"Chengfeng, why are you so mysterious?"

As soon as she got up the next day, without breakfast, Xia Bingbing was taken out by Zhao Chengfeng and sat in the park pavilion. At this time, there were few tourists.

"Bingbing, how long will you keep it from me?" Zhao Chengfeng looks at a woman's beautiful face and suddenly feels that heaven is unfair to Xia Bingbing.

Xia Bingbing is a pregnant woman. She never saw her father from birth. She pushed the perfume lily company to the summit by her own hands, but she was kidnapped.

Magu didn't hurt her. She also gave her a lot of life cultivation that ordinary people wanted but couldn't get in their whole life. However, she also brought Xia Bingbing more responsibility.

Revive Qinglian gate!

Even elder martial sister Qingqiu, who is so powerful, is helpless. What can Xia Bingbing, a weak woman in the middle of Lingwu realm, do?

"I didn't hide it from you, I..." Xia Bingbing's expression is a little unnatural, and she seems to have realized something in her heart.

Time is extremely precious to Xia Bingbing and Qingqiu. These days, Xia Bingbing and Zhao Chengfeng have been touring the mountains and waters, and the eldest martial sister has said it several times secretly.

Xia Bingbing is also worried, but Xia Bingbing wants to accompany Zhao Chengfeng and his family and friends. So far, Xia Bingbing has never met his cousin he Yongfei.

Moreover, Xia Bingbing also wants to see other women of Zhao Chengfeng. At least to establish the authority of the Lord of the harem?

"Qingqiu has told me that your responsibility is too heavy." Zhao Chengfeng sighed: "Why are you so stupid? Why don't you tell me when you have so many worries? Although my strength is not up to your requirements, we can work hard. "

After thinking for a night, Zhao Chengfeng also made up his mind to practice hard because of his low strength. Although the aura on the earth is rare, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will certainly make progress. If you don't work hard, you won't make progress!

If you can't do it for one year, then it will be ten years. If you can't do it for ten years, then it will be twenty years! One day, I will be the best!

"She, she told you all about it?" Xia Bingbing looks flustered and angry.

Finally, the elder martial sister couldn't hold back!

"Well, I did."

Zhao Chengfeng nodded, stroked the woman's hair, said calmly and firmly: "Bingbing, I'm afraid my strength can't help you protect Qinglian gate and strengthen it, but I will work hard for it. After dinner, I will take you to a place where you can practice well. How are you


Xia Bingbing nodded slightly, looked up at the man and said softly, "Chengfeng, thank you..."

"Fool, do I do these things for you to thank me?" Zhao Chengfeng blocked the woman's mouth and said, "let's go home. Let's go home and say goodbye to our parents. Then I'll take you out!"

"Well." As soon as Xia Bingbing heard the word "farewell", she felt a lot reluctant.

Because there is no father since childhood, because quietly left, to another strange world, let Xia Bingbing very afraid to leave, even fear!

"Don't worry, I'll see you often." Feeling a woman's sadness, Zhao Chengfeng comforted.

After returning to Zhao's home in Beijing and having dinner, Xia Bingbing, on the pretext of being busy with work, takes his elder martial sister Qingqiu and leaves with Zhao Chengfeng.

"This is not going to the airport? Where are we going? " Xia Bingbing sat on the copilot, very curious.

Because Zhao Chengfeng's car went to the opposite direction of the airport and drove up the mountain. That's strange.

"Don't worry, the place I take you to will not disappoint you." Zhao Chengfeng light smile, the car stopped in front of a cliff.

"This place is quiet and suitable for cultivation, but isn't it too desolate?" Qingqiu gets out of the car and looks around. Xiumei frowns slightly. If Zhao Chengfeng is talking about this place, Qingqiu is disappointed.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't explain. He reaches for his hand and makes a strange handprint. A door appears out of thin air.

"The gate of space?"

When qingqiudun opened his eyes, he exclaimed: "well, how can this be the door of space? No, how can there be a door to space in the secular world? "

"Don't make a fuss. It's not the gate of space. Come in with me." Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and walks in with them.

"Captain. What are you doing here? "

"Captain, have you come to see us again?"

"Captain, if you come back this time, don't leave. We are still waiting for you to fight with us?"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng and the two enter the door, many acquaintances greet him with smiles. As for Xia Bingbing and Qingqiu, they are ignored by these guys.

The people in Unit 731 are all elite figures of the Chinese nation. If you take out any of them, they are all babies. In their hearts, there are only two beliefs: first, to protect the country and second, they have no feelings for beautiful women.

Moreover, as long as you have enough strength, are you afraid there are not enough beauties?

"Don't make trouble. I have something else to do. You should cultivate yourself first. I'll visit you later." Zhao Chengfeng sent people, but also quite distressed.

These guys are really addicted to being beaten. But in front of Qingqiu, Zhao Chengfeng is really embarrassed to say that he is a peerless master.

"Smelly boy, why are you here again?" When monk Yao saw Zhao Chengfeng from a distance, he couldn't help scolding him. He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. "I thought what Qingyi said was false, but I didn't expect that you really came."

"Don't look like that, elder medicine. I won't ask you to buy medicine."

Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose and said awkwardly, "elder medicine, let me introduce you first. This is Xia Bingbing, my wife. Bingbing, this is senior medicine

"Hello, senior medicine." Xia Bingbing nodded slightly, showing a smile of love.

"You don't look very good, but your wife is very beautiful." Monk Yao said with a smile: "you are so lucky..."

Smell speech, Xia Bingbing pretty face a red, very shy.

"Monk Yao, do you envy Chengfeng? Why don't you just go back to normal? " At this time, Qingyi came over, after a smile, but Qingyi's eyes fell on Qingqiu.

Qingyi can't feel the breath of Qingqiu. There's only one possibility. This woman is a super strong one!

"Good aunt Qingyi. Aunt Qingyi is more and more beautiful." Zhao Chengfeng said hello and flattered him.

"You son of a bitch, you are full of nonsense." Green clothes white Zhao Chengfeng one eye, but the eyebrows are full of smile, looked back at Xia Bingbing, "you are Bingbing, really is a talented woman."

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