"Well, I'll ask elder martial sister later."

Xia Bingbing thought so. Looking at the time, she said, "at this time, the eldest martial sister should be practicing martial arts. After she finishes practicing, I'll go to her."

"By the way, Bingbing, what have you been doing these days when you disappeared? You... "Liu Shiyun has a wonderful way.

"Yes, where have you been? There's no news. Chengfeng thinks about it all day." Shangguan Yan'er is also curious.

Shangguan Yan'er doesn't know what happened on the back of maple leaf mountain. She only knows that after waking up, she is already on the plane. According to the soldiers, the ferocious Yanshan old man was killed by Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister. She is as relaxed as killing flies and mosquitoes, and has no pressure at all.

Shangguan Yan'er thinks in her heart, what's the extent of Xia Bingbing's big world?

"Bingbing, there's one thing you may not know."

Liu Shi Yun thought twice and said, "I shouldn't have said this, but I think you should mediate it."

"What's the matter? You said Xia Bingbing is very curious. Is there any man-made rebellion in the harem? Then I have to show my prestige.

"Your disappearance makes Phil have a lot of opinions on Chengfeng. Anyway, there are all kinds of taunts. I know that Phil is worried about you, but Chengfeng is also aggrieved. He doesn't want you to be taken away. So, when you come back, you should mediate the relationship between them. Don't make any conflicts. " Liu Shiyun said.


Xia Bingbing nodded and said, "I'll talk to her about this after Phil comes back from Europe. However, in fact, I was not abducted. Shifu is still very nice to me, but I walked so suddenly that everyone worried. "

"The people who care about you the most are still popular." Shangguan Yan'er said.

In a word, let Xia Bingbing warm heart. It's really great to have people care.


However, at this time, there was a strong crash outside, and a sense of tension spread.

"Who are you?" Then Zhao Feilong's voice came in, which was dignified.

"You don't care who I am!"

The voice of the woman in green rang out, as always cold, "although you have good strength, it's still a little difficult to rush in."

"Oh, no, dad is in conflict with my elder sister!"

As soon as Xia Bingbing listens to the dialogue, she knows it's not good and runs out quickly.

"Stop it. Don't fight. It's all from your own family." Xia Bingbing said: "Dad, I didn't know you came, so this is my elder martial sister, big world. This is my dad. Don't move your hands. You are all family."

"Bingbing, you're really back. That's great." Zhao Feilong saw Xia Bingbing, in the heart is also very happy, but, still subconsciously swept a glance at the opposite powerful woman in green.

It's so strong!

Zhao Feilong thinks that he is not a woman's opponent.

"In the end, it's the people in that world. Any one who comes out is a super strong one. Ah, I'm old after all." Zhao Feilong secretly said that he was somewhat disappointed.

The world is young people's after all.

"Bingbing's father's strength is not bad, but it's too bad to compare with people in Chiba world." The woman in green is also thinking in secret. When she hears Xia Bingbing's words, she also relaxes her vigilance.

Both of them are top experts. As soon as Zhao Feilong entered the door, they found each other's existence. As soon as they entered the door, there was a big collision. Zhao Feilong suffered a small loss, but he was startled at that time.

"Thanks for Dad's concern. I'll be fine." Xia Bingbing expressed her thanks.

Zhao Feilong nodded and walked into the room, saying: "this time is not the right time, so I didn't come back at the first time. It's my fault. I'm sorry, Bingbing, I didn't take good care of this smelly boy. "

"Since it's a smelly boy, it's natural to teach more lessons. It's OK, as long as people are OK." Xia Bingbing said with a faint smile that she didn't care.

Xia Bingbing didn't know about it in the past, but now Xia Bingbing has guessed some. The reason why the Zhao family has such a respected position in China is not because Zhao Chengfeng has made too much contributions. The most important thing is Zhao Feilong!

If the Zhao family lost Zhao Feilong, there would be no Zhao family now.

At first glance, Zhao Feilong has nothing to do. He only takes his grandson to travel all day, but sometimes he can't help himself. When things come, he has to do them.

"Isn't he awake yet?" Zhao Feilong asked. He was worried about Zhao Chengfeng. After all, he was such a son. Who would he worry about?

Although Zhao Feilong doesn't deal with Zhao Chengfeng very well, he always quarrels, but Zhao Feilong gives Zhao Chengfeng almost all the best things. Of course, Zhao Chengfeng did not disgrace Zhao Feilong.

"Theoretically, he should wake up, but he didn't wake up." The woman in green on one side said, "I guess I'll have to rest for two or three days to wake up."

"Then wait." Zhao Feilong nodded and said that he had no doubt about the woman's words.

The strength of the woman in green is unfathomable, so what she said will not be false. What's more, she is the eldest martial sister of her daughter-in-law. How can she cheat?

"By the way, who hurt my son? Where is that guy now? " Zhao Feilong asked again, his face darkened a lot.

"It's the inner door."

Shangguan Yan'er knows better, and now she tells the story all over again.

"The old man of Yanshan is dead. What about his apprentice?" Zhao Feilong's heart is still not relieved. According to Zhao Feilong's idea, he should kill all these guys and leave none.

"I'm sorry."

Xia Bingbing was very guilty and said: "Chengfeng was hurt too much at that time. I just wanted to save Chengfeng, so I didn't pay attention to the old man's Apprentice."


Zhao Feilong waved his hand and said, "as long as they are still in China, I will find a way to find them, and then kill them one by one, son of a bitch!"

"Those guys are not afraid. They are not strong." Shangguan Yan'er said.

"Whether he's strong or not, I'll kill them. It's too damn bullying." Zhao Feilong still scolded: "do you really think that what comes out of the inner door is great?"

Don't you think I was a member of the inner gate? How low-key in the secular world.

"Well, I'll pay close attention to it next." Shangguan Yan'er answers, saying that her father-in-law's temper is really good. Everything is over, and she doesn't want to give Ouyang long and others a chance to live. It is estimated that these people dare not show up easily now.

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