The Great Wall, the Great Wall again!

It was on the great wall that Xia Bingbing was taken away? It was also on the edge of the great wall that Zhao Chengfeng snatched Xuanyuan sword from the hand of spade nine!

The Great Wall, there are so many stories.


Before Zhao Chengfeng could think more, the figure in white settled down and turned his head slowly.

"It's you?"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly confused, really did not expect that the figure in white is not someone else, it is Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister Qingqiu, the woman who never looked good to herself!

"Yes, it's me. You're surprised, aren't you?" Green hill slowly open mouth, voice is very cold, cold let a person can't help shivering.

And Qingqiu's eyes make Zhao Chengfeng more uncomfortable, scorn and indifference, as if looking at an ant. Let Zhao Chengfeng resist in his heart. It's a great thing for Xia Bingbing to come back. But there's another green hill, which makes Zhao Chengfeng very unhappy.

"What can I do for you?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned and was puzzled.

This girl doesn't sleep in the middle of the night. Why do you print herself out? Endocrine disorders, or no men?

"You're not particularly stupid, but your talent is too poor. That's the strength of the middle and late stage of the magic martial arts realm. It's too weak." Looking at Zhao Chengfeng, Qingqiu shakes his head and looks disappointed.

Qingqiu really doesn't understand why she is so talented and indulgent. Why do she take a fancy to such a nerd? If he had not been himself that day, he would have died in the hands of Yanshan old man.

"I admit that you are very strong, but do I have anything to do with you?" Zhao Chengfeng is even more upset and paralyzed. Can't he say something else? Come out in the middle of the night to hit people, right? It's so unfair“ I admit that you saved me, and I thank you for that, but it can't be your capital to show off in front of me! "


Qingqiu snorted and said coldly, "I didn't bother to save you until I knew that my younger martial sister had found a man like you. I wish old Yanshan could slap you to death."


Zhao Cheng is so popular that she doesn't want it. She's his grandmother's. she's trying to trouble herself in the middle of the night, isn't she?

"You want me to die? Damn, is Lao Tzu that bad? " Zhao Chengfeng is not reconciled, touched his face, very depressed.

Brother Feng has made a lot of friends and got to know a lot of girls over the years. Everyone praises him very much. What's wrong with brother Feng?

"You're not bad, you're pretty bad!" Qingqiu nodded heavily. It was like a sharp knife stabbing into Zhao Chengfeng's heart. It hurt badly.


Zhao Chengfeng is depressed again.

"What do you want?" Asked green hill.

"If I couldn't beat you, I would have turned my back on you!"

Zhao Chengfeng scolded in his heart, but said: "it's nothing. Since I'm not worth mentioning in your eyes, you regret saving me. Now you kill me. Come on, kill me."

Zhao Chengfeng's hands spread out and her eyes closed. It's certain that Qingqiu doesn't dare to do it. If she really wants to kill herself, does she have to run so far?

"Do you think I don't want to kill you?"

Qingqiu turned his eyes and hummed coldly: "if it wasn't for the fear of my younger martial sister's sadness, I would have killed you long ago, and I would have suffered forever."

"Fuck your grandma!"

Smell speech, Zhao Cheng atmosphere to scold, "you too much enough, don't really think wind brother good bully me, I tell you, Lao Tzu strength is a little weak now, but does not mean that the future strength will not progress."


Green hill shook his head, words did not explain, but the expression has explained everything.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, his face turned red, and he was so depressed that he didn't want to.

"I'm standing here now. Can you kill me?" Qingqiu stands proud, with a touch of banter and ridicule in the corner of his delicate mouth.

Frankly speaking, Qingqiu is also a top beauty. Even in the secular world, she is also dressed in a white gown, just like a holy lily, standing tall without saying a word or laughing. There is a kind of natural temperament of a classical beauty in one stop.

But, this woman is too cold, even colder than Xia Bingbing! Such a woman will make a lot of men envy, but it can't arouse the desire of men.

It's like a man going whoring. The young lady took off her clothes and trousers, spread her legs and said carelessly, "hurry up, I'm ready."

What do you think? No taste, or, no half of the feelings, let you feel impotence, kidney deficiency. I can't lift my spirits at all.


Zhao Chengfeng clenched his fist and finally loosened it. He said coldly, "I'm not the one who avenged kindness. Although you despise me, you saved me eventually. Therefore, I won't fight against you, and I owe you my life! I will pay you back in the future

It's impossible for Zhao Chengfeng to attack Qingqiu. No matter what attitude Qingqiu has towards himself, it doesn't matter. After all, she was Xia Bingbing's elder martial sister when she saved her life.

"You give me back? Ha ha. " Green hill noncommittal smile, although did not say, but the expression has explained everything - this is a joke.

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't stand Qingqiu's attitude. He finally couldn't help it and said, "no, I don't understand. Why do you look down on me? I don't owe you anything. I didn't beg you to save me, did I? "

"Yes, you did save me, but I think you and I all know that even if you didn't save me at that time, Bingbing would save me. In the end, there might be a fierce battle, but at least she won't die."

"Why? You're too weak, that's it Qingqiu's attitude is arrogant, and direct, direct and depressing.

"Well, what can I do for you?"

Zhao Chengfeng is not a vegetarian and has no good way: "if you are on earth, can you practice to my level? In the end, you just have some natural advantages. If brother Feng stays in Chiba world all the time, it's OK to hang you! Hum

This, Zhao Chengfeng is quite confident! It's like driving an Audi and having to compare the speed with a person driving an Otto. Isn't that bullshit?

"You..." Qingqiu's face was slightly ugly. Although Zhao Chengfeng's words were ugly, they also explained some problems.

It's true that the aura on the earth is too thin, even one thousandth of the world of Chiba can't reach it. If this is the case, Zhao Chengfeng is not bad.

"Am I not right?" Zhao Chengfeng saw a woman frown, in the heart finally out of a bad breath.

His grandmother's, this feeling of being looked down upon by people is too unpleasant.

"Even if you are right, you are a weak man now." Qingqiu light said: "this is no one can change."

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