"Is he your man?" The woman in green looked back at the woman in white and asked with a frown.

"Eldest martial sister, he is Chengfeng. He was hurt by others. He was very hurt..." before she finished, the woman in white began to cry, and her tears fell down. She was moved.

"Chengfeng, wake up, wake up, Chengfeng, look at me, I'm Bingbing, I'm back, I'm back..."

The woman in white shakes Zhao Chengfeng's body, but the woman's words seem to have magic power. Zhao Chengfeng's body trembles, but he can't open his eyes.

The injury is too serious. Even if Xia Bingbing comes back, Zhao Chengfeng can't open his eyes.

"Good. I'll announce it again. You don't have to go. Leave your life."

The voice of the woman in green has just fallen. She jumps up and floats to the old man in Yanshan who is in a panic in the distance.


Just a palm, light palm, Yanshan old man flew out, no resistance, directly fell to the ground, fell blood vomit, pale, it seems that at this moment Yanshan old man is more miserable than Zhao Chengfeng.

"You'd better die." The woman in Green doesn't have any nonsense. She doesn't give the old man another chance to talk. She claps her hand again.


Yanshan old man's head is like a ripe watermelon. It split a crack, and the blood immediately slipped out. Yanshan old man's eyes widened, but he had lost his life and could not die in peace!

"Master..." Ouyang long roared and rushed to Yanshan old man, tears also fell down.


What do you know? The woman in green turned her lips when she heard Ouyang Long's cry and said: "with this strength, is it OK to accept apprentices? You'd better get out of here. You're too weak. I don't want to kill you! "

Ouyang Long's fists clatter, but there is no good way to take the woman in green. Whoever has a hard fist has enough capital to be arrogant!

"Elder martial sister, please help Chengfeng. Don't fight. Save him as soon as possible..." Xia Bingbing holds Zhao Chengfeng's body and feels very heavy.

In the past half year, Xia Bingbing has been thinking about Zhao Chengfeng all the time. Although Xia Bingbing used to hate Zhao Chengfeng, their relationship is heating up rapidly in the quarrel and friction.

Who knows, I just came back to meet such a thing.

"Don't worry, as long as there is a breath, I will never let him die." Green clothes said so, or quickly went to Zhao Chengfeng side, looked at Zhao Chengfeng's injury, took out a crystal clear bead, put into Zhao Chengfeng's mouth, muttered: "injury into this is not out of breath, also can be hit."

"Elder martial sister, you..." Xia Bingbing was discontented with Liu Mei.

The woman in green stopped quickly and said, "OK, OK, I won't tell you. Let's go now. This is not a place for healing."

"Well, let's go!"

Xia Bingbing thought, too. Now she can't care to be angry with the woman in green. She retreats with Zhao Chengfeng and the army.


Three days later.

No.1 villa on Jiangcheng Avenue in Beihai City, a luxury villa that has been dusty for a long time but has not been inhabited by people, there are many more people in recent days, including men and women, the old and the young. Of course, the most are beauties, and the most are beauties.

"This guy, there are so many more women at home these days when I'm away?" Xia Bingbing took Liu Shiyun's hand, looked at Liu Shiyun's growing belly, and asked, "is your belly his seed?"

Liu Shiyun blushed and immediately apologized: "Bingbing, I'm sorry, I know he's your husband, but later I found out that I really fell in love with him, so I..."

"What's good about him? Why do you all like him like crazy?" Xia Bingbing is very speechless.

At the beginning, she felt that Zhao Chengfeng was very poor and worried. However, with more and more beautiful women coming to see Zhao Chengfeng every day, Xia Bingbing was not only worried, but also jealous!

"He has nothing good. If you don't want to, you can go through the divorce procedure with him now. I'll be the eldest sister." At this time, the door opened, Shangguan Yan'er came in.

Shangguan Yan'er looks at Xia Bingbing with a smile on her face.

"Do you all want me to give him a break earlier, and then you go up immediately?" Xia Bingbing looks at two people, in the heart is very speechless.

Shangguan Yan'er and Liu Shiyun looked at each other and nodded.

"Beautiful idea!"

Xia Bing snorted coldly and said with some pride, "I won't give you the position of the head of the harem. Even if he wants to take concubines, you all have to be behind me!"

To tell the truth, Xia Bingbing doesn't think Zhao Chengfeng is handsome until now, but there is always a strength in men, which makes Xia Bingbing moved.

"You are so reluctant to leave him, do you like him?" Shangguan Yan'er laughs.

In fact, Shangguan Yan'er met Xia Bingbing for the first time. We are all mature women. Since we all put the relationship with Zhao Chengfeng on the table, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Like is like. It's not that complicated. Like together, this is the greatest happiness!

Xia Bingbing can't stop it. She simply doesn't care too much. As Xia Bingbing said, no matter how many women and children Zhao Chengfeng has, in the final analysis, there is only her own name on the marriage certificate.

"I don't want to give up. He just wants to give up. I don't believe you should ask him." Xia Bingbing thick skinned way, the face is not a little red meaning, these days with the official Yan'er and others played a lot of jokes, Xia Bingbing also adapted.

"Ah, Chengfeng hasn't woken up yet. Should it be ok?"

Referring to Zhao Chengfeng, Shangguan Yan'er looks worried, which is also the reason why Shangguan Yan'er comes to Xia Bingbing. She wants Xia Bingbing to ask the woman in green. The woman in green is too much. She goes to ask her and doesn't care about herself.

"Don't worry, it will be all right."

Xia Bingbing was very confident and said: "although Chengfeng hasn't woken up yet, he obviously feels that his body is recovering very fast, his vitality is gradually getting stronger, and the wound is healing itself. This is a good sign."

"I know all this, but I'm not sure if this man doesn't wake up all day. Do you want to ask your elder martial sister?" Shangguan Yan son some embarrassed way.

It's a shame to go out. So many women can't take good care of men. They have to come to Xia Bingbing.

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