
Zhao Feilong held his fist and finally suppressed his anger. He didn't hit it with a fist.

Now that Zhao Feilong is over the age of impulse, he doesn't always yell at people to kill or fight. Moreover, although the woman in Green's words hurt people, it has to be said that this is an iron fact.

"Boy, it seems that you have a long way to go. Work hard." Zhao Feilong looks at his sleeping son on the bed, sighs and goes out of the room.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng needs to have a rest. Some things should be told when he wakes up.

After saying hello to Xia Bingbing and other women outside, Zhao Feilong leaves No. 1 villa. There are still some things waiting for Zhao Feilong to do. The most important thing is to go back to the capital immediately and report to Murong frost, otherwise women will be very worried.

"Elder martial sister, what can I do for you?"

On the roof of No.1 villa, there is a small sky garden. The flowers are very bright, with the sunshine, it feels very good. And the woman in green stood on one side, with her hands down, standing quietly in the garden.

"I have something to tell you." The woman in green nodded and looked back at Xia Bingbing.

When you see Xia Bingbing, there is more tenderness and love in the eyes of the woman in green, not so cold and indifferent.

"Well, elder martial sister, please tell me. I'm listening." Xia Bingbing nodded and sat down.

"This man is too bad to be worthy of you. You should leave him and find a place to practice at ease." Women in green will not beat around the Bush and go straight to the theme.


Xia Bingbing's face suddenly turned cold, and she refused cleanly.

"Bingbing, are you stupid? Can he help you? No, he can't protect you now. Have you forgotten what master said before he died? " The girl in green was a little worried. She was really stubborn.

At that time, she didn't plan to go to the secular world, but she couldn't stand Xia Bingbing's obsession. She had no choice but to accompany her to the secular world, but she didn't expect that the secular world was in such a decline.

It's not that the secular world is not prosperous enough. It's just that the aura is too thin. When can the younger martial sister break through? Only when the younger martial sister fully absorbs the energy left by the old master, can Qinglian gate become strong again.

"I don't forget it. I keep it in my heart all the time."

Xia Bingbing was very resistant, "but I'm not only a member of qinglianmen, but also a popular woman. I have more than one identity, and I have more than one person to love. Besides, my man doesn't have to protect me. He has protected me too many times in the past. Now it's my turn to protect him. "

"But..." what else does the woman in green want to say.

"Nothing, but."

Xia Bingbing directly interrupted the woman in green, and some students said, "elder martial sister, I don't want to hear that again today. If you don't want to stay, you can leave now. You don't have to worry about my affairs!"


Seeing Xia Bingbing's resolute attitude, the woman in green had no good way to take Xia Bingbing for a moment, so she could only say, "just go with you, but your cultivation must not fall behind. Zhao Chengfeng may not be able to give you any help, but his father's cultivation is good, and he should be able to give you a lot of help. "

"I see. If nothing happens, I'll go down first." Xia Bingbing is not happy in her heart, so she leaves the sky garden and goes downstairs to accompany Zhao Chengfeng.

These days, the person Xia Bingbing misses most is Zhao Chengfeng, which is really strange. At the beginning, Xia Bingbing wanted Zhao Chengfeng to die, and they met each other, but once they separated, they missed each other badly.

What a friend.

"Well, my younger martial sister is too stubborn." The woman in green frowned and thought, "no, I have to find a way to let this man leave my younger martial sister. He is not worthy of my younger martial sister. Younger martial sister will be the leader of Qinglian sect in the future. How can she like a guy who is just in the realm of magic martial arts? Absolutely not

Thinking about this, the woman in Green's eyes became firm again.


"Chengfeng, wake up quickly. I've missed you for a long time..."

Xia Bingbing returns downstairs and stays with Zhao Chengfeng. Shangguan Yan'er and Liu Shiyun leave early, leaving all the space for them.

All the girls are not selfish. It's time for Xia Bingbing to get together and have a chat after she has been away for so long. Although Xia Bingbing said no and didn't like it, people with clear eyes can see it.

If not, will Xia Bingbing care so much? If it wasn't for love, would Xia Bingbing cry?

"Chengfeng, you don't know. In fact, I really hated you in the past, but I have to admire you. Because of you, the company passed through the difficulties and reached the top of the domestic underwear brand. Because of you, I was involved in a lot of disputes. In these disputes, I saw your sincerity. You are a big turnip, but I like you. Wake up quickly, We haven't talked well for a long time. We've had a chat... "

Xia Bingbing grabs the man's hand and sticks it on his face. Looking at the man on the bed, he laughs and talks to himself. After a while, Xia Bingbing falls asleep and falls beside Zhao Chengfeng.

Not long after Xia Bingbing had just gone to sleep, Zhao Chengfeng's body changed obviously, just like the light of Buddha. Zhao Chengfeng's whole body was shining with strange white light.

The white light lasted for more than a minute, then quickly converged to Zhao Chengfeng's heart. Finally, the light completely gathered at one point. The dazzling white light on his chest seemed to penetrate Zhao Chengfeng's heart, and he could see Zhao Chengfeng's heart beating with great power.

Strange is, Zhao Chengfeng's bloody heart, there is a white line, emitting white light line, a close look, the white line is still slowly creeping, yes, it is a worm, a worm is creeping, a small glowing worm!

Suddenly, the light is strong again, the light covers Zhao Chengfeng's whole body again, and then slowly dims down. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng's body can absorb the light, and soon disappears.


At the moment when the light disappeared, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes also opened.

"I'm not dead?" Zhao Chengfeng pinched his thigh, can feel pain, want to sit up, but found a person lying around.

Zhao Chengfeng frowned slightly. When Zhao Chengfeng saw the man's face carefully, his tears almost fell down.

"Bingbing, is that you?" Zhao Chengfeng some can't believe, softly called out, excited corners of the mouth all follow to tremble.

She's back.

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