After settling in Xia Bingbing, Zhao Chengfeng leaves 731 secret place without lunch. Zhao doesn't like the scene of parting. Although Zhao is a man, he is also sad.

When Xia Bingbing returns, Zhao Chengfeng immediately puts down all the burden in his heart, thinking that he can finally have a good breath, completely let go of his body and mind, and have a good rest.

However, Xia Bingbing's return also brought Zhao Chengfeng greater pressure Chiba world. A world that is more powerful than the inner gate. A green hill can stab its own world with a finger.

"You've all done this. How can brother Feng not do it?" With a sigh, Zhao Chengfeng drives back to the old house of Zhao family in Beijing.

When we arrived at Zhao's house, the family had already had lunch. The weather was fine. Murong frost and Yuan Shanshan took Siyuan to the park to bask in the sun. The doctor said that the children were basking in the solar energy to supplement calcium, while there was only one Fubo who was cleaning up the sundries and Zhao Feilong who was sitting in the back garden reading and basking in the sun.

Zhao Feilong leaned on the rattan chair, holding a book in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He didn't lift his head, but said faintly, "are you back so soon? Is everything done? "

"Well, it's all done." Zhao Chengfeng is not in a high mood. It's rare that he didn't fight with Zhao Feilong.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng came in, he must have roared: "the old man is immortal!"

"What are you doing when you're done? For whom? " Zhao Feilong put the book on the table, and on the cover was written three words: "the book of mountains and seas", "it's like I owe you two million, as for?"

Zhao Chengfeng didn't say a word. He just picked up the cigarette on the table, lit it skillfully and took two puffs. The smoke came out of his mouth and nostrils. In a twinkling of an eye, he took more than half of a cigarette.

"I want to improve my strength. Do you have any other way?" Zhao Chengfeng finally spoke.


Smell speech, Zhao Feilong brow a twist, is very accidental way: "you are not stimulated by what?"? Is Qingqiu hard for you? "

Zhao Feilong is not stupid. He immediately thinks of Qingqiu. So far, only Qingqiu can bring some pressure to his son. The last time my son told me that he wanted to improve his own strength, it was time to break the sky.

When I heard my son say that again, I must have encountered some trouble!

"She didn't embarrass me." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said with a gloomy face: "I just want to be stronger. Only when I become stronger can I do what I want to do. Only by becoming stronger can I be unscrupulous! "

Whoever has a hard fist is the master! Before meeting Qingqiu, Zhao Chengfeng felt that he was still very strong. Even with his current strength, he was not afraid to break through the inner door. But the appearance of Qingqiu seemed to pour cold water on Zhao Chengfeng!

——You don't deserve it. You're too weak!

So a few words, just like with a steel knife in Zhao Chengfeng heart nest on a blood hole, and then mercilessly stirred two. This is the reality! Although Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say it, the feeling of heartache is too clear.

Zhao Chengfeng must become stronger and have enough strength to be able to roam in the inner gate and go to Chiba world to help Xia Bingbing.

"It's good that you have this awareness. But... "Zhao Feilong is very happy, but also very helpless, Qiao Fu can't make bricks without rice. Zhao Feilong has no good way to improve his strength.

"But what? You can't help it? "

Zhao Chengfeng frowned and had a bad feeling in his heart. If even Zhao Feilong can't help it, it's estimated that few people on the earth can. No matter how much Zhao Chengfeng looks down on Zhao Feilong, in fact, Zhao Chengfeng admires the immortal old man!

Because Zhao Chengfeng once heard talks among several leaders, the reason why the overall situation of China is stable and there is no disease or disaster is largely due to Zhao Feilong, because he is the patron saint of China. One man can resist 100000 soldiers!

What's the concept? One hundred thousand soldiers can level the state of Nanyue, even if they want to win the Japanese! It's just that Huaxia is peace loving. In other words, today's Huaxia doesn't want to see the same thing as other small countries. If you want to toss, toss it. When your Huaxia grandfather is not happy, slap you to death.

"I really don't have a good idea."

Zhao Feilong took a deep breath, lit up a cigarette, took a big puff, and said in a deep voice: "cultivation is a process of thick accumulation and thin development. I don't worry about your foundation. I've been fighting in the battlefield these years, and I've already laid a solid foundation for you. But you must have found that it's very difficult to absorb energy in the later period of the ancient martial arts realm, Now that you have reached the middle and late stage of magic martial arts, it's even more difficult to accumulate energy. Even if it's Tianzhu, it's not very effective for you. Moreover, there are not many Tianzhu on the earth at all. "

"So there's no way?" Zhao Chengfeng frowned, and his face became more and more ugly.


Zhao Feilong nodded and said, "if you find this person, you may be able to break through."

"Who?" Zhao Chengfeng immediately became interested.

"Zhao Feitian!"


Zhao Chengfeng's brows are tightened. He hates Zhao Feitian. How can he go to him? Besides, even if Zhao Feitian is tortured, I'm afraid he won't help himself.

It's true that it's not difficult for Zhao Chengfeng to fight back or even defeat Zhao Feitian, but it's even more difficult to capture Zhao Feitian alive. After all, the experts at Zhao Feitian's level can't be killed if you want to. At Zhao Feitian's age and level, what kind of big waves have you never seen?


Zhao Feilong nodded and continued: "although he did a lot of wrong things and died ten times, it's not enough to atone for them. However, he has his advantages and ambition, so he tried to cultivate the Shanzhai version of Tianzhu and put forward the energy. If you can absorb the energy, your strength will be further promising."

"That makes sense, but where can I find him?" Zhao Chengfeng wry smile shook his head, "and, he will certainly not help me, I and he are enemies, he did not me, I did not him."

Smell speech, Zhao Feilong heart a pain, open mouth, to the mouth of words to swallow back.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself." Zhao Chengfeng was a little upset. He waved his hand and was ready to leave. After two steps, he suddenly turned around and asked, "by the way, do you have any news from my master? I want to meet Shifu. "

Zhao Feilong shook his head and said, "Chen Banxian is a dragon. God knows where he is. If you want to find your master, it depends on your life."

"When I didn't ask."

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