"Do you want to kill him first?"

Zhao Chengfeng roared, and the stone in his hand hit Ouyang Mengmeng like a bullet. Even if Zhao Chengfeng died, he could not die in the hands of a woman, or even in the bottom of a woman's skirt.

Yes, to die is to be a romantic ghost!


Although Zhao Chengfeng was seriously injured, he still had a lot of strength in his hand. At the moment of shaking his wrist, the little stone hit Ouyang Mengmeng's eyebrow. Ouyang Mengmeng snorted and fainted.

"Mengmeng..." Ouyang long exclaimed and ran to pick up Ouyang Mengmeng. His hatred for Zhao Chengfeng became stronger.

It's really an insidious guy. Just before that, a man came to show the enemy's weakness and directly knocked his younger brother unconscious. Now he's lying on the ground pretending to be dead and knocked Ouyang Mengmeng unconscious.

At the same time, Ouyang long has to admire the strength of Zhao Chengfeng. Zhao Chengfeng is no different from a blood man, but this guy has such strong power.

Fortunately, there is a master, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Smelly boy, how dare you hurt my new apprentice?" Yanshan old man did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng, who was as angry as a gossamer, still had this hand. He was so angry and angry that his brows trembled.

Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile: "it's a fart to hurt your female apprentice. If it wasn't for my inconvenient health, I would have to sleep with her, damn it!"

"Damn you! Then I'll give you a ride! "

Yanshan old man no longer talks nonsense, dry old hand directly grasped Zhao Chengfeng's tianlinggai, if this slap is real, Zhao Chengfeng will die, the brain flower in the whole head is estimated to be broken!

"You want to kill me? It's not that easy! "

Zhao Chengfeng didn't know where his strength came from. Maybe it was his instinct to survive. He grabbed his sword and stabbed the old man in his belly.

"Hum, dying!"

Who knows, Yanshan old man seems to have expected the general, put away the palm wind, raised a foot to kick in the past.


It happened to kick at Zhao Chengfeng's waist. At the moment of being kicked, Zhao Chengfeng seemed to hear the sound of bone fracture all over his body, and the pain of his body magnified countless times again.


Zhao Chengfeng fell to the ground, next to just a few scared soldiers.

"I'm so fuckin 'painful..." Zhao Chengfeng showed his teeth in pain, but he still thought about Shangguan Yan'er in his heart. "Take Yan'er and go away quickly. You can't stop him. Retreat. Withdraw quickly."

"But you..." the soldier wanted to help Zhao Chengfeng up, but he found that Zhao Chengfeng was all broken. He felt pain when he moved. He fell so hard that he was shocked.

"Leave me alone, you get out of here. It's an order. Get out!" Zhao Chengfeng almost roared.


The soldier answered and was preparing to retreat.

"Want to go? No, none of you want to leave alive today. " However, the old man did not know when he was three or four meters in front of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, "what the hell do you want?"

"It's not impossible to let them go, but tell me, how do you practice? Have you been practicing in the so-called Qingfeng mountain all the time? " Yanshan old man still does not give up.

Zhao Chengfeng can die, but he must tell the secret of cultivation before he dies. Otherwise, it's boring that he can't practice in this secular world?

"Let them go, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!" Zhao Chengfeng gritted his teeth to support the pain from all over his body. He hated the old man Yanshan. He was paralyzed. It was too painful.

"Boy, do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me?" Yanshan old man grimly smile, "give you three seconds to consider, if you don't tell the truth, I will kill your woman now."

"Well, you win!"

Zhao Chengfeng lost his temper in a moment and said: "it's very simple, heaven's killing, just absorb the energy contained in heaven's killing."

"Only the devil?"


Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said: "otherwise, do you think there are any natural resources and treasures? It's very good for the secular world to breed Tianzhu, but even so, there are very few Tianzhu. Whether you can find Tianzhu depends on your own luck... "

"Luck? No, you are not an honest person, or I am not satisfied with your answer, so she still has to die. " However, the Yanshan old man did not believe Zhao Chengfeng and patted Shangguan Yan'er with one hand.


Zhao Chengfeng uttered a shrill roar. At that moment, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were red. He didn't know where he came from and rushed to Yanshan old man.

There was no fancy move, only a brute force from the depths of the soul, which hit the old man of Tianshan Mountain.

"Don't think too much of yourself!"

By Zhao Chengfeng holding waist, Yanshan old man's body crazy surging momentum, just like a bomb general, directly will Zhao Chengfeng to fly.


Zhao Chengfeng fell on the ground again, spitting blood.

"Since you are so ungrateful, I'd better kill you first." The voice has not yet fallen, Yanshan old man's hand has grasped Zhao Chengfeng's head.

At that moment, Yanshan old man's dry old hand seemed to enlarge countless times suddenly, and the green tendons on the back of his hand came out.



However, at this time, a flash of light, out of thin air more than two people, to be exact, two women.

"Old man, are you here too?" Among them, the woman in green stares at the old man in Yanshan coldly.

"Ah? You again? "

Seeing the face of the visitor clearly, the old man of Yanshan shrank his neck in fright and subconsciously stepped back several steps.

"Yes, it's me again. Now that you know it's me, why don't you get out of here, do you want to fight with me? " The woman's face was cold and proud.


The old man in Yanshan was impatient, but he had to admit it. The reason why I came to this damned secular world is that the two women in front of me, especially the woman in green, were so terrible in their cultivation.

When fighting for a treasure that day, the old man of Yanshan had already held the treasure in his hand, but he was snatched by the woman in green. The defeated old man of Yanshan was not willing to attack the woman, but suddenly the space energy was unstable, so he came to the secular world.

Yanshan old man did not expect that the woman in green also followed. This is also the reason why the old man of Yanshan is not good-looking, because the old man of Yanshan was injured by the woman in green.

"Ah? Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng, how are you However, at this time, the woman in white on one side suddenly saw the man in the pool of blood, jumped on him and hugged him.

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