.


"Ling Yan, this Hong Kong Island is indeed a treasure land, connecting all parts of the world. In terms of economy, technology and even fashion, it is in the forefront of other parts of China. There's gold all over here. "

On the other side, Jiangling and Zheng Lingyan are strolling on the rainbow bridge. Although there are not many people on the rainbow bridge, the beautiful scenery is still there. At least now, Jiangling has fallen in love with the city of Hong Kong Island, which is charming enough!

"Sister Jiang, are you blaming me for being so popular at dinner?" How clever Zheng Lingyan was, she suddenly thought of the reason why Jiangling said this.

Jiangling gave a noncommittal smile and said: "Chengfeng is a big sex wolf with a romantic nature, which you and I can't change. But at the same time, he is also a person who values love and righteousness. He doesn't allow anyone to bully his woman, and he won't let his brother be wronged. I just hope that our sisters can get along with each other more happily, and also with his brothers and sisters The family member maintains the good relations, does not let him be embarrassed

"Does he have a lot of women?" Zheng Lingyan a little hesitant, biting lips, some tangled in the heart.

It's not that she hates Zhao Chengfeng, but that Zheng Lingyan feels like a disgusting little three.

"Quite a lot!"

Jiangling's delicate mouth stirred up a touch of bitterness. "To tell you the truth, up to now, I don't know how many women he has. I only know that he has two children and a dry daughter."

"..." Zheng Lingyan opened her mouth, wanted to say something, and finally swallowed it all, but she didn't look very comfortable.

"What? Do you regret following him? " Jiangling asked.

"No regrets."

Zheng Lingyan shook her head and said, "I'm a mature person. If I make a choice, I won't regret it. It's just that I'm afraid that I won't get along well with everyone in the future and won't be accepted by his family, so..."

"Ha ha, it's unnecessary to worry. His parents are very good and good to us." Jiang Ling said seriously, "it's a very harmonious family, and we all have one goal."

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