"Damn, how dare you hit me?"

Zhao Chengfeng touched his brain and showed his teeth in pain. He cursed: "old man, believe it or not, I will not take care of you and leave your ashes to the sea when you die? No, I'll give you a celestial burial and let sparrows eat your meat. "


Zhao Feilong was so angry that he raised his hand to fight again, but this time he was dodged by Zhao Chengfeng.

"Ah, what evil did I do in my last life? How did I raise such a shriveled calf as you? I'm so angry with you!" Zhao Feilong was so depressed that he didn't want it.

"Che, do you regret it? And I regret it? "

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and snorted: "I don't know how filial my son is. Here, you can see how good it is to help you find your little wife. Don't worry. I'll buy you a villa in the future. I won't let my mother know!"

"Roll, roll!"

Zhao Feilong stares straight. He has an impulse to strangle Zhao Chengfeng. "Son of a bitch, I don't know what you are thinking about day by day? Can't you think of something useful? "

"Well, do you like it or not? Anyway, I'll find a way to deal with her myself. I always think she's weird." Zhao Chengfeng mumbled a word, suddenly a shout, "general!"

"Damn, when did your horse come here? Can you run straight Zhao Feilong's face turned green.

"It's a bloody BMW!"

"Roll the calf!"


After four or five days in Beijing, Zhao Chengfeng took Xia Bingbing to the Great Wall again. This time is different from winter. There are many tourists. Not only went to the Great Wall, Zhao Chengfeng almost took Xia Bingbing to the whole capital, during which he also took Xia Bingbing to see Chengkang.

Cheng Kang is a good bastard. He gets pregnant before he gets married, and his daughter-in-law will have another two months to give birth. Because of his excellent personal ability, Cheng Kang has been promoted to a higher level, and has a good life.

"Now that I'm done with nothing, I'll be with you." In the evening, the rest of the people almost had a rest. Zhao Chengfeng was still holding Xia Bingbing and sitting on the swing in the back garden.

Accompany, is the longest love confession!

"You can't just accompany me." Xia Bingbing's heart was as sweet as honey, but she said, "you are a big turnip with a flower heart. You have abducted so many good girls. Aren't you responsible? I'm glad you can accompany me, but you can't let them down, you know? "


Zhao Chengfeng nodded heavily, but hugged him more tightly.

"Well, I don't know what happened to Phil in omelet country? I've been out for more than ten days and haven't come back yet. " Xia Bingbing said suddenly.

After staying in Chiba world for a long time, Xia Bingbing missed her relatives except Zhao Chengfeng. His cousin he Yongfei is one of the most important.

I thought I could see it when I went back to the earth, but I didn't know it had been so many days?

"Phil is a big man."

Zhao Chengfeng said with emotion: "at the beginning, this girl is lively and active. She thinks about fun all day long. She also practices Taekwondo, which is a little girl who doesn't understand anything. But later, after you left, Phil became strong overnight and became a strong woman. Under her leadership, the company's performance is booming. "

After a long pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued, "today's perfume lily has become a fashion and quality Brand Company. Not only has it developed in underwear and perfume, but recently, Philippe has also got a Real Estate Company, which is very effective at present. Next, she has plans to work in the catering industry. This time, the main reason for going to the egg roll countries is to open underwear and perfume in the foreign market.

"Because the company has been in the United States twice before, it has not opened the market, and even caused some trouble. So this time, Phil plans to start from a small country. Although the omelette country is small, it has always been in the forefront of the trend. Maybe it's delayed to talk about some business. "

"Do you need to spell that?" Xia Bingbing suddenly sighed: "fei'er was originally a carefree girl. Under my influence, she became a strong woman. She may have got a lot of things, but she also lost her original innocence."

"Is that different from you then?" Zhao Chengfeng SA ran a smile, suddenly feel some funny, even some sad feeling.

Just like in life, in order to make money, many people have to work overtime and stay up late, and even have no time to eat. In the end, they earn money, but their bodies collapse, and then use the money they desperately earn to maintain their bodies. This is a great irony.

"At that time, didn't I want to prove my ability?" Xia Bingbing pouted, a little depressed.

"Forget it. It's getting late. Let's go back and have a rest." Zhao Chengfeng pulls the woman back to her room. Two days ago, the woman's great aunt came. Zhao Chengfeng always wants to be intimate, but he is afraid of running the red light. He can't hold back what he says tonight.

As time goes by, sometimes "day" is more effective as a verb.

"You go back to sleep. I have an appointment with Shanshan. I'll sleep with her tonight and practice how to take care of the children." Who knows, Xia Bingbing seems to be aware of something in general, a sly smile, into yuan Shanshan's room.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng depressed do not want, wind brother so many women, it is difficult to put their own happiness on the "left and right hand"? Recently, it's really not a coincidence that Jiangling is still talking about cooperation with Zheng Lingyan and an Bai on Hong Kong Island. Weidora and Xiaotian are running around. Now that she doesn't attend class, she just goes out to travel.

That's good. Zhao Chengfeng is a loner!

"Grandma, you'd better go to bed early." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head depressed and went into his bedroom.

The old house of the Zhao family is very big. It seems that he knows that Zhao Chengfeng is not easy. After discussing with Murong Shuang and his wife, Zhao Feilong renovated the backyard and made a lot of rooms. Otherwise, his daughter-in-law will have no place to live when they go home. That's not suitable.

"You can run monk, can you still run temple? Hum, sooner or later, I will let you give birth to my baby. " Zhao Chengfeng mumbled, the whole person went to bed, with the word "too" on all fours, closed his eyes, and soon, the even snoring came out.

Suddenly, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly opened his eyes, the whole person from the bed up, a door, in the dark, a white figure flashed by.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes twinkle with a trace of fierce color, just like the wind catching up. To Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, no matter how fast he improves his speed, he can't catch up with the shadow in front of him.

"Is this the way to the Great Wall?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and was full of doubts.

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