"Lay down your arms and surrender, or there will be no amnesty!"

Shangguan Yan'er looks heroic. With a wave of her hand, more than a dozen red dots are aimed at Ouyang Hu's head. With Shangguan Yan'er's command, Ouyang Hu's head will explode instantly!

"Huh? Surrender? "

However, Shangguan Yan'er's words obviously angered old Yanshan. Old Yanshan was still hesitant to take a step back, but he wanted to let the generation of masters who came out of his inner door surrender. It was said that his face was not wanted?

How can a generation of great masters be forced to surrender in the secular world to preach, teach and lead disciples in the future?

"Little girl, you are so brave. Few people in the inner gate dare to ask me to surrender. You are just a girl who has just entered the guwu sect. You dare to ask me to surrender. It seems that I won't give you any color today. You don't know how powerful I am. You die for me!"

Yanshan old man's voice fell down, stepped out, and reached for Shangguan Yan'er.

"Yan'er, retreat quickly!"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know very well. Yanshan old man's move is very powerful. It's tens of meters away in the twinkling of an eye. With Yanshan old man's strength, it's as easy as crushing an ant to kill Shangguan Yan'er.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng in the heart secretly scolds a, suddenly the vigor gushes out from the body, directly shook open Ouyang tiger!

"Old man, you die for me!"

Zhao Chengfeng grabs the sword and pounces on it from behind, facing the back of Yanshan old man.

"To split Huashan!"

With a violent drink, Zhao Chengfeng's strength just recovered surged out again, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was shining again. Its blood red color looked gorgeous and brilliant, beautiful and full of weird at the same time!

"Master, be careful!"

Ouyang long called out and helped Ouyang Hu up again. Until now, Ouyang long just knew that Zhao Chengfeng was not as weak as he thought. This guy has been enduring it.

It's so damn cruel!


The old man felt the strong wind coming on his back. Looking back, his face became gloomy.

"Boy, it seems that you really want to die. I will help you..."


However, without waiting for the old man to finish his sentence, he did not even make a move. Zhao Chengfeng's long sword fell down and hit the old man heavily. The old man's clothes were smashed. His old body stepped back two steps. Looking down, there was a red mark on his chest, with blood oozing.

"Good boy, good. I'm hiding my strength and attacking you secretly. You're not so vicious." Yanshan old man touched the wound in front of his chest, his eyes suddenly cold, "I declare that today you will surely die!"

The voice of the old man in Yanshan fell and suddenly began to move. That dry old hand seems to be slow, but in fact it is as fast as electricity. In a blink of an eye, he comes to Zhao Chengfeng.


"Damn you!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not a vegetarian either. As soon as he shakes his sword, he will fight hard!


Like the sound of breaking the air, the old man's paw fell on Zhao Chengfeng's chest. With a sudden force, five blood troughs appeared in Zhao Chengfeng's chest, and the blood flowed out like running water without money.


Yanshan old man looked at the scar of Zhao Chengfeng's heart position, and immediately frowned, "your boy's body is really not so strong. This catch didn't catch your heart out. It's good. I found that I'm more and more interested in you."

"You old man, you come down the mountain with your broken arm?" Zhao Chengfeng felt his chest in great pain.

Damn, an old man of his own was caught by an old man. Mimi was almost broken. It's said that he is so shameful. People who don't know think he has a problem with his orientation.

"Chengfeng, are you ok?" Shangguan Yan'er quickly steps forward to help Zhao Chengfeng, with concern on her face.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care too much at this moment. He just asked, "Why are you here? Why don't you let the old man come over? "

Zhao Chengfeng does have some complaints. She says Shangguan Yan'er doesn't have a long mind. She is controlled by others. What's the use of her own strength? Do you want to be buried with me?

"Isn't your father out? I couldn't get through. I asked Uncle Fu, who also said that he didn't know where his uncle was, so I had to come here... "Shangguan Yan'er was wronged.

"The old man

On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng can't help but curse his mother. What's his father? When I just came back to China, I was forced to marry and give birth to a baby. I also said how much money I would be rewarded if I gave birth to a son. That's good. All my grandchildren gave birth to him, and the old man ran away. It's too bad!

"Boy, now you kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe I can make you live longer. You..."

"Drop you, fire, kill them!"

However, don't give Yanshan old man pretend to force the opportunity, Shangguan Yan son a command.

"Dada... Dada..."

For a moment, dense as raindrops of bullets shot out, the muzzle of the gun in the dark a series of tongues of fire.

"Master, hide

Ouyang long sees the situation is not good, after a big drink, directly knocked down Ouyang Mengmeng and just injured brother.

Yanshan old man's pupil shrinks, but he doesn't dodge. Instead, he grabs the bullet.

"Pa pa... Pa pa pa..."

Bullet raindrops generally fall on the old man of Yanshan, but, to Shangguan Yan'er's surprise, this old body is so powerful, in a few seconds, at least hundreds of bullets are shot on him, but it's strange that he doesn't have a blood hole, and he actually catches several bullets in his hand.

Looking at the bullet as big as a finger in his hand, the old man of Yanshan showed a look of disdain on his face and said, "is this the advanced weapon of the secular world? It's just that. It's not as real as a slap. "

"I'll go. Is it a man or a ghost?" Shangguan Yan'er stares big eyes, and finally knows why Zhao Chengfeng let himself retreat as soon as he entered the cave.

The weapons and equipment brought by these people can't help old Yanshan!

"Ouyang Mengmeng rubbed his eyes and shook his head again. He felt that there were too many strange things in the world.

"Shifu is Shifu. Let's not worry about it." Ouyang long saw this and was completely relieved.

"What are you doing? Get out of here. "

Zhao Chengfeng poked Shangguan Yan'er for a while, but he didn't have a good way: "waiting to be beaten into a fool?"

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