"Common goals?"

Zheng Ling Yan Xiu eyebrow micro Cu, very don't understand, "what common goal?"

"Correct me, maybe it's not a common goal, but a common hobby." Jiangling looked into the woman's eyes and said, "that is, we all love this man. For this man, we can give up everything we have!"


Zheng Lingyan's delicate body trembled, and she was shocked. So many women love this man? This man who looks like a loser?

"All we do is for the good of men, so how can we fight?" With a faint smile, Jiangling said, "do you think it's crazy?"

"Well." Zheng Lingyan hesitated a little, but still nodded, "at least now I feel very crazy, even difficult to understand."

"Love is a maddening thing. What's inconceivable about it?" Jiangling sighed: "you can compare before and after. Before you fell in love with this man, how do you feel about him?"

"Loser, loser, even a bad guy who talks about money." Zheng Lingyan did not hide her true thoughts.


Smell speech, Jiang Ling suddenly laughed, "you can really direct, then now, what's your opinion to him?"

"There's nothing special about it now."

Zheng Lingyan thought about it carefully, blushed a little, and said: "how to say, anyway, I feel that he is a good man, at least I don't hate him, and there is a feeling that I can't do without him."

"Isn't that right?" Jiangling smile, "love is like this, beauty in the eyes of the beholder, can't say where he is good, is no one can compare."

Zheng Lingyan nodded with empathy and asked, "sister Jiang, do you feel the same way?"

"We all feel that way."

The night wind lifts Jiangling's hair. It looks charming and sexy.

Jiangling gently held the top of her hair, looked back at Zheng Lingyan and said, "sister, we are all hopelessly in love with a man. Although there are some different voices and different opinions, believe me, falling in love with this man will be the greatest luck and happiness in your life. Because we can give everything for him, and he can give everything for us. "

"Love, do not need to tangle, as long as the heart is happy, this is enough."

Zheng Lingyan nodded heavily and suddenly understood a lot in her heart.

In fact, when Zhao Chengfeng told Zheng Lingyan that he had a lot of women, Zheng Lingyan was actually not happy. Isn't this Huaxin radish, a realistic version of XiMenqing? It's not decent to meet one, love one, love one and marry one.

However, Zheng Lingyan ignored that Zhao Chengfeng was sincere. He never forces anyone!

"I see." Zheng Lingyan smiles gratefully at Jiangling. She says that this is a woman who is extremely sexy and intelligent.

The two of them came out for a walk. It was definitely not a spur of the moment in Jiangling, but after careful consideration. First of all, Jiangling must have a good relationship with Zheng Lingyan. They fell in love with the same man, and then they had to talk about cooperation. If private relations were not in place, how could cooperation be in place; Secondly, it's all a family. If the relationship is not handled properly, there will be more troubles.

The most important thing is that Jiangling will introduce some things about Zhao Chengfeng, so that Zheng Lingyan will not be prepared and embarrass Zhao Chengfeng in public like this evening.

Men are very important to face. After returning home, a woman can be angry and throw her arms around, but she has to give a man enough face outside.

"By the way, how does Zheng group develop next? What are your plans?" Seeing that the woman opened her heart, Jiangling leaned against the railing and asked with a smile.

Zheng Lingyan shook her head slightly and sighed: "to tell you the truth, my mind is very confused now. I know I have to do a lot of things, but I don't know where to start. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Now there are only three employees in Zheng's group. One is my secretary, Xiao He, and the other two are security guards. "

"It's hard at the beginning. It's right to start little by little." Jiangling said: "it's OK to think about everything first and second. It's a good thing to make money, but money can't be earned all the time. Don't suffocate yourself. That's the most important thing."


With Jiangling's encouragement, Zheng Lingyan was in a better mood. She asked, "sister Jiang, what do you have in controlling Jiangshi group? Share with me. I'll learn from you."


Hearing this, Jiangling laughed bitterly and said, "do you really think I'm a deformed woman King Kong who can do anything and do everything well? I'm also a rookie, and I've accumulated it bit by bit. If you have to say something, just pay for the lesson. "

"Pay for lessons? What do you mean Zheng Lingyan was at a loss, feeling that Jiangling was playing with her.

"Simply put, it's learning from failure."

Jiangling seriously explained: "let's take the mobile phone as an example. In those days, how hot the mobile phone was, and how popular the BB and PHS were, it can be said that they were all over China. At that time, there was a BB machine on the waist and a mobile phone in hand, which was the symbol of successful people. But now, looking back, the mobile phone was eliminated, the BB machine was eliminated, and the PHS was eliminated, Even Nokia, the world-class mobile phone overlord, can't find a meal. Have you ever thought about why? "

"Why?" Zheng Lingyan is puzzled.

"The technological revolution is coming."

Jiangling was worried and said with emotion: "reality encourages us to make progress, to innovate, to accept new technology, to do bigger and more boastful innovation, because you and I may be eliminated at any time. Do you understand? "

"I seem to understand something." If Zheng Lingyan thinks, "it's never too old to learn, right?"

"Yes. Now many driverless cars are coming out. How many people will be unemployed in this city Jiangling pointed to the traffic coming and going across the road, feeling very worried.

To a certain extent, Jiangling thinks that human beings are really cheap. Human beings have developed and manufactured robots, but they have been replaced by robots. Isn't that cheap?

However, this is science and technology, which is the inevitable process and law of human development!

"If we don't want to be eliminated, we can only make continuous progress and innovation, and always stay in the forefront of the trend." Jiangling's eyes are full of firmness, overlooking the other end of the bridge.

Zheng Lingyan thought about it and asked, "so our cooperation should start with high technology, right?"

"How can high technology be so easy to start with?" Jiangling shook his head with a bitter smile.

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