"You might as well be a fool!"

When Ouyang long heard the speech, he glared at his brother again, but he didn't have a good way: "at least, people have that momentum. Do you have to rely on others to avenge you all your life? Do you want to grow up under the protection of master all your life? "


Ouyang Hu had a red face and a little ashamed. Yes, when they were young, they had no father and no mother. They were bullied by others. They either endured humiliation or had to be strong enough to take revenge. It's not the last word to rely on others.

No matter in the secular world, or in the inner door, only if the fist is hard enough, can it not be knocked down. Only if the fist is hard enough, can it have a chance to live!

"Stay with me. Don't talk nonsense." Ouyang long glared at the latter, looked back and continued to watch the changes in the field. His brows were locked and his mood was dignified.

Although Shifu has an absolute advantage now, Ouyang long is still shocked by the strength of Zhao Chengfeng. You know, when Zhao Chengfeng fought against his two brothers with one enemy, he didn't use weapons.

If Zhao Chengfeng had pulled out his sword at that time, maybe the two brothers would have been reincarnated now.

"How can there be such a powerful man on earth?" This is also the question in Ouyang Long's mind.

At that time, ouyanglong brothers were bullied by others, but they had no choice but to run around. However, they were inadvertently accepted as apprentices by old Yanshan. Since then, the two brothers entered the inner gate and began to practice. In the inner door, the two brothers have realized a new world and a lot of cognition. For example, ancient martial arts practice.

In short, ancient martial arts practice is a process of absorbing and releasing natural energy. However, there is no aura on the earth that can be absorbed, so nature can not be a strong one. Why is Zhao Chengfeng so powerful?

Ouyang long couldn't figure it out.

"Boy, now you can see my strength. If you give up your hand, surrender and admit defeat, and have a better attitude, maybe I can spare your life." The old man of Yanshan hit well, but he didn't strike while the iron was hot. On the contrary, he seemed to be willing to surrender.

Yanshan old man is also forced to enter the secular world, but the secular world is too bad. To put it bluntly, it's an abandoned planet with no aura to speak of. How can he practice in the secular world?

And the appearance of Zhao Chengfeng, let Yanshan old man see hope. Zhao Chengfeng's age is no more than 30 years old. He looks younger than his two apprentices. At this age, let alone in the secular world, where the aura is almost nonexistent. Even in the inner gate, he is also the leader of the grade generation. He may not be a young talent like the nameless and Playboy, but he is definitely better than the general core disciples!

If I had such a powerful apprentice, how glorious would my face be if I brought him into the inner door in the future? In the secular world, the speed of improvement is so fast. If you go to the inner door, you will be forced to be swift and violent, then the speed of cultivation is absolutely against heaven! If the dragon and tiger gate also has a peerless genius, won't the dragon and tiger gate have more say in the major sects of the inner gate?

Think about it all makes Yanshan old man excited!

"Not to be caught? Surrender? Shall I go to you! "

Zhao Chengfeng reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He said with a grim smile, "Lao Wang, I admit you are very powerful, but brother Feng, I'm not a vegetarian. If you want to kill me, you're still a little short of time!"

"Smelly boy, since you want to die, I'm not polite!" The old man of Yanshan was so angry that his nose was crooked and paralyzed. He was kind-hearted and solicited. This guy actually scolded himself. It's too shameful!


Before the words came down, the old man of Yanshan stepped forward, seemingly slowly. In fact, in the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Zhao Chengfeng and suddenly drank: "dragon claw!"

Scold to scold, but Zhao Chengfeng can't underestimate the Yanshan old man in his heart. The expert knows if he has it. Ouyang long and the three people watching from afar may not feel it, but Zhao Chengfeng does.

Yanshan old man's hand, just as fierce as thunder, as fast as the wind, as overwhelming as a mountain and a sea, pressed over, Zhao Chengfeng felt pressure!

"Damn it! I'll give up! "

Zhao Chengfeng steel teeth bite, "Dong" a stomp, the whole person is like a shell in the air, holding the Xuanyuan sword in both hands, the strength of the body as the tide of general crazy gush out.

The Xuanyuan sword is full of light and evil spirit.

"To split Huashan!"

When Zhao Chengfeng suddenly drank, he felt that his body's strength had been taken away and attached to the Xuanyuan sword. He chopped it down heavily. The red light was even more intense. The length of the sword was as long as a rainbow. Gorgeous and colorful, full of danger and weird!

"Boom boom!"

It's like a bomb going off.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

The strong rebound shock made Zhao Chengfeng step back and forth, and his Qi and blood surged. It was as if he was crossing the river and the sea. He was extremely uncomfortable. He stepped back for more than 20 steps before stopping.

The stronger the attack, the stronger the rebound. If it wasn't for the scale of Zhao Chengfeng, I'd have been unable to carry it.

"It's a bit powerful, but you can't beat me just by this." After the explosion, to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, the old man of Yanshan still stood in the same place, with no change in his face. He was just blown away by the waves, that's all.

Zhao Chengfeng began to curse his mother again. What's the origin of this old man? How can it be so powerful? I've been playing this part. I feel a little weak, but people don't respond at all. This

"Shifu, it's amazing. Shifu, you..."

Ouyang Hu clenched his fist, subconsciously to cheer, but a see next to the big brother, and put the words to the mouth to swallow back.

"Boy, do you want to fight again?" Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, the old man of Yanshan had a smile on his face.


Zhao Chengfeng is very stubborn. He takes a deep breath and presses down the Qi and blood in his body. Although he is a little embarrassed, he has a firm expression. It seems that nothing can stop Zhao Chengfeng from moving forward!

As an old man, if you can't protect your own women and save your own women, are you still a man? It's better to be a eunuch.

"There's seed!"

Instead of getting angry, Yanshan old man showed a banter smile. Instead, Yanshan old man wanted to see how many moves Zhao Chengfeng had.

"Qingfeng cut noodles!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly rushed forward, like a flash of lightning, and went straight to the old man of Yanshan. With a wave of his long sword, rows of sharp sword Qi came out like dense raindrops.

"Insect carving skills..."

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