"Dad, don't worry about so many little people. As long as they show up, they won't come to a good end." Xia Bingbing comforts so much that she doesn't care about the escape of Ouyang Hu and others.

In fact, it's not that Ouyang Hu and others ran away, but Xia Bingbing and others worried about Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Yan'er's injuries, so they didn't care to clean up these people.

"Of course, as long as they dare to appear, they will never continue to live!" Zhao Feilong hate hate way, tiger eyebrow a shake, anger flutter.

All the women nodded. In front of her husband, all the women did not quarrel. They were all like ladies, and they did not dare to joke. After all, Zhao Chengfeng was still in bed at this time and did not wake up.

"Are the people with serious injuries the people with inner doors? What's your name? " Zhao Feilong's heart is still unhappy, and he always feels that his heart is blocked by evil Qi.

How can this tone go on without killing a few people?

"It's like an old man called Yanshan old man. He has great strength. Anyway, I have no fighting power with Chengfeng." Shangguan Yan'er explained that she was also very depressed.

"Old Yanshan? I haven't heard of it. " Zhao Feilong shook his head and didn't think about it any more. Anyway, all the people were slaughtered and there were only a few small pieces of garbage left. It was estimated that he couldn't lift any big waves. "By the way, Bingbing, I've been back for several days. Did you go to see your mother?"


Xia Bingbing nods and feels guilty. On the first night of returning to Beihai City, Xia Bingbing is inseparable with Zhao Chengfeng. The next day, she has time to visit her mother. It's really unfilial.

"It's not easy for your mother to pull you up. Remember to go home often and have a look. Don't let her worry." Zhao Feilong ordered a sentence, and his heart was filled with infinite sorrow.

"I know. I will be filial to my mother." Summer ice ice so should wear, in the heart but really not taste son.

Although she came back this time, Xia Bingbing was concerned about another world, especially the master she hated before. For her death, Xia Bingbing was under great pressure.

"Well, you can have a good chat. I'll go and see the smelly boy." Zhao Feilong also felt that it was inappropriate for him to stay with his daughter-in-law. Thinking about Zhao Chengfeng, he turned into another room.

On the bed, Zhao Chengfeng is still naked, with clear-cut muscles and lines. He looks beautiful and powerful, but his eyes are closed, and he still doesn't wake up.

"Well, something's wrong."

Zhao Feilong carefully looked at Zhao Chengfeng's injury, eyebrows suddenly twisted up, according to reason, Zhao Chengfeng has had the conditions to wake up, and even has recovered at least 50%, but why did not wake up?

"The internal energy is abundant, the five zang organs and six Fu organs are not much hurt, how can they not wake up?" Zhao Feilong is very curious.

"Isn't it a good thing not to wake up?"

One side of the woman in green hummed: "in deep sleep, the injury recovers faster, and the injured person does not feel too much pain at the same time. The longer he sleeps, the better he recovers. At the same time, it also proves that he is too seriously injured."

"That's the truth, but if we don't wake up for a day, we, as relatives, are not at ease." Zhao Feilong sighed and once again looked at the woman in green in front of him.

This woman in Qingyi is not Qingyi in 731. In fact, she is more powerful than Qingyi in 731. Even Zhao Feilong doesn't have much chance of winning against the young girl in front of her.

"I'm not his family."

The woman in Green said with disdain, "if it wasn't for the sake of my younger martial sister, I wouldn't bother to save him."

Zhao Feilong is a little unhappy, but he still stifles his unhappiness. No matter what, the woman in green is Zhao Chengfeng's life-saving benefactor, no matter what her purpose is.

"I can't even deal with the rubbish in xuanwujing. I really don't understand how my younger martial sister takes a fancy to him." The woman in Green added.

"People in Chiba world are brave when they speak. My son can't do it. How about me as Laozi? Shall we play the last game well? "

Zhao Feilong can't bear it this time. This woman is too arrogant. Is it necessary to be so arrogant?

"Do you know Chiba world?" The woman in green was shocked.

"If I guess correctly, you should still be from qinglianmen. Is it your master who robbed my daughter-in-law Xia Bingbing?" Zhao Feilong snorted, and his heart said, what are you pretending to be? If it wasn't for the protection of my brother, I'm afraid I would have entered the Chiba world.

The most important thing for the cultivation of ancient martial arts is to rely on the environment. In short, it is aura, or the quality of cultivation resources. In the secular world, ten years of cultivation may not be as good as one year of inner door cultivation; I'm afraid that ten years of inner door cultivation can't compare with one year of cultivation in Chiba world.

Zhao Feilong thinks that his son is very powerful. After all, this is the earth. He is a secular world that has been abandoned for many years. He has already broken through to the middle and late stage of magic martial arts before he is 30 years old, and it's not easy for you to give him.

"You can also feel the rich level of aura in the secular world. Given less than 20 years of cultivation, can you reach my son's present state?" Zhao Feilong is angry with the woman in green.


The woman in green has no good way: "so what? He is not my opponent now, even I can stab him with one finger. "

"Are you too arrogant? Why don't we go out and find a place where there's no one? " Zhao Feilong is very angry and arrogant.

The people coming out of the inner door are arrogant enough. Unexpectedly, the women coming out of Chiba world are more presumptuous!

"You fight me?"

The woman in green shook her head and said, "don't fight. You can't beat me and I can't beat you. It's a draw at best."

"Even a draw can hurt both sides." Zhao Feilong is holding his fist and is very unfriendly. If it wasn't for the woman in green who saved his son, Zhao Feilong would have done it.

No matter whether we can win or not, we must deal with her first. It's a matter of attitude. Who the hell is going to bully his son? I dare not make a sound or do it. Is that still a man?

It's not worthy to be Laozi!

"I'm not that stupid, and I don't want to fight you."

The woman in green came slowly and said, "your strength is OK, but your son's strength is too low. He doesn't deserve Bingbing. This is a fact that no one can deny!"

"You Zhao Feilong's face turned white with anger, but the woman in Green left.

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