"How's aunt Qingyi?" Xia Bingbing's face is a little more red. I'm really embarrassed to speak.


On one side of the green hill is Xiu Mei a Cu, in the heart cold hum a, really don't understand, these two people how to match, very obvious a flower inserted in cow dung, what eye!

However, Qingqiu can't express his dissatisfaction. Although he is not satisfied with Zhao Chengfeng, what can he do for his younger martial sister? What's more, the place Zhao Chengfeng is looking for is really good. Qingqiu is an expert. As soon as he enters it, he finds that the aura is extremely rich and much better than the outside world. Although he doesn't go to the inner gate and Chiba world, it's very rare.

"This is..." Qingyi's eyes fell on Qingqiu. Qingyi's accomplishments may not be as high as Qingqiu's, and even his real combat effectiveness may not be as good as Zhao Chengfeng's, but Qingyi is a man with rich experience. At a glance, he can see Qingqiu's hidden hostility to Zhao Chengfeng.

Is this boy, like his father, in a lot of romantic debt?

"Oh, that's it."

Zhao Chengfeng explained: "this is Bingbing's elder martial sister. Her name is Qingqiu. You don't have to worry about her. She is also here to accompany Bingbing to practice. At the same time, she will help guide the 731 army and help improve everyone's strength."

"I..." green hill smell speech suddenly feel wrong.

"You eat and live here for free. Shouldn't you help with something?" Zhao Chengfeng directly blocked up Qingqiu's words.

In fact, after coming down from the Great Wall last night, Zhao Chengfeng didn't rush back to Zhao's old house. Instead, he went directly to the 731 army, found Qingyi and talked about "borrowing".

However, Zhao Chengfeng also felt very sorry for Qingyi and 731 troops. At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng refused to join the 731 army at the invitation of the big leader, but it turns out that the 731 army has brought great help to Zhao Chengfeng. But because of Zhao Chengfeng, the 731 army suffered a severe blow. Qin Yuzi, together with Chiba Zhou zuochengzheng and Chen Yidao, almost destroyed 731!

For the 731 army, Zhao Chengfeng felt guilty and wanted to stay and make some contribution. But what made Zhao Chengfeng helpless was that he had too many things to stop and lacked skills.

Now, because of Xia Bingbing, let the girl Qingqiu guide us in our cultivation, and we will get twice the result with half the effort. Although Qingqiu has a bad temper, his cultivation is really good. Zhao Chengfeng can't accept this.

"Elder martial sister, if you are idle, you can help me." Xia Bingbing also guessed Zhao Chengfeng's intention and quickly followed him.

Xia Bingbing knows her elder martial sister very well. In Qingqiu's eyes, besides the master, he listens to Xia Bingbing, because the master said before he died that the future leader of Qinglian sect is Xia Bingbing.

"All right." Qingqiu nodded and looked back at Zhao Chengfeng. There was a feeling of being calculated.

Zhao Chengfeng pretended to see nothing, followed Qingyi and others into the room, and soon someone brought tea.

"Chengfeng, you leave Bingbing here. What about you? Won't you stay? " Qingyi asked with a smile. Looking at Zhao Chengfeng in front of her, she seemed to see a man she had loved for decades.

Maybe we can't be together in this life, but it's also a good thing to be able to look at his descendants.

"I also want to stay, but my identity, you know..." Zhao Chengfeng didn't finish, just shrugged with a bitter smile.

"You're really under too much pressure, I understand."

Green clothes slightly nodded, and then said: "since Bingbing wants to live here, then live in my house, I'll go to clean it up."

"Aunt Qingyi, isn't that good?" Xia Bingbing was embarrassed when she heard this.

How embarrassing it is to occupy all the places where people live?

"What's wrong? Let you live, or I'll be in a hurry with you. " Qingyi said with a straight face, but before she finished, Qingyi laughed first, "it's all a family. It's OK."

Then he patted Xia Bingbing on the shoulder and led the medicine monk out. He asked the medicine monk to arrange some delicious food in the kitchen. At noon, everyone got together.

"This..." Xia Bingbing is still a little flattered. Is she too enthusiastic about herself?

Not to mention Xia Bingbing's accident, even Qingqiu has some accidents. At a glance, Qingqiu can see that 731 is not an ordinary place, and the characters in it must be very powerful. It's not surprising that both Qingyi and the medicine monk are the peak strength of the later stage of the magic martial arts realm. They are only one step away from breaking through to the Xuanwu realm. The Xuanwu realm has been a very powerful existence in the secular world.

But are the people here too polite to Zhao Chengfeng? Who the hell is this guy?

"It's OK, aunt Qingyi won't say it? You can live in peace with yourself and let me know what you need. " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't care about waving his hand. After all, 731 secret place is his own family, which is also equal to Xia Bingbing's family. Besides, isn't there a relationship between the old and the dead?


Xia Bingbing gave the latter a white look and muttered: "I met aunt Qingyi for the first time. It's not good..."

"Cough, you may not know." Zhao Chengfeng cleared his throat, lowered his voice and said, "aunt Qingyi used to like the old people in her family very much, so..."

"Oh, I see!"

On hearing this, Xia Bingbing suddenly realized, and immediately secretly laughed, lowered her voice and said with a smile: "I don't know. My father was very romantic when he was young."

"That's my hero." Zhao Chengfeng has a pretty face.

"I Pooh!"

Xia Bingbing said with a smile: "you're fat, you're still breathing. Where can you be better yourself?"

"..." Zhao Chengfeng laughed awkwardly and stopped talking.


Xia Bingbing didn't let go of Zhao Chengfeng's plan. She snorted and continued: "I can tell you that although you are closed here, you'd better be honest with me outside. Otherwise, I'll see how to deal with you when I go out, hum!"

Xia Bingbing is waving a little pink fist, with a hate expression on her face. She doesn't look stern, but more lovely and playful.

"Is that what I am?" Zhao Chengfeng touched his nose, feeling guilty.


Xia Bingbing nodded solemnly.

"Well, I'll restrain myself and try to report to you once a month, OK?" Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. In fact, he is very depressed.

Xia Bingbing is closing the door and moving forward. How can Zhao Chengfeng fall behind? It's not to be angry with his daughter-in-law, but to help Xia Bingbing fulfill her wish to strengthen qinglianmen as soon as possible. Let Qingqiu see that brother Feng is not a waste!

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