There's hope for revenge!

This is Ouyang Mengmeng's deep voice. He even clenched his fist in excitement.

"Old Yanshan? Are they your apprentices As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's brows were twisted, he felt the pressure. For nothing else, just for the hand just revealed by the old man of Yanshan, it was too fast.

In the blink of an eye, there is a distance of tens of meters, which is much faster than himself. The most important thing is that Zhao Chengfeng can't see through each other's strength, and can't detect the flow of energy in Yanshan old man's body, so he can't estimate each other's strength.

This battle is not easy to fight.

However, we must fight again!

"Yes, they are my apprentices." Yanshan old man nodded, not in a hurry to start, but chatted with Zhao Chengfeng, "tell me, this secular world is so dilapidated, aura is almost nonexistent, to put it bluntly, this is the abandoned world, how can you cultivate to the realm of magic martial arts?"

"Why? There's no reason. Anyway, with such practice, we'll make a breakthrough. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and did not tell the truth.

The Yanshan old man in front of him puts a lot of pressure on Zhao Chengfeng. It's impossible for him to hand over his cards. It's true that Zhao Chengfeng's cultivation speed is very fast, but he also uses a lot of external forces, and the most important one is Tianzhu.

Whether it's the pirated Tianzhu or the authentic Tianzhu in yuan family's secret place, it has brought great help to Zhao Chengfeng. Of course, there is 731 secret place, which is also a good place for cultivation!

"Practice and break through? Hehe, boy, are you careless with me? " Yanshan old man's pupil shrinks and his eyes burst out with a sense of obliteration. How can Yanshan old man not see that this guy is obviously perfunctory?

He is a strong man in the inner door, and he is also the leader of the dragon and tiger gate. How can he be teased by the smelly boy in the secular world?

"Master, don't talk nonsense with him. This boy is very slippery. Kill him." Ouyang Hu yelled.

Ouyang long stares at the latter and says that his younger brother is becoming more and more disrespectful. When will it be his turn to intervene in the old master's affairs? It's not like that!

Moreover, Ouyang long was very curious about how the master came to the secular world. He wanted to ask, but he swallowed it several times. The more powerful a person is, the more eccentric his temper is. Ouyang long thought about it and gave up.

"Boy, I admit that you have some talent, but this talent and strength are not enough for me to face you. Now there are two ways in front of you." Yanshan old man was not angry with Ouyang Hu. He said faintly, "the first way is to tell me how you practice, and to kowtow and apologize to my two apprentices, and promise never to be enemies with my apprentice and my dragon and tiger gate. In this way, maybe I will let you and your woman go as soon as I'm happy."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng laughed, again way: "that second road?"

"The second way is simpler. Kill you, kill your woman, and use your blood to wash away the shame on my two disciples." The old man's face remained unchanged, his tone was still as plain as water, and even when it came to killing people, he was indifferent.

In the inner door, the strong don't need reason to kill. In the inner door, Yanshan old man may not be absolutely strong, but in the secular world, he has to be allowed to be presumptuous.

Strength, is not to show it? If you don't show off, who knows you are a strong man?

"Ha ha, the people who come out of the inner door are Niubi. They have a strong voice. If you want to kill people, you can kill them. Do you think it's killing chickens?" At first, Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile, but in the end, Zhao Chengfeng almost scolded, "you old bastard, what are you pretending to be? I really don't think there are any masters except the inner door, do you? Damn, don't you two apprentices still be beaten into idiots by me? The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. The apprentice can't do it. I guess you're old and you don't have much ability. "

"Zhao Chengfeng, shut up and don't insult my master!" Ouyang was so angry that he pointed to Zhao Chengfeng and scolded, "no more nonsense. Do you believe me to kill Xia Muxi now?"

"Do you believe that Laozi will destroy you now?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng tone suddenly a cold, murderous from inside and outside quickly spread.

"Crazy boy, it seems that you don't shed tears today. I'll help you. Look at the move!"

The old man of Yanshan gave a cold hum and suddenly clapped his hand at Zhao Chengfeng. This palm seems to be ordinary, even can not feel the slightest fluctuation of strength, slow as the park's old master Taijiquan.

However, opposite Zhao Chengfeng actually felt the unprecedented pressure!

——In the later stage of the Xuanwu realm, the strong one is much better than Zhao Feitian, and the skill routine is obviously more mature and advanced! The layman looks at the scene, the expert looks at the door. Zhao Chengfeng can see at a glance that the reason why there is no fluctuation of vigor is that the old man in Yanshan controls and controls the vigor just right, and ordinary people can't notice it at all!

This is definitely a strong man and the most powerful enemy Zhao Chengfeng has ever met!

"The sword comes out to seal the throat!"

Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to neglect, "choking" sound, sword scabbard, like a touch of bright red clouds, instantly released.


The sword, like silk, stabbed the old man in Yanshan.

"A small skill of carving insects!"

However, the old man of Yanshan turned his mouth lightly, raised his hand and smashed it out with a fist. This time, the old man's fist was fierce and powerful, and it was as powerful as a flash flood!


The fist technique was swift and fierce. Zhao Chengfeng was caught off guard. He got a punch and flew out of the room.


After floating more than ten meters in mid air, Zhao Chengfeng managed to stabilize himself and landed on the ground. His chest was surging. He opened his mouth and gushed blood. His face was as white as paper!

"So strong!"

Zhao Chengfeng was secretly frightened and had to admit that the old man of Yanshan was more powerful than himself. The first move is to hurt himself, which is just his trial move.

"Master is mighty!"

Ouyang Hu exclaimed excitedly, waving his fist and shouting: "master, kill him, kill this son of a bitch!"

"Tiger, you should be more restrained." Ouyang Longbai looks at the latter. It's too ungracious.

Even if Yanshan old man killed Zhao Chengfeng, what can he do? Can you explain your strength? No matter how miserably Zhao Chengfeng loses in the hands of Yanshan old man, his brothers are always losers in front of Zhao Chengfeng. What's the qualification to be excited?

"Brother, I'm not happy? Master, we've got revenge. " Ouyang Hu weak way: "Mengmeng, you say is not ah?"

Ouyang Mengmeng gritted his teeth and said, "I really want to kill him myself!"

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