"What is it? Avoiding enemies? "

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, a face of disbelief, said: "you are so powerful, what enemies can you have? That's bullshit. "

"Do you think I'm lying?" Qingqiu rolled his eyes and said, "besides, in your secular world, I'm a top master. Even Bingbing's strength in Lingwu realm can be regarded as a master; Even in the inner door, it is not vulgar. But in Chiba world, our strength is really insignificant. There are powerful people all over the street! "

"What's more, Qinglian gate, where we are, is not a big sect in Chiba world. Now the old master has gone, and Qinglian gate is surrounded by powerful enemies. In desperation, I can only..."

"Wait, what is it?"

Zhao Chengfeng thought he had heard wrong and asked, "where's your master? Did you belch? What the hell are you doing? "

"What's the meaning of burp fart?" Qingqiu's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Dead, no breathing, hang up." Zhao Chengfeng explained a sentence, in the heart is very shocked.

Zhao Chengfeng, the old woman, also had a move. It can be said that she was not forced. With a wave of her hand, Zhao Chengfeng passed out. At that time, Zhao Chengfeng was already the peak strength of Lingwu realm.

But how could he die just like that? Is that Chiba world really cruel?

"Yes, master is dead." Green hill nodded, his face finally had a trace of expression, but it was sad expression.

"Cough, I'm sorry for your change."

Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat and said a word of relief. In the past, Zhao Chengfeng must sing a song "today is a good day", but since aunt Magu is Xia Bingbing's master, Zhao Chengfeng is not good to curse now.

What's more, what if Qingqiu really killed herself?

"No, isn't old lady Magu very powerful? How could you die? Your enemies are very strong? " Zhao Chengfeng suddenly felt that something was wrong and asked.

"Shifu was not killed by his enemy." It seems that thinking of the sad past, Qingqiu looks sad and sighs: "master's time is coming, and he can't break through, so he passes all his skills to the younger martial sister, so..."

"That's even more wrong."

Zhao Chengfeng was puzzled and said: "old lady Magu is so powerful that she has passed on all her life's skills to Bingbing. But how can Bingbing only have the strength in the middle of Lingwu realm now? It's obviously not in line

"Are you stupid?" Qingqiu glanced at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "Bingbing is a congenital spirit body, but after all, there is no foundation before that. If all the skills are lost to Bingbing, won't they burst and die?"


Zhao Chengfeng's old face was red, making an embarrassment. Just like a bottle, can it hold water from a pond? It's impossible!

"Well, that's not right. Didn't it mean to explode and die? How... "

"Shifu uses a special technique to wrap up the old Shifu's life-long skills, and then tears a small hole. The younger martial sister can slowly and safely absorb the old Shifu's skills. So we don't need a place full of spirit, we just need a quiet place. " Qingqiu explained: "she is really happy when you go sightseeing with her every day, but I have to remind you that she has an important responsibility."

"What responsibility?" Zhao Chengfeng's face was muddled, "didn't your master commit suicide? I don't need her to take revenge. "

"Strengthen the Qinglian gate. No, it's time to keep it." Green hill corrects a way, pretty face appears a touch of tragic and sad color.

Qinglianmen is Qingqiu's home. If qinglianmen is gone, doesn't it mean that all the homes are gone? Without home, you are a vagrant!

"This..." Zhao Chengfeng can't say anything.

Zhao Chengfeng also understands Qingqiu's mood. At the same time, he is more distressed for Xia Bingbing. He thought that after the woman came back this time, she would have nothing to worry about. How could he know that there are so many things hidden in the woman's heart?

"It's no problem to find a place to practice. I'll take you tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng thought and said, "however, I will have a good talk with Bingbing."

"As a man of younger martial sister, you have such strength. Are you ok now?" Green hill immediately another way, a knife ruthlessly stabbed in Zhao Chengfeng's chest.

"If I stay in Chiba world for ten years, are you my opponent? Hum Zhao Chengfeng snorted, no good airway: "OK, don't tell you, I'll go first."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and left. This time, Qingqiu didn't stop him. Instead, he looked at his back from a distance and felt thoughtful.

"Maybe what he said is right. If I'm in Chiba world, maybe I'm not his opponent, but now you really don't deserve younger martial sister..." murmured, and Qingqiu gradually disappeared into the night.


"Damn, I despise Lao Tzu. I'll fuck your grandmother!"

Zhao Chengfeng down the Great Wall, not in a hurry to go back, a person walking slowly in the street, holding a cigarette swearing, the mood is very depressed. After the depression, my heart became more and more heavy.

"Ah, I'm really selfish. I've been happy these days, and I haven't asked Bingbing about Chiba world. All the masters are dead. Ah..." Zhao Chengfeng secretly blames himself. At the same time, he is thinking about one thing. Can his strength be further improved?

On earth, Zhao Chengfeng has seen many strong people, but a large part of them are trampled by Zhao Chengfeng, such as Qin Yuzi, Chiba, Zhou zuochengzheng and Zhao Feitian. But there are two other people in Zhao Chengfeng's mind.

The first one is the old man in his family. Until now, Zhao Chengfeng can't understand it; There is also a manwang alik. Manwang has no strength, and he is not a strong ancient warrior. He is a brute force. With one eighth of the blood of the Titans, they dominated the whole African continent. Zhao Chengfeng didn't do anything to Alec, the king of the barbarians.

Is it better than him? He can slap you! Moreover, the defense is very strong, standing for you to fight, you may not be able to break his defense!

However, just when Zhao Chengfeng felt that he was very strong, a green hill suddenly appeared and said that his strength was too weak. Isn't that a blow? But Zhao Chengfeng is too embarrassed to refute.

It's true that Qingqiu's cultivation environment is better than Zhao Chengfeng's, but the reality is that Qingqiu can stab himself to death with a finger, which is the gap. The gap between heaven and earth!

"Damn it, I'll talk to the old man later." Zhao Chengfeng murmured. As soon as he threw his cigarette end, he strode home.

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