The capital, Zhao family.

"Mom and dad."

As soon as Xia Bingbing enters the gate of Zhao's family, the second elder is already waiting here, with Yuan Shanshan holding the child beside him. Fubo then asked the hotel staff to set the table. They got off the plane and arrived at Zhao's home in Beijing. It was already noon, just in time for the meal.

"That thing is called a plane? It's still pretty fast. " Qingqiu coldly follows behind Zhao Chengfeng and Xia Bingbing, still remembering the so-called "plane".

During his stay in the secular world these days, Qingqiu saw a lot of things, such as mobile phones, cars, airplanes and so on. At first, Qingqiu felt bored.

Mobile phones, in particular, are communication tools, but most people use them to play games and brush the circle of friends. It's basically useless. But cars and airplanes play a big role. They travel thousands of miles every day. In particular, the aircraft is faster and more comfortable to ride.

"Although there is no aura in the secular world, if we can bring some of them to Chiba world, it should be much easier for qinglianmen to be strong." Green hill thinks so, raise head again naturally swept a Zhao Fei long, take a few cent vigilance.

Because Zhao Feilong is the only guy Qingqiu saw in the secular world who can be called "master". Perhaps, he may not be able to defeat himself, but can bring a certain threat to himself.

"It's really strange that there is almost no aura in the secular world. How can such a powerful person appear?" There are more doubts in Qingqiu's heart.

"Ah, my good daughter-in-law, you have finally returned safely." Murong frost took Xia Bingbing's hand and looked up and down carefully, with tears rolling in her eyes.

Murong Shuang really loves her daughter-in-law. Regardless of the relationship between the two families, Xia Bingbing is definitely a qualified daughter-in-law. She respects her two elders and turns a blind eye to her son's troubles, which gives men enough face at home and abroad.

At the beginning, Xia Bingbing disappeared strangely. Murong frost even went back to the inner gate. Unfortunately, her family turned a blind eye to her. She had the cheek to ask for some news. For his mother's family, Murong Frost's mood is very complicated.

Murong frost miss his family, but they have no feelings for themselves, the only feeling is disgust, or hate.

"I'm sorry to worry you, mom and dad." Xia Bingbing was moved in her heart, and her nose trembled slightly, almost to tears.

At first, Xia Bingbing was resistant, even awkward, to entering the Zhao family. However, after entering the Zhao family, Xia Bingbing really felt the warmth of her family.

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? Come on, sit in the room. The food is ready. You must be tired all the way. Come on, sit down and eat. " Murong frost takes her daughter-in-law to a seat, but ignores her son Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say too much. Instead, he went to Yuan Shanshan's side and watched Siyuan sleep sweetly, with a rare smile on her face.

"I'm more and more like you. When I grow up, I'll be a beautiful woman!" Zhao Chengfeng holds Siyuan's little hand and embraces yuan Shanshan's waist. He is deeply moved.

A lot of times, Zhao Chengfeng is asking himself, why should he work so hard, why should he work so hard? Now I think I have the answer. For the sake of the country, for the sake of my family, for the sake of my relatives and friends, I can live a happy and safe life.

And that's what a man should have.

"Isn't that bullshit?"

Xia Bingbing also came over, took out a gold lock from her arms, gently hung it on Siyuan's neck, and said: "Siyuan must be better like Shanshan, and the people chasing her must be in line. If she is like you, I doubt whether Siyuan can find a boyfriend."


On hearing this, Yuan Shanshan immediately laughed. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng's face, she felt funny.

"Shanshan, don't you?" Xia Bingbing looks at Yuan Shanshan and wants to slap Zhao Chengfeng.

It's really strange, this man is not handsome, how can he find a more beautiful woman? Yuan Shanshan's figure may not be so good, and her face may not be the most beautiful, but she has an indescribable elegant temperament, which makes people appreciate her.

"Sister Bingbing, it's good that you can come back safely." Yuan Shanshan didn't take up the conversation. With a faint smile, she looked like a lotus flower in full bloom. She said, "I've packed the room. After dinner, you can have a good rest."


Xia Bingbing nodded, took out another bank card and said, "take this card, there are 20 million in it..."

"No, I can't take it." Yuan Shanshan shook her head.

"Take it."

Xia Bingbing thrusts herself into yuan Shanshan's arms. She looks at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "the gold lock is for children. The money is for you. It has two main meanings. First, we women should help each other. We can't count on men for everything; Secondly, since you have entered the Zhao family and called me elder sister, shouldn't you give her some pocket money? "

"I'll go. You can take the money. What are you doing with me? I don't care about you. " Zhao Chengfeng is a little speechless, but also admire Xia Bingbing's means.

Just 20 million is a piece of cake for Xia Bingbing today. After she came back from Chiba world, Xia Bingbing also looked down on money. However, Xia Bingbing understands yuan Shanshan's situation. Among all the women, Yuan Shanshan's condition is probably the worst. Although she has a job as a university teacher, she can't take care of her children now.

Although the Zhao family is rich, how can yuan Shanshan ask for money? Coupled with the construction of Huaishu village, Zhao Chengfeng gave a lot of money, and Yuan Shanshan was embarrassed to mention money again. But how can you give birth without spending money?

Xia Bingbing's move not only won the hearts of the people, but also established the authority of the Lord of the harem. It's not ordinary brilliant!

"You know, just say you." Xia Bingbing does not deny, "people have had children, do you think you accompany enough?"

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng smell speech full face embarrassed, looking back and guilt to Yuan Shanshan.

"It's OK. Chengfeng has too many things to do. Besides, am I not good?" Yuan Shanshan smiles to break through the siege and says to Xia Bingbing, "thank you, sister Bingbing."

Xia Bingbing waved a big hand, "one family does not say two words, OK, ready to eat."

With that, the whole family sat around and enjoyed themselves. If it had to be said that there was no expression on her face, it was Qingqiu, with a flat face, as if others owed her money.

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