Xia Bingbing's return and Zhao Chengfeng's wake up make villa No.1 on Jiangcheng Avenue particularly lively. However, after a short period of excitement, it returns to tranquility. It seems that all the women are deliberately creating space for Xia Bingbing and Zhao Chengfeng.

Farewell is better than newlyweds. They have been separated for too long. They really have too much to talk about. Even Xia Muxi, who has been very guilty, went back to Jiangzhou city the day after Zhao Chengfeng woke up.

Xia Muxi has no background, but she has a lot of self-respect. She will never compete with others at this time.

"Chengfeng, how do you feel now? Is there anything else wrong with you? "

In the garden of No.1 villa, God is very proud. The sun is pouring down and shining on them. They are very warm. Xia Bingbing is so quietly lying in the arms of men, eyes closed, enjoying a good time.

When she just graduated from University, Xia Bingbing was full of blood and rushed into the shopping mall. She worked overtime every day, wrote for the record, approved documents and so on. She was so busy that she even had no time to solve her personal problems. Occasionally, she went to the bar with some of her best friends to relax, which was the most free time.

But there has never been such a pleasant time. At first, in order to prove herself, she wanted to serve her female compatriots. Now Xia Bingbing thinks that relying on men and doing nothing is the greatest happiness.

"Don't worry, I'm much better. The old Yanshan dog is really powerful, but I've recovered 70% or 80%. It's no problem at all. The rest can be cured in three or five days." Playing with the woman's hair, Zhao Chengfeng asked curiously, "by the way, Bingbing, how could you suddenly appear and save me? It's a coincidence

"It's no coincidence at all."

Xia Bingbing shook his head and said: "on that day, my eldest martial sister and I went to the inner gate from Chiba world. When we passed the inner gate, we met old Yanshan. The eldest martial sister grabbed his treasure, and old Yanshan turned around and left. Unexpectedly, there was a turbulence in space, and then we were swept into a black hole. It was a coincidence that we found the earth when we opened our eyes, It happened to be you

When it comes to this matter, Xia Bingbing still has a lingering fear. If he and his elder sister arrive a second later, he is afraid that Zhao Chengfeng will report to the local government, and he will never see Zhao Chengfeng again in his life.


"I'll go. So it is." Zhao Chengfeng suddenly realized that he was afraid and said, "so if Qingqiu hadn't hurt the old man in Yanshan, I'm afraid the old dog would have killed me long ago?"

"Your life is really big enough."

Xia Bingbing has to admire Zhao Chengfeng's fortune. It's so good.

"By the way, Chengfeng, the old man of Yanshan was originally a member of the inner gate. It's reasonable to say that he never knew you. How could he kill you?" Xia Bingbing still doesn't know why Zhao Chengfeng and the old man of Yanshan have a grudge. He is also curious.

Today's Xia Bingbing is also a man of ancient martial arts. He is also a top expert on earth. He also has a general understanding of space. The earth he lives on is the "secular world" among the population of inner gate and Chiba world. To be nice, it's called the secular world. To be ugly, it's the abandoned world. In short, the earth is not suitable for cultivation, Because the aura is thin.

The inner gate is an upgraded version of the secular world. Because its aura is much stronger than that of the earth, it's a great master. If you pull a little doll out, it's all ancient martial arts practitioners.

As for Chiba world, it's much more powerful. The aura is almost atomized. One breath can hold the amount absorbed by the earth in three or five days. That's the gap.


Referring to this matter, Zhao Chengfeng reluctantly waved his hand and said bitterly: "I don't want to have a grudge with that old man. Don't you bully his apprentice? The old man wanted to take revenge on me and said that he wanted to seize my cultivation resources. It's really shameful. He didn't need so many cultivation resources in the inner door. He had to seize Lao Tzu's cultivation resources, and then he did it with his grandmother. "

"That's right." Xia Bingbing wants to ask about the cultivation resources. However, she feels that it's not good for them to mention this kind of thing just when they meet. Just bear it.

Xia Bingbing knows that Zhao Chengfeng is a free and easy-going man. He is used to it freely. From Liu Shiyun's and song Sisi's words, Xia Bingbing also knows that Zhao Chengfeng has been crazy and collapsed in recent months. If he knows the burden he is shouldering, will men not be able to bear it?

Just let men be happy for a while. And Xia Bingbing also enjoys the time when they are together. There are flowers, grass, sunshine and his company. Isn't this the greatest happiness in the world?

"Bingbing, it's good for you to come back this time. I was worried before." Zhao Chengfeng didn't notice the strange look of the woman in his arms. He said with a smile: "before the snow mountain collapsed in the snow city, the powerful force shattered the passage to the inner gate. But to Chiba world, you must go to the inner gate first, and the passage was destroyed. At that time, I almost worried to death. Now, you're back. "

Xia Bingbing quietly listens to the man's words and feels the man's concern. Her heart is as sweet as honey.

"When you come back, we don't do anything. I accompany you every day. In the evening, we will have a baby. Mother in law is dying of anxiety." Said, Zhao Chengfeng's hand suddenly dishonest, slowly floated to the woman's full chest.

It's still warm, but it seems to be growing.


Xia Bingbing slapped her face and said, "what do you think of all day, rascal? Can you have a healthy mind? "

"I think of you in my mind, otherwise..."

"Be quiet

Xia Bingbing sat up with a cold face and asked: "to be honest, how many girls did you hook up with during my missing days? What's the matter with that Muxi? "

"Cough, I'm not to blame for this..."

"I Pooh!"

Xia Bingbing sprayed it back and said with a stare, "who do you blame? Is it hard for a girl to go to bed with you? Do you think it's realistic? "

"It's true."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "in order to save me, Muxi could only save me with her own body..."

"Bah, you're still making it up, aren't you?" Xia Bingbing doesn't believe it. On the ability of nonsense, Xia Bingbing only takes on Zhao Chengfeng. At the beginning, it was this guy who broke his mouth. I don't know how many young girls he cheated.

Far away, isn't that how Liu Shiyun and song Sisi are? By the way, he Bingting and Hu Lingling from the R & D department, even his own cousins have been taken advantage of by him.

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