"Do you want me to give Muxi a call to confront her?" Xia Bingbing raised her eyebrows and threatened: "I can tell you that you will have no friends if you say so. Maybe Muxi will not want you! Hum

Xia Bingbing is not joking. She really has to try Zhao Chengfeng. God knows what this big sex wolf has done recently, which has harmed many good women.

As the head of the harem, Xia Bingbing should know well.

"I'm not afraid of you calling, let alone calling. I'm not afraid of confrontation." When Zhao Chengfeng heard the speech, he was happy.

"Well? Is it really wooden? "

Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's serious appearance, Xia Bingbing became more suspicious and muttered: "looking at Mu Xi, isn't that kind of person? How can she be so casual? She... You are not the kind of person who is so handsome that you want to die... "

"Cough, stop, stop!"

Zhao Chengfeng quickly stopped and said, "Bingbing, you can say I'm cheeky or you can say I'm a big turnip. I admit it. But Muxi is not such a person. She really did it to save me."

"Save you? What have you done? Have you fallen into the legendary toon medicine with extremely strong properties? " Xia Bingbing's eyes turned around, but she still felt unreliable.

"Here's the thing..."

Zhao Chengfeng told Xia Bingbing everything about Po Tian, from the island of musli to the island of borodo to Po Tian, and then to Tianxing village.

Now Xia Bingbing is also from ancient Wuzhong, and Zhao Chengfeng has no need to hide.

"You have destroyed the sky?" Hearing this, Xia Bingbing was shocked, but more worried.

The man nearly hung up, this feeling is really heavy. Xia Muxi's "dedication" at that time was not impudent. On the contrary, she was a person who attached great importance to love and righteousness, which is worthy of admiration.

"Yes, put it out." When it comes to "Po Tian", Zhao Chengfeng still hates him so much that he scolds and says: "only, the king of Po Tian, Zhao Feitian has run away. The next time I meet him, I have to clean up the door!"

Thinking of Zhao Feitian, Zhao Chengfeng is very angry. Zhao Feitian wants to dominate the world, which can be forgiven. But after the destruction of Po Tian, Zhao Feitian colludes with the American manor. What's the difference between Zhao Feitian and the traitor?

On the last sneak attack on jintari, the millstone mercenary regiment lost at least 300 people! The most hateful thing is that Zhao Feitian finally abandoned his master and ran away, making Zhao Chengfeng depressed.

"Clean up the portal? What do you mean Xia Bingbing didn't respond for a moment.

"Well, don't you think the name of Zhao Feitian is very similar to that of the old man in his family?" Zhao Chengfeng sighed.

"Zhao Feitian, Zhao Feitian, ah, is he your uncle?" Xia Bingbing was surprised. She didn't expect that the old man was also the Zhao family. No wonder she had to clean up the door.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, his face was a little ugly, and said: "this dog has discredited our Zhao family. I have to get rid of him. However, this guy is scared by me now. God knows where he's hiding. I just said, why does he know me so well and aim at me. I guess his ultimate goal is to get my Laozi into the gang. I didn't expect to be destroyed by me. "

It's true that Po Tian has been destroyed, but Zhao Chengfeng has also pondered a problem. At the beginning, his strength was quite average. According to the tattoo emissary, Zhao Feitian spent a lot of effort for himself, and finally even took out the heart biting poison. Thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng thinks that there is only one possibility - Zhao Feilong!

Zhao Chengfeng's strength is average, but Zhao Feilong's is different. It's absolutely powerful. It's not difficult to dominate the world if the powerful join hands.

It's just that the old people in the family are used to idle clouds and wild cranes, or they don't have much ambition. Of course, the old people are great. They want to protect their families and defend their country and disdain to work in collusion with Zhao Feitian.

"It's hard enough for you." Xia Bingbing suddenly finds it hard for a man to do it.

It's easy to say, but it's really hard to do. How can I turn my elbow out? Xia Bingbing thinks that Zhao Chengfeng is great, and he has to kill Zhao Feitian. Xia Bingbing thinks that he is not great enough to describe.

Not ruthless, but extremely painful choice!

"At that time, I was attacked by the heart biting poison. When I went to Tianxing village to look for the poison master, I met Muxi. Muxi is a very kind woman. After we helped Tianxing village to pacify the riot, the heart biting poison in my body broke out. Muxi became my woman in order to save me." Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and was really moved.

It's not that Zhao Chengfeng doesn't like Xia Muxi, but that before they have a relationship, they really have no emotional foundation. In order to save people, Xia Muxi gives up her virginity, which is why Zhao Chengfeng can't let Xia Muxi down.

"Muxi is really a woman who attaches great importance to love and righteousness. I have no objection to her entering my mother's harem." Xia Bingbing put on a queen's airs and said: "however, after all, what other women have you found in these days when my mother is not here? I'll tell you everything, otherwise, hum... "

"Or what?" Zhao Chengfeng weak way, but the heart is happy flowers.

Small sample son, call wind elder brother of time, not a mouthful a "sex wolf"? What's the matter? Now I'm jealous of myself.

"I tell you, my mother is also the strength of Lingwu realm now. It's very easy to deal with you." Xia Bingbing is a little proud.

Zhao Chengfeng said faintly, "it seems that I'm in the late stage of magic martial arts..."

"You..." Xia Bingbing was embarrassed.

Zhao Chengfeng looks at Xia Bingbing with a proud face.

"Hum, I have a elder martial sister. She is much more powerful. Don't provoke me." Xia Bingbing added: "you know, old Yanshan beat you into a fool. My elder martial sister killed him with only one hand."

"I thought you had reinforcements, didn't I?" Zhao Chengfeng was extremely depressed.


Xia Bingbing's face again appeared a smug smile, snorted: "don't you hurry to tell me the truth, believe me to deal with you?"

"Cough, I really didn't make trouble, just one more wood." Zhao Chengfeng had to be honest. In the past, he could bully Xia Bingbing, but now he has to be bullied.

With these words, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly thinks of Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister qingqiulai. The woman doesn't seem to have a good face for herself, and she doesn't have any sin against her?

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