"Is there really no one else but Muxi?" Xia Bingbing's eyes are very aggressive, staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Not really." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head.

"He pinting and Hu Lingling in the office, didn't you touch them?"


"What about my cousin Phil?"

"No more."

Zhao Chengfeng said bitterly: "every time that Nizi sees me, she looks like she has a bitter hatred. She wants to eat my meat and drink my blood. Do you think she will let me touch her?"

"Shiyun told me about it. I didn't expect it to be true." Xia Bingbing nodded thoughtfully, thinking that Feier was not that kind of person.

As soon as my cousin disappears, she will be mixed up with her husband. It's not appropriate. Isn't it Pan Jinlian again? The only thing Xia Bingbing worries about is Zhao Chengfeng. This guy is so bold that he doesn't dare to do anything. After all, how many men are not lusty?

"I'll go. Can't you trust your sister?" Zhao Chengfeng is a little depressed when he hears that Liu Shiyun's words are false, which is not good for the unity of the harem.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't believe Shiyun. I don't believe you." Xia Bingbing rolled her eyes, "your courage is too big. As long as you are a beautiful woman, you will not be unmoved."


Zhao Chengfeng said dryly: "in fact, mother-in-law is also very beautiful..."


Xia Bingbing raised her eyebrows. "You, do you want to die?"

Xia Bingbing gets angry, and the energy in her body is surging slowly. It's not a thing. She dares to beat her mother's idea. Doesn't she want to live?

"Cough, don't be angry. Listen to me." Zhao Chengfeng embarrassed smile, and said: "I mean mother-in-law is also very beautiful, because mother-in-law is beautiful enough, so that you gave birth to such a beautiful daughter, this is the conviction of our Zhao family."


Xia Bingbing snorted heavily, "don't think I don't know what's in your mind. I ask you, why does Phil have a problem with you? Did you take advantage of Phil? "

"How can I take advantage of her? She hates me mostly for you. What's so strange about that? " Zhao Chengfeng stalked his neck, but secretly he felt guilty.

To tell the truth, Zhao Chengfeng did take advantage of fei'er. He wanted to take the sister flowers together. But Xia Bingbing was taken away by Magu, and he Yongfei naturally hated Zhao Chengfeng. Especially after he Yongfei knew that Zhao Chengfeng had many women, he was even more angry.

In he Yongfei's opinion, no matter whether his cousin is missing or not, Zhao Chengfeng's life is always at ease. Without a wife, don't you still have many lovers? Now even Liu Shiyun is pregnant. How romantic.

"Well, it's strange to believe you." Xia Bingbing gives the latter a white look. She is unforgiving, but her body leans on Zhao Chengfeng.

It's a rare world for two people. Xia Bingbing suddenly feels that she can't enjoy life in the past. She spends a lot of time on her work, but ignores the most important people around her.

If you put it in the past, Xia Bingbing will not say that she fell in love with Zhao Chengfeng. But in Chiba world, when Xia Bingbing calms down, the most figure in her mind is him. If she has no feelings, how can she miss him?

Now she has learned to cherish time. Unfortunately, she doesn't have much time for herself. Xia Bingbing thinks that heaven likes to joke with people.

"Didi... Didi..."

At this time, the phone in Zhao Chengfeng's pocket suddenly rang. He felt it out and found that it was not someone else, but Laozi Zhao Feilong.

"Hey, old man, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng picked up the phone, did not give Zhao Feilong what good tone.

Zhao Chengfeng has a problem with Zhao Feilong, especially this time, he has asked Xia Muxi to send a letter to Shangguan Yan'er. Shangguan Yan'er is so smart that even Zhao Chengfeng can't solve the problem himself. That opponent must be tough.

As everyone knows, Shangguan Yan'er can't get in touch with Zhao Feilong, saying that the old man has gone out to travel again. It's not a thing. I think about traveling every day, regardless of my son's safety, isn't it?

It's not like that!

"Smelly boy, how can you talk to me?" Zhao Feilong was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at him. He swore, "you little son of a bitch, you have the strength to swear. It proves that the wound is almost healed."

"Cut the crap. What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng's tone is not good, showing a bit of impatience.

Motherfucker, I'm definitely not born!

"I have nothing to do with you. The main reason is that Bingbing has come back this time. Your mother wants to see her daughter-in-law and let you take Bingbing back to the capital. Our family can get together well. Of course, you don't have to come back. I'll get angry when I see you." Zhao Feilong said lightly.

"Damn you..."

Zhao Cheng's atmosphere was so bad that he forced down the word "grandma" behind him. Isn't Zhao Feilong's grandmother his ancestor? You can't talk nonsense.

"Well, that's it. Hang up." No matter what Zhao Chengfeng's reaction, Zhao Feilong puts down the phone.


Zhao Chengfeng choked up in his throat. He was so depressed that he didn't want to.

"Can't you treat your parents a little better?" Xia Bingbing shakes her head and blames her.

In fact, Xia Bingbing is still envious of Zhao Chengfeng. Although father and son often quarrel, the meaning of their existence is never to make each other feel better. But in such a noisy situation, the family is always in harmony. When I look at my family, I haven't even seen my father, and my mother hasn't thought of finding a companion these years. Thinking of this, Xia Bingbing feels sad.

"You don't understand. It's intimacy between us." Zhao Chengfeng lights up a cigarette and tells his parents about Xia Bingbing.

Xia Bingbing pondered a little and said, "it's OK to go to the capital, but I want to go to the company for a while. After disappearing for such a long time, it's time to visit you. Let's go to my mother's place for dinner later. Let's go to the capital again tomorrow morning, OK?"

"You are a daughter-in-law, you has the final say!" Zhao Chengfeng is in favor of this.

"Poor mouth

Xia Bingbing turned a big white eye, and his eyes were full of happiness. He could not help but tease, "I has the final say, then I will not provoke other women."

"Of course I have no problem, just..."

"Just what?"

Zhao Chengfeng touched his face, took a deep puff of his cigarette, and pretended to be deep: "I'm just afraid that other women will take a fancy to me. You know, I'm so handsome..."

"Brother Wu en..."

Chu cold smoke white eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"The literary theory of rolling!"


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