"The rear line changes to the front line, retreat, quick!"

Without waiting for Shangguan Yan'er to come back, Zhao Chengfeng gave the order directly!

These soldiers were also shocked. NIMA said that they were all sharpshooters, but what could sharpshooters do? Did you kill him? Let alone killed him, and even failed to hurt him, he finally caught a few bullets!

What kind of operation is this, or is it not human?

However, the shock returned to shock. These soldiers who had seen blood on the battlefield soon regained their composure and retreated orderly.

"If you want to go, there's no way!"

The old man of Yanshan responded and stepped out with one foot and clapped it in the air.

"I love your ancestors!"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect Yanshan old man to pursue so hard. He pushed Shangguan Yan'er away and said, "let's go!"

"Look back at the moon!"

Zhao Chengfeng's strength almost came out. When the old man of Yanshan was about to grasp the wind, he wielded a sword, just like a gorgeous red haze, gliding across the perfect arc.

It's just


Yanshan old man's strength is too strong, and his palm wind directly smashes Zhao Chengfeng's sword Qi and hits Zhao Chengfeng's back!


Zhao Chengfeng a blood arrow, the whole person was hit to fly, and then fell heavily on the ground, at that moment, Zhao Chengfeng feel his whole body bones are about to break.

"It's a trend!"

Shangguan Yan'er goes back and forth, hugs Zhao Chengfeng, tears fall down.

"I'll let you go. Why don't you go? What are you doing back here? " Zhao Chengfeng almost used all his strength to roar, and he really convinced Shangguan Yan'er.

Can't you see that the old man in Yanshan is very strong? It's just one more body.

"No, I'm not going. I want to go together and die together." Shangguan Yan'er has a stubborn face. She holds Zhao Chengfeng tightly and can't push her away. At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have much strength to push Shangguan Yan'er away.

Just die together. There's a companion on the way.

"Chengfeng, I'll take you. You have to hold on!" Shangguan Yan'er didn't give up, dragging Zhao Chengfeng's body step by step.

The old man in Yanshan raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "go? Hehe, can you go? "

"Tear gas, smoke bomb, throw it." Zhao Chengfeng is a little speechless. These soldiers are too dumb. They say that the retreat is really a retreat. Can't they throw a little smoke bomb to cover before the retreat?

"Smoke bomb, flash bomb, quick!"

Shangguan Yan'er instantly understood and cried out.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

For a moment, the whole cave was full of smoke. From time to time, there was a flash in front of his eyes, just like the lightning in thunderstorm weather, which dazzled people. The old man of Yanshan was caught off guard and closed his eyes quickly.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

Yanshan old man even closed his eyes, still accurately rushed to the fleeing Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er. After all, Gu Wu's strong sense ability is very strong. You only need a little feeling to know where Zhao Chengfeng is hiding.


Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er finally "escaped" from the cave, only to be patted by the Yanshan old man.


Zhao Chengfeng wants to curse his mother, but he finds that the blood spurts out first. His face is gray and looks like a dead man.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, are you OK, Yan'er..." Zhao Chengfeng couldn't take care of his injury, so he took a look at Shangguan Yan'er beside him.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Yan'er was stunned by this palm.

"I said, none of you want to leave today." Yanshan old man strode out of the cave, slowly opened his eyes, and raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

I heard three disciples talk about how powerful the weapons in the secular world are. Now it seems that they are not. The so-called rifles have no lethality.

Since the technology of the secular world is so weak, there is no need for the old man of Yanshan to dodge. If he refuses to accept it, he will do it. If he refuses to accept it, he will kill him directly.

"Old Yanshan dog, do you really want to kill everything?" Zhao Chengfeng stares at the Yanshan old man in front of him, and the feeble feeling at the bottom of his heart surges into his heart again, which is very bitter.

Once upon a time, Zhao Chengfeng felt very strong, especially when he defeated Zhao Feitian for the second time and killed the purple dragon knight. He felt that he was not only nearly invincible on the earth, but also an expert in the inner gate.

But now, his woman was knocked unconscious, and he was seriously injured, but the enemy still stood in front of him with a cruel and sarcastic smile.

"What do you say?" Yanshan old man smiles instead of anger.

"Cough... Cough..."

At this time, Ouyang long with Ouyang Mengmeng and Ouyang tiger ran out of the cave, especially the last few tear gas, choking people tears, uncomfortable.

But as soon as he came out, Ouyang Mengmeng heard Zhao Chengfeng kneel down and beg for mercy. All the depression in his heart was swept away.

"Master, I beg you. Because I have a grudge against this man for killing my father, can you let me kill him?" Ouyang Mengmeng asked quickly.

It's good for old man Yanshan to kill Zhao Chengfeng, but how can he do it himself?

"Ouyang Mengmeng, you really know how to pick time." Zhao Chengfeng a tragic smile, will be the body of the remaining strength up, ready to push Shangguan Yan'er out at any time.

It's good to die together, but how can Zhao Chengfeng let his woman die with him?

"Well, I'll give you a chance to revenge." Yanshan old man doesn't care about Tao.

"Thank you, master!" Ouyang Mengmeng ecstasy, twitch dagger, step by step to Zhao Chengfeng.

Since the city of Jiangzhou left, Ouyang Mengmeng's head has been filled with one person - Zhao Chengfeng, and his head has been filled with one thing - killing Zhao Chengfeng. This day has finally come.

"Zhao Chengfeng, you certainly didn't expect that you would have today."

Ouyang Mengmeng said with a sneer as he walked: "at the beginning, you did me no face at school, and I lost my love. Now my family is broken. Today, your retribution has come."

"Smelly girl!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not a vegetarian either. Staring at Ouyang Mengmeng who is walking slowly, he hums coldly: "you shameless smelly watch, you have to rely on others for revenge. Do you have any future? Do you dare to take revenge when I'm healed? "

"Am I an idiot?" Ouyang Mengmeng is not angry now, but with a ferocious smile on his face.

The enemy is dying at last. How can Ouyang Mengmeng be unhappy?

"You're not an idiot, you're a damn pig!"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice falls, grabs a stone and smashes it at Ouyang Mengmeng.

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