"Insect carving skills..."

The old man of Yanshan disdained to curl his lips and looked down upon Zhao Chengfeng's move. His attack power was not strong, but he had to spread his attack power. Isn't he looking for abuse?


However, the Yanshan old man waved his hand casually, originally intended to easily repel Zhao Chengfeng's attack, but he didn't want to. As soon as the palm was patted out, the palm hurt, and a trace of blood fell from the palm.

"Boy, you hurt me?"

Yanshan old man's face changed. He looked at Zhao Chengfeng in front of him. He hurt himself? A strong man in the middle and late stage of the fantasy realm hurt the strong man at the peak of the later stage of the Xuanwu realm?

Is that possible? impossible!

"It's a fart to hurt you. I'll kill you old son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded, but the action on his hand was not slow. He stabbed with a sword, and then retreated in succession.

"Boy, I declare that you have completely angered me, so... You go to die!"

The old man in Yanshan didn't pay attention to the injury on his hand. At this moment, his strength was like a tidal current. Looking at the dried up veteran, he suddenly released a strong force and grasped Zhao Chengfeng.

It's too late. It's too fast. I'm about to catch Zhao Chengfeng's back.

"Look back at the moon!"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Zhao Chengfeng stabbed out his backhand with another sword. His fierce and unparalleled sword Qi stabbed old man Yanshan like ice.


Unexpectedly, in the face of Zhao Chengfeng's fierce sword spirit, the old man of Yanshan didn't dodge. He held the sword spirit in one hand. "Click" sounds like the sound of ice being crushed.

"Damn, how can this old man be so abnormal?" Zhao Chengfeng glanced back, secretly frightened, walking dragon and snake, the figure suddenly illusory, quickly left Yanshan old man's attack circle.

"Want to run? There's no way

The old man of Yanshan saw through Zhao Chengfeng's mind. A ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stepped out. At the same time, he burst out: "shrink the ground into a ruler!"

Step out, just one step, then to less than a meter behind Zhao Chengfeng!


A cruel smile appeared in the corner of Yanshan old man's mouth. He patted Zhao Chengfeng's back with one hand. His strength was like a tidal current. At this moment, he broke out completely and hit Zhao Chengfeng straight!


Zhao Chengfeng can't avoid it, but he gets a slap. Since his clothes are crushed directly by the fierce force, he is crawling in the sky.


Zhao Chengfeng fell to the ground heavily. He vomited blood, and his face was as white as paper. He felt that his bones were broken. After struggling for a long time, he didn't get up from the ground.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng once again smelled the smell of death.

"Strong, too strong!"

Zhao Chengfeng has to admit that no matter how hard he works and how much he looks down upon the old man, his strength is far beyond himself. His huge hierarchical strength and skill are not comparable to Zhao Chengfeng.

"Tut Tut, stinky boy, didn't you be very arrogant just now? Don't you want to kill me? Why, can't you get up now? " Seeing that Zhao Chengfeng had completely lost his fighting power, the old man in Yanshan raised a disdainful smile.

This boy is really a rare genius, but after all, he is too young, has little experience, and has no powerful skills of other big schools, even has no life saving skills. How can he be his own opponent?

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng struggled and stood up from the ground for a long time with his sword. He scolded: "old man, what can I do for you? I'm going to crush you every minute when I'm your age. How dare you wait for me to live a few more years and then compete with you?"

"Ha ha."

The old man of Yanshan was not angry. Instead, he said with a faint smile, "I know you have some talent, or you have a lot of secrets. Otherwise, you will never grow up so fast. The secular world will be abandoned after all, and you will not have the conditions to cultivate to the later stage of Lingwu."


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is disdain of curl lips, "that is you are ignorant, or you have no ability to say these excuse bullshit. There are many strong people on the earth, but they are not born experts. You didn't find them

"Is there really a master?" The old man of Yanshan was interested in this.

Because the old man in Yanshan is not sure that he can go back to the inner gate. If he can go back to the inner gate, it's good. If he can't, how can he improve his cultivation in this abandoned secular world? If we can't break through to that level before the deadline, I'm afraid our life will be over.

Cultivation is the only pursuit of Yanshan old man in his life!

"There must be a master!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid either. Seeing the old man's expression, he knows that the old man is worried. It's true that the old man of Yanshan has great strength, but his real accomplishments are almost the same as those of Zhao Feitian, the king of breaking heaven. He is more proficient in the use of Gongfa. In short, he can fight. But there are many such masters on earth.

For example, Zhao Chengfeng and his Lao Tzu do not know the immortal cultivation until now, and Alec, the Barbarian King, who has one eighth of the blood of Titans, is undoubtedly cruel.

He doesn't have any accomplishments, only strength. He is powerful.

I'm afraid Yanshan old man has no chance of winning against these two people.

"I have a master and many brothers. Do you think my master will be worse than me?" Zhao Chengfeng took advantage of his unprepared and swallowed two black pills in his mouth, which made him feel better.

Mr. Wang, it's too fast. Originally, Zhao Chengfeng wanted to try a rogue move, hit and run, relying on the body method of "You Long Yin Feng", consuming the strength of the Yanshan old man. But he didn't know that old Wang Badan caught up with Zhao Chengfeng and hit him with one blow. If it had not been for Zhao Chengfeng's dragon scale body, he would have been burping farts for a long time!

"It seems that I'm still a little weak. I'm afraid I'll be trampled if I enter the inner door. I have to think of a way to continue to improve my strength." Zhao Chengfeng murmured in his heart, but he had to face up to the present predicament.

How to fight when the big powers are around and the hostages are in the hands of the Yanshan old man?

"What is your master's strength? Where is it? " Sure enough, the old man's brow twisted up.

"I don't know where my master is, but I can tell you that my master's strength is estimated to be eight liang of half a kilo compared with you, but I have another elder martial brother who is more powerful than me." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it.

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