Now Li Wenfeng is wanted by the police. Li Wenfeng's life is worse than that of a dog. He is in hiding. The hatred in his heart broke out completely. Li Wenfeng knew that he was not Zhao Chengfeng's opponent, so he had to find Zheng Lingyan!

Even if it's death, it's going to take a cushion. Of course, it's better to give Zhao Chengfeng a green hat before he dies!

Son of a bitch!

"Come down to me, or I'll stab you, damn it!" Li Wenfeng drags Zheng Lingyan from the car with a smile on his face.

This is a very desolate parking lot. No one is guarding it. Li Wenfeng doesn't worry about people coming. Of course, even if someone comes, Li Wenfeng can easily escape. This is too open.

"Li Wenfeng, I advise you to turn yourself in. Maybe you can still have a whole body." Although Zheng Lingyan was afraid, she forced herself to calm down.

At this time, we must find a way to ask for help. I hope sister Jiang in the car can call for help. Therefore, Zheng Lingyan must fight for enough time for Jiangling!

"Bah, turn yourself in? You can think of it

When Li Wenfeng heard the words, he swore and said, "smelly girl, do you want me to die faster? I'll tell you what the hell I did. Ten shots is enough. I tell you, I'm not afraid of death, but before I die, I'll put you on my back and give you to the smelly girl. If it wasn't for you, how could I have come to this stage? "

"Li Wenfeng, do you want a face?" "Zheng Lingyan sneered," if you didn't covet our Zheng group, if you didn't make a secret move behind your back, how could Zheng group go bankrupt? How much damage have you brought to Zheng's group? Don't you have a bit of B number in your heart? But for you, I would... "


Li Wenfeng couldn't listen. He slapped Zheng Lingyan in the face and roared, "shut up, please."

Zheng Lingyan felt her hot face and it was very painful. But Zheng Lingyan didn't cry. She cried in front of Li Wenfeng. Didn't she look weak?

"Damn it! Not to mention Zheng's group, it's OK. When I mention Lao Tzu, I'll be damned angry! "

Li Wenfeng swearing: "yes, I admit that it was Lao Tzu who made a dirty move on Zheng group. I bribed Zhang Feng, the finance minister of your company, to take away all the money in the company's account. But didn't I give it back to you? Why don't you let me go and give the video to the police? Why don't you give me a way to live? "

"Because you're not a man."

Zheng Lingyan didn't open her mouth, but the door opened. Jiangling stepped down from the car and looked at Li Wenfeng in front of her, with a smile on her delicate lips.

"Who the hell are you? Is Lao Tzu a man? Do you need to tell me? " Li Wenfeng really didn't notice that there were other women in the car. Although the women in front of him were very beautiful and sexy, they made Li Wenfeng feel more aggrieved!

Paralyzed, originally their own good life is about to start, power and status, money and beauty, what a fascinating life ah, but because of the emergence of Zhao Chengfeng, because of Zhao Chengfeng's shameless, resulting in all his dreams into a bubble, overnight, he became a murderer from the rich, everyone scolded the murderer!

Li Wenfeng would not be reconciled even if he died.

"Do you want me to take off my pants and show you what a man is?" Li Wenfeng couldn't help looking at Jiangling more. Now that his body had a reaction, a salivating smile came from the corner of his mouth.

In recent years, Li Wenfeng has played with many women, including model cars and female stars. As for college students and young ladies, there are countless. Maybe Jiangling is not the most beautiful, but it is definitely the sexiest.

Especially women's smile, there is a kind of fox meaning, people can't move eyes!

"Take off, who doesn't take off his pants, who is a son of a bitch, let me see how many hairs you have grown." However, Jiangling was not angry at all, and even had no shyness on her face. Instead, she showed a banter smile.

"Tut Tut, you can really scratch, but I like it. I like the fox like scratch on you. I'll play with you after I kill this girl first!" The licentious smile on Li Wenfeng's face was even worse.

"Sister Jiang, you..." Zheng Lingyan is very anxious, but there is no good way.

Zheng Lingyan really does not understand, why does Jiangling rush out at this time? Can't you just call the police? For the first time, I also called Chengfeng for help. I came out just to irritate Li Wenfeng, who was just like a madman?

You know, now Li Wenfeng has nothing left, and he has nothing to take care of. He can do everything. He is a complete lunatic.

"No," he said

"Tut Tut, you can't wait. All right, let's go, get in the car, and have a good time in a place where there is no one!" Li Wenfeng was obviously dazzled by desire. He couldn't wait to say, "Damn, I'll be satisfied with you two even if I die."

"What else do you want to go? It's here. It's so exciting. I like exciting. Come on... "Jiangling blinked his eyes like a fox and hooked his fingers to Li Wenfeng.

Li Wenfeng thought about it, but he also gave up and said, "Damn, it's OK to stimulate me. Anyway, I have nothing to live for. Come on, let's have a good time..." Li Wenfeng released Zheng Lingyan, went to Jiangling, and took off his clothes as he walked

"Sister Jiang..." Zheng Lingyan was very anxious.

However, when Li Wenfeng took off his clothes, Jiangling moved as fast as a mountain. A long and round leg of lightning stepped forward and hit the three inch area under Li Wenfeng's belly!


All of a sudden, the howl like a pig came out. Li Wenfeng knelt on the ground, holding his belly in his hands, and sweating from his forehead.

It's the pain of an egg.

"Er..." Zheng Lingyan was silly. She didn't expect Jiangling to move so fast and fiercely.

However, this kind of ferocity is in line with Zheng Lingyan's taste.

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