
Jiang Ling disdained to curl his mouth, "said as if I can't make money."

"That's it."

An Bai is not willing to be outdone. He looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says with pride: "I'm in a good mood. I just need to hold a concert, and I can't earn tens of millions? It's enough to support you... "


Zhao Chengfeng a mouth, a mouthful of tea to spray out, an old face, his grandmother's, his own a big man, some strength, some skills, need to be taken care of?

"You take care of me? You, you... "

"Can't I take care of you?"

Anbai said with a smile: "when we went to school together as children, didn't you follow me for a sugar? He also said that as long as I give you sugar every day, you will protect me. Now you grow up and don't eat sugar, or I'll give you money and you'll warm my bed every day. "

"Gowoon!" Zhao Cheng's face turned white.

"What do you mean?" Anbai was puzzled.

"Didn't you learn Pinyin as a child?" Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned around, but he was very angry.

What a beautiful thing it was to have wives and concubines in groups, but Zhao Chengfeng found out that it was a tragedy, especially Jiangling and anbai, who didn't give themselves face at all, but their strength was damaged, and they were too unruly.

"Damn it, let's play shuangfeiyan tonight and teach these two girls a lesson. By the way, buy a pair of whip later." Zhao Chengfeng's "vicious" thinking.

"Well, we..."

"Didi... Didi..."

Just as Zhao Chengfeng was about to say something, the phone in his pocket rang quickly. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, it was Xia Muxi who called instead of others. Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and picked it up.

"Hello, Muxi, is class over? I... "

"Zhao Chengfeng!"

However, it was not Xia Muxi's voice on the other end of the phone, but a familiar male voice, not others. It was Ouyang Hu who was defeated by Zhao Chengfeng in Jiangzhou City, and even nearly killed by one click!

"Ouyang Hu, it seems that you really have a long life. I warn you that if Mu Xi loses a hair, I will cut you to pieces!" Zhao Chengfeng's voice suddenly cools down, and his face suddenly becomes serious. It seems that there is a layer of frost on his face. Even the air in the whole private room is much colder.

Anbai and others suddenly quiet down, fool can see, Zhao Chengfeng angry. Only Jiangling knows that a man is not angry, but has a murderous heart.


Ouyang Hu's voice came over again and said, "Zhao Chengfeng, you are really very powerful, but this time, it's not your turn to be wild. If you know the truth, bring Tianzhu to Jiangzhou city as soon as possible. I will only give you half a day. After 6 p.m., you will never see your woman again. "

"You threaten me?" Zhao Chengfeng has an evil spirit in his heart, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Congratulations, you're right. I'm threatening you. What can you do to me?" Ouyang Hu was particularly proud on the other end of the phone, "remember, before 6 p.m., otherwise, hum..."

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng hasn't said a word yet. The phone has been dropped over there.

"Chengfeng, what's the matter? Can I help you? " Jiangling asked.

Zhao Chengfeng holds the phone and shakes his head, but his mind turns quickly. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be. Didn't Ouyang Hu and Ouyang long leave with Ouyang Mengmeng? Moreover, Ouyang tiger and Ouyang long are not rivals. What courage does he have to kidnap Xia Muxi? You know, even if they have hot weapons in hand, they can't hurt Zhao Chengfeng.

"Did they get help from the inner door? In other words, has the passage to the inner door been repaired? " Zhao Chengfeng's mind turns quickly. He calls the kid and buys a ticket to Jiangzhou city.

"I'll leave it to you to handle the affairs on Hong Kong Island."

After the call, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and said, "if you need anything, you can ask Nangong Ming for help. He still has some contacts. I have something urgent and I have to go to Jiangzhou city immediately. I'll go first. "


The three women yelled in unison, but Zhao Chengfeng just waved his hand and left without looking back.

"What's the matter? Why do I look like he's going to kill?" Zheng Lingyan's face was full of worry and asked: "sister Jiang, is it really OK for Chengfeng to look like this? Shall we help him? "

Jiangling shook his head with a bitter smile. "Do you think he needs our help?"

"Why?" Zheng Lingyan is puzzled.

"Because his own woman has an accident, he has to solve it himself." Anbai gave the answer, said: "and the reason why so angry, I can conclude that it is absolutely his woman out of the matter, otherwise, absolutely will not have such a look."

"Ah? There are his women in Jiangzhou City, too? " Zheng Lingyan only felt numb on her scalp, and suddenly felt ridiculous in her heart.

When she was a young girl, Zheng Lingyan also imagined that her other half would come to her with colorful auspicious clouds. Yes, he came. He not only came, but also brought a lot of people. These people are his women.

"That's all."

Jiangling Xiu frowned, but weakly waved her hand and sighed: "let's not get involved in men's affairs. If he needs it, he will tell us naturally. What we can do is to try not to make trouble for men and rely on our own ability to do business."

"Well." Anbai put away the joke and nodded solemnly, but he was worried about the man in his heart.


Zhao Chengfeng quickly gets out of the hotel and dials Li ruo's phone while driving. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, Li ruo's phone is turned off directly. Zhao Chengfeng has a bad feeling in his heart and calls Qian duo.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao. What can I do for you?" A lot of money is a great customer.

"Mr. Qian, stop talking nonsense. I have something urgent to ask you."

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have time to be polite with Qian. He went straight to the topic and said, "do you have any news about Li Ruo and Xia Muxi? Xia Muxi has confirmed that she has been kidnapped, and Li ruo's phone is turned off. I can't get in touch with them. "

"Kidnapped?" On hearing this, Qian Duoduo became nervous and said, "don't worry, Mr. Zhao. I'll call the police station right now. Lao Qian, I still have some friends in the police station..."

"If you don't have any news, you don't have to call the police. This kind of thing can't be solved by the police." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng heart suddenly sink to the bottom.

No news, this is the biggest trouble, because Zhao Chengfeng did not know where the enemy was hiding.

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