"Elder martial sister, what do you mean?"

Xia Bingbing ran after him, glared at Qingqiu and said coldly, "you look down on Chengfeng, don't you?"

"Younger martial sister, he doesn't deserve you..." Qingqiu Xiumei frowned slightly, and there was no good way for her in her heart.

The younger martial sister has not been in touch with Gu Wu for a long time. Even though she has been inherited by the master, she is only a little bit of strength in the early stage of Lingwu realm. If she wants to reach the master's level, it is absolutely impossible in three or five years, even if Xia Bingbing is a congenital spirit!

Compared with ordinary practitioners, the innate spirit is easier to cultivate to the realm of heaven. Once it reaches the realm of heaven, qinglianmen can be proud and not be bullied.

Therefore, the younger martial sister is the hope of the whole Qinglian sect. Although she has been in the sect for only a few months, she is already the leader of Qinglian sect appointed by the master before her death! Qingqiu and even the whole qinglianmen disciples have to listen to the younger martial sister, which is one of the reasons why the younger martial sister wants to come back to the secular world.

Of course, there is another important reason for the younger martial sister to return to the secular world, which is for her safety.

In Chiba world, there are many sects fighting with each other. Many sects covet the Qinglian gate. Now the master is gone, and the Qinglian gate has no pillar. Anyone can bully the Qinglian gate. To let the enemy know that the younger martial sister has a lifelong cultivation of the master, who can guarantee the safety of the younger martial sister? It's a very good way to think about it and go back to the secular world, but the aura of the secular world is too thin.

But the younger martial sister also found a man, a little guy whose strength is only in the realm of magic martial arts. What's the qualification of such a guy to be the younger martial sister's man? Isn't it a drag on the younger martial sister?


Xia Bingbing's face suddenly became extremely ugly, even cold as frost, and said to Qingqiu: "elder martial sister, I know what you are worried about. I will never forget the old master's wishes, and I will not let Qinglian gate wither. One day I will let qinglianmen carry forward, but Zhao Chengfeng is my man, Xia Bingbing is his man, and death is his ghost. "

"Younger martial sister, it's your private business. I shouldn't have said more

Qingqiu is also very depressed, but what should be said is to say, "I won't say more about his own strength. Look at him now, he is just a naughty man. Is he worth your effort?"

"It's worth it."

Xia Bingbing said without hesitation: "as I said, Xia Bingbing's life is his person, and his death is his ghost. As for the rest, elder martial sister, please don't say any more. I hope you won't speak ill of me from now on. Otherwise, don't blame me


Qingqiu's delicate body suddenly trembled, and her beautiful face slipped across a touch of sadness. I'm afraid Qingqiu didn't even dream that the younger martial sister who cared for her would say such heartless words to herself.

"If you think I took the life and the orthodoxy of the master, I will stand here and you will take it." Xia Bingbing's attitude is firm, even showing a trace of unfeeling.

Qingqiu is holding the powder fist tightly, and her delicate body is so angry that she shivers. Qingqiu really can't understand how a common man has taken away the heart of the younger martial sister? But how can Qingqiu fight against the younger martial sister?

"That's all!"

Qingqiu shook his head and said, "I can't control you. You can do it yourself."

"I'm an adult, I don't need to be controlled, and I know exactly what I'm doing." Xia Bingbing took a deep breath, tone slightly eased, and then said: "of course, if there is anything wrong with me in the process of cultivation, elder martial sister said frankly, in order to recover my lost honor of Qinglian gate, I will work harder and never forget my mission!"

Green hill smell speech, complexion this just a little bit good-looking some. Just like who love who, that is the little younger martial sister's own business, too much involvement is counterproductive, one day, once the little younger martial sister's cultivation quickly improved, she must be far away from this man, after all, Chiba world is a strong world, no strength, where is the love?

"Younger martial sister, what's your plan next? I heard from your friends that you still have a company to take care of? What is a company? Do you have to take care of it yourself? "

Qingqiu simply put the topic aside. She'd better leave her private affairs alone and urge her to practice well. As long as her practice reaches a certain super level, the younger martial sister should have no expectation of the broken secular world.

"You don't have to worry about the company. I believe my cousin will come back in a few days when she goes abroad to talk about business. If I go to the company in a few days, she will be taken care of by others. It won't take up my training time."

Xia Bingbing said, "but as you know, elder martial sister, there is almost no aura on the earth. I think Chengfeng should know where to practice. I'll talk to him after he's healed."

"That's all right. Then you can do your business first." Qingqiu nodded and said, "it's time for you to meet your friends and family after you've been away from the secular world for so long."

"Well, I'll do my own business first." When it comes to family, Xia Bingbing suddenly finds that she really has a lot of things to do, especially her mother.

I've been missing for so long, so I made a phone call to my mother. I haven't gone back to chat with my mother.


Green hill should be a, turn around to walk a few steps, can be a few steps of time, but in front of no green hill trace.

"Ah, when can I have such profound cultivation of elder martial sister?" Xia Bingbing sighed in her heart, and her sorrow was infinite.

For many people, their return is worthy of joy and celebration, but Xia Bingbing knows very well that maybe he will leave after a few years, and the next time he leaves, he may not be able to come back. Thinking of the master's last words, Xia Bingbing's heart is very heavy. It's like a mountain. It's too heavy to breathe.

"Congenital state, when can we get to congenital..." Xia Bingbing felt the power in her body, suddenly a little depressed, the power is too weak.

You know, the elder martial sister told Shifu and even other elder martial sisters that qinglianmen's opponents are at least strong in the middle and late stage of yuxu realm, and even strong in the congenital realm. But now it's at least 18000 miles away from that level, while Xia Bingbing only has three years. It's too difficult to break through from Lingwu realm to congenital realm in three years.

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