Fenglin mountain in Jiangzhou city is the largest mountain near Jiangzhou City, and it is also the only mountain in Jiangzhou city. It is the most beautiful mountain. Especially in autumn, the mountain is very beautiful.

Fenglin mountain valley, spring Ding Dong, do not have a taste. There is a kind of quiet away from the hustle and bustle of the city, which is as beautiful as a paradise.


On the stone platform in the spring, there are three people, one old and two young. A closer look shows that the two young people are very similar. They are two twin brothers. Aren't they Ouyang dragon and Ouyang tiger?


The old man opened his eyes and said: "this place is really too broken. The aura is so thin that it is almost impossible for me to believe that there are peerless experts in such a place."

The old man said, aiming at the two young people next to him.

"Master, we really didn't lie." Ouyang long was very ashamed and said: "that guy is really powerful, at least the strength of the magic martial arts realm. We..."

"Don't be nervous. I don't mean to blame you. I'm just curious." The old man waved his hand and said, "how about it? Did he promise to come? If you don't come here again, I will kill his woman. "

Voice down, the old man's eyebrows flashing between a obliteration.

"He will definitely come here. If he doesn't come back before the fall of the mountain in the afternoon, even if you don't do it, I will do it, you damned bastard." Ouyang Hu swears and hates Zhao Chengfeng to the bone.

Damn, I robbed my own God killer before, and now I kill my second uncle, which makes my family have nowhere to go. It's like a lost dog. What a shame!

If you don't get revenge, is that still a man?

Originally, Ouyang Hu's two brothers took Ouyang Mengmeng with them to enter the inner gate, wait for the accomplishment of cultivation, and then come back to seek Zhao Chengfeng's revenge. Unexpectedly, the old master's home has come to the earth, which is really a great thing. In this way, revenge will not have to wait many years later.

"Well, that's good." The old man nodded with satisfaction and said, "by the way, how are your injuries? Are they all sharp?"

"Thank you for your concern. It's OK." Ouyang long is busy.

Ouyang Hu hesitated: "by the way, master, how did you come here? Do you know that our brother is in trouble?"

"Don't ask about it!"

The old man's face suddenly became ugly, and his tone became more serious.

"Yes..." Ouyang Hu didn't dare to say anything.

"Go down, and I'll have a rest!"

When the old man gave an order, the two brothers looked at each other and left.

"Brother, how can master suddenly appear on the earth? Is the passage repaired? " Ouyang Hu is still unwilling. Since the master doesn't speak, he can only ask his elder brother.

Ouyang long frowned tightly and scolded in a low voice: "don't guess. If master doesn't say that there must be a reason for him, let's leave everything alone. We'll do whatever master asks us to do. Do you understand?"

"All right." Ouyang Hu is not reconciled, but can only let it go.

But Ouyang long looked back thoughtfully. He was suspicious. It seemed that Shifu's face was not good. Was Shifu hurt?

It's not supposed to be, master. He's a strong man in the later stage of Xuanwu realm. He's only one step away from breaking through. Once the master breaks through, the position of dragon and tiger gate in the inner gate will rise.

"Forget it, let's go and see Mengmeng." Ouyang long murmured in his heart and walked into the cave.

There was a discordant sound coming from the cave.

"Xia Muxi, you didn't expect that you had today, did you? Don't you still fall into my hands? " Ouyang Mengmeng looks at Li Ruo and Xia Muxi, who are tied up in front of him. He is in the best mood.

Once upon a time, Ouyang Mengmeng was the daughter of Ouyang's family. She was the beauty of the first people's University of Jiangzhou. No matter where she went in Jiangzhou, she was always surrounded by people. Her scenery was boundless, even better than ordinary little stars.

However, because of Xia Muxi and Zhao Chengfeng, Ouyang Mengmeng has lost everything, even his family. No, he has no chance to settle down in Jiangzhou city.

That kind of huge gap finally turned into hatred in Ouyang Mengmeng's heart, and the seeds of hatred germinated and took root quickly, making Ouyang Mengmeng more and more ferocious.

"Damn it

Xia Muxi stares at the woman in front of her, "Ouyang Mengmeng, are you crazy? I tell you, it's against the law for you to do so. You'll go to jail. Let me and Li Ruo go quickly. "

"Let you go? Hehe, in prison? Do you think I'm still afraid of going to jail? " Ouyang Mengmeng showed a cruel and indifferent smile. He looked sad, crazy and angry.

"Ouyang Mengmeng, you are really a failure!"

Li Ruo looks at Ouyang Mengmeng, and suddenly feels that Ouyang Mengmeng is very pitiful, "what are you kidnapping us? What if you kill us? Can you take back what you lost? If we have the ability, let's compete fairly, let's... "

"Shut up

Ouyang Mengmeng's heart seemed to be pricked by a steel needle, and it was extremely painful.

"If it wasn't for you and the damned Zhao Chengfeng, would I have been reduced to the present? Homeless, nothing, even Sima also left, do you know how much damage you bring me? " Ouyang Mengmeng roared, as if to vent all the anger in his heart, his eyes turned red.

These days, Ouyang Mengmeng is really living like a year. He has a feeling that he has no love in life. The only motivation to survive is revenge!

Now, I finally wait for this opportunity!


Li Ruo said with a light smile: "Ouyang Mengmeng, you have today's end. Didn't you kill yourself? You are a princess. You can brag in school, but if you don't bully Muxi, how can Muxi's boyfriend get back at you? At the end of the day, it's karma. You asked for it. "

"Retribution? Ha ha. "

Ouyang Mengmeng began to smile, but his smile suddenly cooled. He grabbed the knife and said with a grim smile: "you are right. This is retribution. All this is retribution. I'm sorry, your retribution has come. Now you can die..."

"Stop it

At the critical moment, Ouyang long ran over, grabbed the knife in Ouyang Mengmeng's hand and yelled, "Mengmeng, what are you doing? They can't die yet. And our enemy is not them, but the guy named Zhao Chengfeng. When they are dying, will Zhao Chengfeng come again? "

"Then let you live longer!" Ouyang Mengmeng was very depressed, gritting his teeth.

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