"Isn't it exciting? Are you happy

Jiangling squatted down, played with Li Wenfeng's dagger, raised Li Wenfeng's head, and said with a faint smile, "what? Isn't that all right? I think I'm right. You're not really a man. "

"..." in Li Wenfeng's heart, there are 10000 grass mud horses galloping by. It's not that Li Wenfeng dare not scold, but that he can't scold at all. It's too painful.

I'm not a eunuch. I'll never realize the feeling of "beating the chicken with eggs". It's so sour that I don't need it... Li Wenfeng also wants to have a good time, but how can he now? Cool your sister, cool!

Damn, "the most poisonous woman", old fellow, this is nothing wrong.

"Is it inconvenient for you? Why don't I help you take off your pants?" Jiangling doesn't care what Li Wenfeng's expression is, and doesn't care how Li Wenfeng scolds himself. The dagger sticks under Li Wenfeng.

Li Wenfeng shivered when the cold breath came.

"Don't, don't..." Li Wenfeng was really afraid this time. Even if he didn't have the function of the water pipe, wouldn't he have to squat in the future?

How embarrassing.

"No, didn't you really want it? Why not now? Tell me, do you like my mother or my sister Ling Yan? How can we cooperate with you? " Jiangling's face was still smiling and said, "why don't you lie down and let's go up and move ourselves?"

"..." Li Wenfeng shook his head and did not believe what Jiangling said.

Jiangling's words are very attractive, and the pictures are fascinating, but Li Wenfeng doesn't have the courage.

"Sister Jiang, you..." but Zheng Lingyan was a little embarrassed. What did she say? She went up and moved by herself. Was she so casual?

What's more, Zheng Lingyan wants to slap Li Wenfeng to death. How can she have a relationship with him?

"That's all. If my sister doesn't serve you, you'll be wronged. How about my mother serving you alone?" Jiangling then said, playing with the dagger, laughing as brightly as a flower.

Zheng Lingyan opened her mouth and held back what she wanted to say.

"Beauty, don't, don't use it."

Li Wenfeng has slowed down now, and he speaks more quickly. He doesn't dare to look at Jiangling's face at all. He doesn't even dare to peek at Jiangling's chest. This is an extremely cruel woman, which ordinary men can't control!

"It was a misunderstanding before. I was wrong. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and Li Wenfeng has to bow his head to admit his mistake. If Jiangling is unhappy, he will be completely finished with a knife or a call to the police.

"Misunderstanding? Ha ha. "

Jiangling heard the speech, suddenly laughed, said: "well, I'll introduce myself, my name is Jiangling, is Zhao Chengfeng's woman, you say, you want to kill my man, we just misunderstand so simple?"

"Ah? You are... "Li Wenfeng suddenly realized, and finally knew why Jiangling would kick himself, not because he stroked her, but because of Zhao Chengfeng?

But didn't Zheng Lingyan announce it in public? She is Zhao Chengfeng's woman. She was born Zhao Chengfeng's person and died his ghost. But now how can a beautiful woman come out and say it's his woman?

No, why the poor loser? Li Wenfeng really doesn't understand. What does Zhao Chengfeng look like? Why can he make so many people like him? For what?

You know, Zheng Lingyan didn't react at all. Obviously, she wasn't jealous. Nima, do women like losers now?

"Yes, I'm Zhao Chengfeng's woman. You'd better die."

Jiangling smiles and the dagger goes down.


With a sad howl, Li Wenfeng fell to the ground and fainted.

Jiangling didn't kill him, but made him a real eunuch, that's all.

"Sister Jiang, this..." Zheng Lingyan was so scared that she looked at Jiangling in front of her. Her heart was cold. For the first time, Zheng Lingyan felt that Jiangling in front of her was a little terrible.

Generally, women are not so cruel. When they talk to a man, they just say it's done. This

"That's what he should end up with."

Jiangling glanced at Li Wenfeng, who was lying on the ground. Looking at the blood flowing from the ground, he raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth. "His woman, no one can tease him!"

"..." Zheng Lingyan did not speak, but a sense of inexplicable pride and security welled up in her heart.

At this moment, Zheng Lingyan felt that as Zhao Chengfeng's woman, she was really happy.

"Let's go. Let's leave the scene to the police. Let's go back to the hotel first, and then talk about cooperation." Jiangling pulls Zheng Lingyan into the car, restarts the car and leaves.

I have to say that although this Passat is not very good, it's not high-grade, but it's absolutely durable. It's nothing serious when it's hit by a truck. The front bumper is a little broken, and there's nothing wrong with driving on the road.

When they arrived at the hotel, Jiangling called the police and said that Li Wenfeng had been found somewhere. Then they went into the room with Zheng Lingyan as if nothing had happened.

After washing, Zheng Lingyan was still worried, "sister Jiang, don't we really have to tell Chengfeng? He did those things before. Will the police... "

"Don't worry!"

Smell speech, Jiang Ling light smile, way: "for our men, you know not deep enough.". It's not that he can be above the law, it's just that his identity can be dealt with first and then. I'm afraid the local police have no right to try him. Besides, Li Wenfeng's murder is a fact. Why do you care so much? Isn't he supposed to die? "

"Er..." Zheng Lingyan was speechless.

Jiangling wiped his head and sat down on the bed, saying: "sister Lingyan, it seems that I need to tell our husband's true identity."

"What does he do?" Zheng Lingyan suddenly came to interest, seriously, Zheng Lingyan really don't know what Zhao Chengfeng is.

"He has many identities. First, he is a soldier. Second, he is a killer and a mercenary. Yes, he is the kind of mercenary in the movie." Jiang Ling said, "strictly speaking, he has also been involved in the underworld, but he just looks down upon the underworld."

"Ah, so complicated?" Zheng Lingyan was terrified to hear that. How did the soldiers become killers again? It's too unscientific.

"If you think it's complicated, I'll tell you a little bit."

Jiangling stared at the woman and said, "you just need to remember that our men are heroes and heroes of the whole Chinese nation. Just remember that!"


Zheng Lingyan heard more confused.

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