"Yes, hero!"

Jiangling nodded heavily with a firm look.

However, Zheng Lingyan is slightly frowned, the heart is very puzzled, there is a sense of watching TV, hero? What kind of person can be called a hero?

To save the world, to save mankind, or to save a nation, such a person should be called a hero. But how does Zhao Chengfeng look like a hero?

But Jiangling's serious appearance made Zheng Lingyan unable to refute.

"There are a lot of things I can't tell you, or I don't know in detail, but you will understand gradually. Believe me, I won't cheat you, and Chengfeng will always be good to you." Jiangling knows that Zheng Lingyan can't accept it for a while, and doesn't explain it too much. Time will prove everything. Isn't she shocked at the beginning?

"Well, I'll get to know him." Zheng Lingyan nodded, feeling confused.

"Let's talk about cooperation."

Jiangling digged off the topic and said: "your so-called service industry can be developed. I can't estimate the market potential for you, but it should not be much worse than real estate, because the cost is not high and there is not much risk. We just need to pay attention to promotion and personnel training. You should pay special attention to this. The so-called service industry, to be frank, is about service attitude. "

"If the product is not good, we can change it, but if the service attitude is not good, it will leave a bad impression on the customers. You should do more on the staff training. This is my advice to you."

Zheng Lingyan nodded solemnly and motioned to Jiangling to go on.

"What you and I need to cooperate with is women's luxury goods, bags, shoes, clothes, watches and so on. What's expensive is what we sell. By the way, including women's cosmetics, skin care products and so on." Jiangling then said, "isn't it Singles Day? To put it bluntly, it's still our women's festival. If women don't buy and lose, is it still women? "


Zheng Lingyan is a little confused. How did she get here?

"Sister Jiang, isn't it a bit of a misdemeanor? We women are not born to spend money. We can also make money. " "What's more, I don't think luxury goods are in line with each other. The luxury industry has basically taken shape, and we are all familiar with those brands. How can we do that?" Zheng Lingyan said

"Yes, we all think that the luxury industry is mature and stereotyped, so it will be very difficult to do it, but no matter how difficult it is, we have to do it, because it makes too much money!" Jiangling also has to admit the cruelty of the luxury industry, the water is too deep“ Maybe a bottle of perfume worth one thousand yuan, its cost price is only a few dozen yuan, but in the hands of consumers, it is far more than this price.

"The profit is not small, but it's really hard to do it. Sister Jiang, do you have a strategy for that?" Zheng Lingyan is not stupid either. Jiangling must have found out the problems she can see for a long time. Since she says so, there must be her reason.

Jiangling nodded and said, "yes, I do have some ideas. I think they are quite feasible."

"Tell me."

Have you ever heard of perfume lily? Is it a well-known enterprise in Beihai that produces underwear? " Instead of answering directly, Jiang Ling asked.

"Yes, yes."

Zheng Lingyan nodded and blushed: "to tell you the truth, I wear their underwear now. It's really comfortable and of good quality. In terms of cost performance, it is much better than those foreign brands. "

"Sure enough, it's not a family. Ha ha. " Hearing the speech, Jiangling also laughed.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Lingyan's face was muddled. She didn't understand the meaning of Jiangling dialect.

"The perfume lily company is Bing Bing, and Bing Bing is the real wife of the wind. Many underwear companies, especially the classic ones, are designed by the wind." Jiangling road slowly.


Zheng Lingyan unbelievable, staring at Jiangling, "what do you say, perfume lily company, is his wife?" He designed a lot of underwear himself? "

"That's right." Jiangling seems to have expected Zheng Lingyan to have such a reaction, showing a faint and charming smile.

"He, he can design underwear? He's an old man designing underwear? " Zheng Lingyan's heart can't calm down for a long time, not excited, but scared. Imagine what a man's underwear design looks like.

"The key is also very well designed. The underwear designer of the perfume lily company is still his apprentice. You say, where do you want to argue?" Jiang Ling said that he was also helpless, but this is the fact, a fact that makes people laugh and cry.

My man is a underwear designer! How many women have you helped? Isn't that great?

"I, I feel that I have heard wrong. I can't imagine that..." Zheng Lingyan doesn't know what to say. Her mind is full of paste, which completely subverts Zheng Lingyan's view of designers.

Shouldn't designers be people with long hair, and then wearing weird clothes, or even women's guns? Zhao Chengfeng doesn't look like that either.

"Don't worry, there will be many things that will surprise you in the future." Jiang Ling shook his head with a smile and continued: "let's not worry about the fashion design of underwear. Let's talk about the cooperation in luxury goods first."

Jiangling's idea is actually very simple. Since everyone is a family, and the purpose is the same - to make money, we should work together. In Hong Kong Island, we have a perfume lily underwear direct shop. We sell and sell high-end brands. We first use perfume lingerie underwear, step by step to high-end brands, and then develop perfume, skin care products and so on.

In short, it is an extension from point to line, and then from line to surface. It can even let perfume lilies brand underwear export to domestic sales and go abroad for a round to come back, and the price has increased several times.

"Quality is absolutely enough. Now what we need to do is packaging. As far as I know, perfume lily has made a spokesperson for a very popular female singer. The product reputation has been very good and there are certain fans foundation. I think sales should not be a problem, and Hong Kong Island is connected with the world fashion industry. Sales should be fine." Jiangling continued.

"Is it anbai's endorsement? I think I've seen it. It's beautiful. " Zheng Lingyan is a little crazy“ She's my goddess. "

However, Jiangling had no choice but to smile and sigh: "sorry, your goddess has been accepted by your man..."


Zheng Lingyan startled her chin again.

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