"Master, it must be Xia Muxi who called the police. The police have come to catch us!" Ouyang Mengmeng gnashed his teeth, in the heart of thousands of calculations, also did not expect the police would come.

And also used a helicopter, listen to the sound of fear is more than one aircraft ah! There must be a lot of people coming!

"If you were not a slut, would you be reduced to this? The grand lady of the Ouyang family is not right. She wants to run to the cave to escape. Are you stupid? " Hear Ouyang Mengmeng scold xiamuxi, Zhao Chengfeng no longer "can't sleep", timely opened his eyes, the heart is strange.

It's impossible.

Xia Muxi must know her intention, and Shangguan Yan'er will definitely contact laobudier. Laobudier will never bring police or soldiers. What do you mean by flying so many planes?

"Zhao Chengfeng, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will kill you now?" Ouyang Mengmeng pulls out the dagger and looks fierce.

"If you are blind again, do you believe I put you to sleep? Damn it Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and went back.


Ouyang was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"What are you doing? Are you still defending yourself for your Sima? " Zhao Chengfeng gave the latter a white look.

If you hate other women, Zhao Chengfeng won't say such vulgar words. If you hate Ouyang Mengmeng, Zhao Chengfeng has no scruples. Ouyang Mengmeng dreams of killing Zhao Chengfeng. Isn't Zhao Chengfeng the same?

"Cluck, I..."

"Well, don't make any noise!" Yanshan old man's face was very ugly. He glared at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile: "boy, don't think you're overjoyed when you have reinforcements. I can tell you that your life is always in my hands. I can kill you every minute!"

"I'm not proud. I didn't say anything. It's your good apprentice guessing. How can you blame me? " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged and looked innocent.

"Master, what shall we do now? We... "Ouyang dragon has a worried face.

Maybe Yanshan old man has the strength to fight against the police and the army, but Ouyang long and others don't have that ability, which is the main reason why Ouyang long brothers dare not be arrogant in the secular world.

You are strong, there are others stronger than you!

"Listen to the people inside, you are surrounded. Let Zhao Chengfeng out immediately, or my mother will blow up the whole cave!"

However, before Ouyang long finished his sentence, a woman's voice came from outside the cave. As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard the voice, he knew who was coming. Shangguan Yan'er, Shangguan Yan'er came with the team.

"The old man didn't come." Zhao Chengfeng was moved, but more worried.

Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't have a good face for his Laozi all the time, he had to admit that old immortal was the most powerful of the ancient martial arts that Zhao Chengfeng had ever seen!

Even the manwang alike only put great pressure on Zhao Chengfeng, but he didn't feel that unfathomable.

"If you don't come, even if you bring special elite soldiers, I'm afraid you can't help old Yanshan." Zhao Chengfeng thought so in his heart, thinking about how to get away for a while.

To the master of Yanshan old man's level, the speed and destructive power of ordinary bullets are nothing in his eyes. And his impact, but can bring Shangguan Yan'er and others great harm!

"Isn't that xiamuxi's voice?" Ouyang Meng Xiu eyebrow a Cu, stare at Zhao Chengfeng, don't understand to ask a way: "is it you secretly call the police?"

"It's not wrong to say you're an idiot."

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said, "your master and your elder martial brother are always by my side. Do you think I have a chance to call the police?"

"..." Ouyang Mengmeng was so dumb that he could only stare.

"Old man Yanshan, since my people have come, do you want to let me go, or do you want to see the power of scientific and technological weapons in the secular world?" Zhao Chengfeng looks back at the old man of Yanshan.

Sure enough, when they heard about "weapons", Ouyang long and other people's faces were as white as paper. No matter what the gun is, a bullet will kill people.

"Master, we still..." Ouyang long thought about it and suggested.


However, just at this time, the voice of Shangguan Yan'er suddenly came from the outside. The voice fell, and the rustling footsteps came from the entrance of the cave. Within a moment, dozens of well-equipped soldiers rushed in with rifles. Isn't Shangguan Yan'er the leader?

"Chengfeng, are you ok?" Shangguan Yan'er sees Zhao Chengfeng at a glance. Seeing that the man is very embarrassed, and his face is also very pale, she is very angry.

Damn, who dares to think of his own man? Don't you want to live?

"Er, I..."

"Don't come here. Dare to come here. I'll kill him!" Ouyang Hu directly took out a dagger and put it on Zhao Chengfeng's neck, with a fierce look on his face.

"Kill me, do you think you can run away?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, not afraid at all.

Although Zhao Chengfeng is seriously injured at the moment, the two brothers of Ouyang tiger still have to deal with him. Zhao Chengfeng is afraid that the old man in Yanshan will go mad. Shangguan Yan'er and these soldiers may not know, but Zhao Chengfeng knows too well how powerful and destructive a strong man in the later period of Xuanwu realm is.

And Zhao Chengfeng said so, also has the meaning of bluffing, Zhao Chengfeng does not want to let these come to rescue their soldiers hurt.

In China, many people think that soldiers are great, but is that really the case? Soldiers are not so great. On the contrary, they have to bear a lot of pressure.

In the army, soldiers have to train hard. They can't see their parents for many years, and few people talk to each other. Even if some soldiers get married and have children, they may not see each other all the year round. Moreover, the intensity of training in the army is very high. It is said that soldiers are in good health. However, because of training, soldiers will have some physical problems. Once they are old and unwilling to drag down the country, they will retire by themselves. Most retired soldiers can only choose the profession of security or private bodyguard, which is not easy to deal with.

Well done, you should be, because you are a soldier; If you don't do a good job, you can't do without sarcasm. In retrospect, you have to discredit the soldiers.

Therefore, Zhao Chengfeng was very concerned about and cherished the soldiers, especially the soldiers of Huaxia. If they are injured or die, they can get a pension at most. But what can they do with this money?

Zhao Chengfeng will never allow his soldiers to be injured or sacrificed.

"Master, we..." Ouyang long and others winced in the face of the black muzzle, revenge can be later, but there is no chance of life again.

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